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StarDate 241604.16 Joint Log: Chief Security/Tactical, Commanding Officer

Posted on Sun Apr 17th, 2016 @ 6:08am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato

954 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Akira had to admit the security debriefing room was perhaps one of the best features that she liked on board the Endeavour. On other ships she had served on, the briefings were held in small cramped rooms or in offices. The briefing rooms on the Endeavour had been designed for multipurpose use. Even though security had primary use of the briefing room, other departments could utilize it as well. It also had a full display screen with full tactical analysis abilities as well, which was the true feature Akira loved. The ability to look at the full technical schematics of a ship in any level of detail she wanted was a dream come true. She had scheduled a meeting with the captain so they could go over the details of the Varn and Krivaldi ships, but Akira was early. So to pass the time she brought up an image of the surrounding region that the ship was flying through and reclined in one of the front row seats.

Alistar eyed the time as he walked down the corridor. He had to admit that the longer he was in command of the Endeavour the more he loved his ship. The Intrepid class ships had been designed to be flexible, durable and tough. The Voyager had been tribute enough for that. The Endeavour had been designed to take full advantage of what the Intrepid class already offered. The design team had taken full advantage of the ship design and actually improved on the existing design. That was one reason why the security briefing room was separated from the main security office. The room could technically be utilized by any department. As he walked into the room, he noticed the image on the screen. "You know, if you want to look at the surrounding space around the ship you could always visit astrometrics," he said as he stopped beside the short lieutenant.

Akira shrugged as she watched the image for a few moments longer. It was a moment filled with peace and she didn't want to interrupt it just yet. The moment passed quickly enough and she got to business.

"The Varn ships won't be a problem for us to deal with," Akira said as she activated the controls on the view screen. A Varn ship appeared.

"It looks like an egg," Alistar observed.

"And they're about as fragile. They're heavily armed with phaser emitters, giving them full three hundred sixty degree coverage, but they have minimal shields and very short range. They're also extremely fragile hull designs. I estimate that three solid hits from the phasers will eliminate each ship," Akira said.

"And the Krivaldi?" Alistar asked, knowing he wouldn't like the answer.

"The Krivaldi ships seem to follow the Gorn philosophy: Simple, sturdy, durable design. They're like bricks that have been whittled on," Akira answered as she tapped the controls again. Another ship appeared this one much different.

"So the Varn ships can be easily eliminated, the Krivaldi might be able to take a few more hits," Alistar said as he studied the design. "Anything else?"

"Both sides have simple technology levels. They have powerful phasers but those have very limited range, minimal shields, zero maneuverability, and very low speeds, in both sub light and faster than light," Akira reported.

"So, just like a pack of piranhas. Don't get too close or they'll give you a bad day," Alistar said. "Can your security teams restrain them if things get physical on board?"

"The Varn won't be a problem. The Krivaldi might. They're stronger, and they've been bred to fight. I'm more worried about their choice of weaponry. Fast moving projectiles in an enclosed space are never a good situation," Akira said.

"Your people will just have to shoot fast if it comes to it," Alistar said.

"I'm more worried about whether or not they'll try to set up a low powered energy dampening field to disable our phasers," Akira said.

Alistar blinked but then slowly nodded. "They did serve the Breen during the War, so they may have access to that tech. And it would explain why they don't use energy based small arms. If they set up such a field, then they still have weapons and their enemies are disarmed and unable to put up much resistance. Not a bad idea," he said.

"Considering that the majority of modern civilizations used energy based tech for their small arms, it's great for them, and bad for us," Akira said.

"How long will it take to produce enough projectile based small arms for security and get them trained?" Alistar asked.

"I can get started on researching such weapons and getting my teams trained to use them immediately, but I'll have to get with engineering on the manufacturing. It could take some time," Akira replied.

"Get started on training your personnel right away. I'll get with engineering and ops. We have a week, so that doesn't give us much time," Alistar said.

"I'll need the holodeck for training. It's the best place for training," Akira said.

"I think I know of a program that can help. Give me an hour. Use that time to look up what weapons we need to produce," Alistar ordered.

"Yes Sir," Akira said. Giving her commanding officer a stiff professional nod, she turned and started towards the door.

Alistar sighed as he stared at the display screen for a few minutes. He had serious reservations about this mission. Like Silvisi, he doubted that there was a peaceful end to this particular diplomatic mission. But, all he could do now was take every precaution he could and prepare as best he could. Ordering the view screen off, he turned and started towards engineering.


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