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241603.31 Plot Log: CO, XO, Chelm, CSec/Tac, various NPCs

Posted on Fri Apr 1st, 2016 @ 4:18am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

744 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Alistar took in the sights and sounds of the bridge as he exited the turbo lift and made his way to his command chair. It had been a while since he had enjoyed being on the bridge, mostly because of the ton of paperwork and other stuff he had been dealing with. Now, the Endeavour was launching on a mission and getting away from the insanity of being at port. "Helm, set course for the Y'Vara sector, warp 9, stand by to break parking orbit on my command," Alistar said as he sat down.

Elanawen nodded mostly to herself as she slid her chair to the proper section of the helm console. Part of the enjoyment of being the helmsman on an Intrepid class star ship was the extra functions of the helm console itself. If she wanted, she could arrange different preset settings into the different sections of the console for different situations. The helm also doubled as a backup for operations and science and to a lesser extent tactical. As she slid to the mid section, her favorite, she entered the commands and nodded as she entered the final set of commands.

"Course to the Y'Vara sector entered at warp nine entered and awaiting your command. Station flight ops has cleared us for outbound traffic lane one zero five, speed one quarters impulse until we've cleared the gravity well. Ready to engage on your command," Elanawen said.

Isabella had been talking quietly with the science officer on duty when the captain had arrived. There wasn't much to the conversation since it had been a simple 'Hello' type conversation. She had learned that almost everyone seemed pleased with Lieutenant Niatra's promotion to chief science and the changes she had been making with her department. With the imminent departure, however, Isabella had moved to her own seat and sat down. She had to silently admit that she was as pleased to be underway as Commander McKeon seemed to be. As he dealt with passing orders on to helm, she turned towards Lieutenant Sato and the operations officer on duty. "Please prepare for immediate departure," she ordered.

Akira hummed softly as she brought the required tactical systems for standard flight mode on line. There wasn't much need for shields, since the Endeavour was equipped with deflector screens and they weren't expecting a battle any time soon. The same could be said for phasers, but like the shields she placed both on standby and double checked the deflector screen readings.

"Security and Tactical are ready for departure," she reported.

"All operations systems are Online and standing by. All departments report that they are all ready for departure," the operations officer reported.

"Captain, the ship is ready for departure," Isabella said as she turned her attention towards Commander McKeon.

"Good. Helm, break orbit and take us out, one third impulse," Alistar ordered.

"Sir? Flight ops has ordered us to remain at one quarter impulse," Elanawen said quietly, very aware that the bridge had just become extremely quiet.

Alistar smiled as he leaned back in his chair. "One third impulse, take us out," he repeated.

"Aye sir," Elanawen said with a moment of hesitation. She reset the sub light speed and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling as she tapped the engage button. The Endeavour slid from her parking orbit and raced along her outbound flight path towards the designated warp point.

"Sir, you know that someone is bound to file a complaint," Isabella said, giving her captain a tiny hint of a smile. While she didn't always approve of breaking the rules, she had to admit that sometimes it did feel good to dance along the line and bend them just slightly.

"They'll get over it," Alistar said with a smile as his light exploration cruiser easily slid past the other ships in the outbound traffic lane. Valenar was good, she had plotted a course that even at the accelerated speed would allow for the Endeavour's maneuvering. "Helm, once we clear the traffic, put us into warp," he ordered

"Yes sir," Elanawen said as she watched the readouts. "Warp speed in five seconds," she called out after another minute.

Alistar leaned back in his seat as the Endeavour banked out of the outbound traffic lane and altered her course just slightly. After a moment's pause, the warp nacelle pylons folded as the ship prepared for warp. When ready, the Endeavour leapt forward into warp towards her next destination.


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