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StarDate 241604.10 Joint Log: Chief Helm, Chief Engineer, Engineering Officer

Posted on Mon Apr 11th, 2016 @ 12:22am by Ensign Elanawen Valenar & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

788 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Elanawen was surprised that she had never visited engineering before. Most cadets were often shuffled from one department to another during their first few weeks on board a ship so they could learn the basics in every department, but Elanawen had only been in science, operations and now helm. It was also odd, since she recognized a few non commissioned officers who had been grouchy with her before. Now that she was a lieutenant and a department head, their attitude seemed totally different. Looking around, Elanawen spotted the chief engineer and walked over.

"Lieutenant Ros, I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help out in engineering for a few hours," Elanawen said.

Jera was standing at one of the monitoring stations watching the readouts when the purple haired helm officer she recognized from the Carolina team and the earlier briefing approached her. Sipping her coffee as she eyed the very young officer, Jera shrugged. "Helm officers don't usually care too much to get their hands dirty with engine work," she finally quoted with a fake accent that made her shake her head when she heard it. "I'm sorry, that sounded funnier when my instructor at the academy said it to me."

"Let me guess, he was from Texas?" Elanawen asked with a grin.

"I'm not sure where Professor Williams was from," Jera said with a frown.

Kev had been walking his rounds when he passed by Ros and some purple haired chick wearing a field commission rank bar displaying one gold line and one black line. The rank designated the young woman as a lieutenant JG, the same rank as him, but she was wearing red instead of gold. Odd. He also heard part of the conversation and almost laughed at Ros's imitation of the engineering instructor from the Academy. "Williams was from Arkansas," he said as he paused for a moment to loom at the purple haired girl. To his surprise, it was Valenar, who had been on the Carolina mission with him. "Oh hey! I didn't recognize you at first. Must be the new assignment you got," he said.

"Lieutenant Walker, if I'm not mistaken?" Elanawen asked with a slight frown. He did seem familiar, but she had met just about every person on the Endeavour during her time on board. It finally came to her. He had been on the Carolina with her and Lieutenant Ros.

"Congratulations to you for making lieutenant as well," she said after a moment.

"Thank, same to you," Kev said. Nodding towards Ros, he continued. "I hope this grouch here isn't making you do any extra work today, because the captain gave everyone a list to check twice."

"Actually, she volunteered to work with us," Jera said. "Which tells me who will make full lieutenant first. And yes, Miss Valenar, I do have something for you to help with. Walker here was just about to go check the configuration settings on the impulse drives."

"Oh, you heartless evil woman, I thought you didn't care about my technical degree in sub light drive systems," Kev said.

"I don't," Jera said quickly. "But I do want the impulse drives checked by someone who knows what they're doing. Besides, our young lieutenant here needs to know her engine settings so she doesn't overwork them like the last two idiots we've had at the helm."

"That's actually why I requested permission to work with engineering today," Elanawen said. She hid a smile at the banter between the two engineers. It wasn't often that two officers worked together for so long that they became close, but she suspected that Walker and Ros had wither served together before or had become close during their time on the Endeavour.

"Well, if I'm working on the drives and you want to help, I certainly won't complain," Kev said. "Let me grab my tools and I'll meet you at the engineering access hatch on deck eight. We'll start with the injectors and work our way from there."

"Sounds great. I'll meet you there," Elanawen said with a smile before she started towards the door.

Jera rolled her eyes and shook her head as Walker and Valenar walked out of engineering. It wasn't off for a helm officer to ask to help work on the engine systems, in fact the good ones insisted on it. The very fact that Valenar had asked to help engineering with the engines made Jera smile. Maybe the Endeavour had a helm officer worth something after all. As long as Valenar didn't wrap the ship around a planet, then she would do an outstanding job. Taking another sip of her coffee, Jera shrugged and turned back to watching the system monitors.


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