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241604.04 Joint Log: CO, XO, CSecTac, CEO, CSci, NPCS

Posted on Tue Apr 5th, 2016 @ 5:44am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Ensign Elanawen Valenar & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan

1,428 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

The briefing room seemed a strange place to Alistar as he entered it. Of all the time since the ship had launched, there had been very few briefings held with the entire senior staff in one place. He intended to change that. He was still early, so he simply sat down in the captain's seat and waited.

Isabella had decided to personally see to it that Lieutenant Abigail Eidan was present for the senior officer briefing. The young lieutenant had done an outstanding job in medical since Isabella had been promoted to serve as the Endeavour's first officer, and like many others on the Endeavour Isabella was determined to see that Abigail received what she deserved. Isabella had been more than unhappy with how Lieutenant Landon had handled the medical department during his time as chief medical officer, and the attitude he had given the entire command staff shortly before his transfer off of the Endeavour had ensured that he would never again step foot on any ship Isabella serve on if she had any say so. Abigail had stepped up, both during and after Landon's tenure, and kept the medical department running along, and she had more than deserved her promotion to permanent chief medical officer. Isabella knew that they would be early, but she wasn't surprised to see Commander McKeon already waiting on them as they arrived. Isabella offered the captain a smile as she and Abigail sat down.

Being a workaholic and in charge of technically two departments, Akira was surprised she didn't forget about the briefing altogether. When she did remember, she panicked and ran from her office to the briefing room, pausing in the door way to catch her breath as she noticed that she wasn't late. Since she had already arrived, Akira shrugged and sat down.

Isabella hid a smile as Lieutenant Sato rushed into the briefing room. She guessed that the Japanese officer had thought herself to be late and had rushed from where ever she had been to the briefing room. "Did you think you were late, or were you just trying to find an excuse to get some extra exercise in?" Isabella teased with a smile.

"Half the clocks on this ship are twenty minutes ahead and no one bothered to give me a reminder until two minutes ago. Naturally I panicked," Akira said as she slowed her breathing.

Fe'cia padded into the briefing room and offered a friendly Caitian smile to everyone in the room. Sitting down, she curled her tail around the table leg next to her chair and waited.

Elanawen had been sitting on the bridge manning the helm when the reminder for the meeting popped up. Nodding to the relief officer to take over, she stood and headed over to the door leading into the briefing room. Seeing several officers already present, Elanawen sat down in the nearest chair, feeling a little out of place.

The Vulcan officer who had been sitting at ops watched Elanawen enter the briefing room and checking the time, he stood and followed her. Finding a suitable chair, he sat down and waited.

Jera was the last person to arrive. It was a simple fact, engineering was the furthest away from the briefing room and she had been overseeing several projects at once, leaving her little time to arrive early or even on time. Once she did arrive, she was surprised to see that the briefing room was not only being used, it was full. She took her seat in the only empty chair and leaned back.

"Now that we're all here, there are a few introductions to make. Lieutenant T'lon is here as our new chief ops, Lieutenant Eidan is once again chief medical, Lieutenant Valenar has been promoted to chief helm and Lieutenant Niatra is our new chief science officer. Now that that's out of the way," Alistar said as he tapped a control on the table. A hologram of the Y'Vara sector appeared above the table. "The Varn and the Krivaldi are both inhabitants of the Y'Vara system, and now that the Breen aren't keeping them in chains they've begun to fight each other for dominance. The Krivaldi are the likely winners of any military action, and they've already announced their intentions to wipe out the entire Varn race. Both sides have requested mediation from the Federation, so we'll be heading to the Y'Vara sector. We will meet us the representatives from both sides her this system," Alistar indicated a system on the edge of the small sector. "And try to negotiate a truce between the two sides. This should be an easy diplomatic mission, but Commander Silvisi and I both have our doubts. So, naturally I want tactical and security to be on your toes. Maintain yellow alert until the XO or I order otherwise. Ops, science, I want full sensor sweeps at all times. Analyze everything the sensors pick up. Medical, we don't have much to go on as for what either species is like, but be prepared for any medical response call. Helm, I'll need you to be prepared for evasive maneuvers at a seconds notice. And engineering, try to make sure we have full power at all times. I don't want to get involved in another firefight, and our orders are to defuse the situation or avoid it. If someone starts shooting, I want to be able to run away. Any questions?"

"What are their tactical capabilities?" Akira asked.

"Unknown for the Varn. The Krivaldi use a mixture of high powered phasers that have an extremely short range and projectile weaponry. In close quarters combat they use projectiles and knives. Or claws," Alistar answered.

Jera nodded as she listened. "I'll keep all primary fusion reactors online and the warp drive powered up just in case."

"Keep the backup reactors on standby as well. Just in case," Alistar said.

Fe'cia was notably a little concerned. She knew that conflict was a natural part of the universe, but she felt that the Endeavour shouldn't be the ship involved in this type of mission. She kept quiet, since she was sure that her protests had already been voiced or thought.

"There is one more thing," Alistar said. "The reps will be coming on board by docking their ships to the Endeavour. We'll use the primary docking ports on deck eight, so we'll need a full honor guard and escorts to be ready. Just in case they want a tour, let's make sure we have a few extra hands available in case they want to ask direct questions."

Isabella nodded at the last part. She was certain that one of the species representatives would want a tour and to ask very pointed questions. Silently, she wished that the Endeavour had a diplomatic officer on board. Such a person would be a tremendous help in situations such as this. In fact, she was more than a little surprised that the Endeavour didn’t already have a diplomatic officer. Most front line exploration ships had one assigned now, but that was something that she couldn't answer now.

"I'll get with my security officers and make sure we have guards posted at critical areas of the ship. I'd like permission to arm them with phaser rifles as well as hand phasers," Akira said.

"That's overkill, isn't it?" Jera asked with a skeptical expression.

"It's a show of force more than anything. But I want to make sure that we make a strong impression. If we display strength, maybe both sides will see that and respect our mediation more," Akira argued politely.

"Lieutenant Sato does have a point," Isabella said with a nod. "Both species were conquered by the Breen and the Krivaldi have already displayed their hostile intentions towards other species. If we show them that we have the strength to at least match theirs, maybe our stand in the negotiations will be a little easier."

"That is a logical conclusion," T'lon said as he finally spoke. "Both species were enslaved by the Breen during the Dominion War, and only with the assistance of the Klingon and Romulan Empires was the Federation able to defeat the Dominion. A show of force would indicate that the strength of the Federation has not diminished."

"Agreed," Alistar said, nodding his agreement. "Issue the rifles, set phasers to heavy stun only. Are there any other questions?"

When no one spoke, Alistar nodded and leaned forward in his chair. "Alright. Brief your departments. We have a week before we arrive, so let's get ready. Dismissed."


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