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SD 241604.17 Joint Log: Executive Officer, Chief Helm NPC

Posted on Mon Apr 18th, 2016 @ 1:29am by Ensign Elanawen Valenar & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

649 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Elanawen sighed as she left astrometrics. She had gone over everything there was in regards to the solar system the Endeavour was heading to, but there was limited information available. It was at the edge of the sector, as close to neutral space as one could get with the Krivaldi and the Varn. Still, like everyone else, Elanawen had a bad feeling about this mission. There wasn't much that she could do, but she couldn't help but feel that she needed to talk to someone. Deciding that the first officer would be the best person to talk to, Elanawen asked the computer for the location of Commander Dei`Silvisi and headed in that direction.

Isabella tried not to look worried or bored as she sat at the bar in the mess hall and nursed her drink. The yeoman assigned to work the lounge this evening had already collected her empty plate and set it back into the recycling system, but the bottle of wine was being consumed at a much slower pace. Isabella rarely ate or drank outside of her quarters, but the lounge was for the entire crew and she had to admit that it would most likely help if the command officers were seen enjoying it as well as the rest of the crew. There were also times where Isabella simply didn't want to sit in her quarters alone. Today was one of those days. She took a sip of her wine as someone sat down next to her. Turning, Isabella was a little surprised to see Lieutenant Valenar sitting there. "Good evening, Lieutenant. May I ask what brings you here?" Isabella asked with a friendly smile.

"Well, I was looking for you," Elanawen answered before she ordered a glass of sweet tea. Turning back to the executive officer, she gave a shy smile before she continued.

"I was wondering if I could speak to you about our mission," Elanawen said.

"I take it you have a bad feeling about this mission as well?" Isabella asked, not surprised in any way. The majority of the crew who knew what the Endeavour's mission was had already stated similar opinions, and Valenar was extremely bright and intelligent for her age.

"You could say that. I just don't feel comfortable about the situation," Elanawen said.

"You're not the only one. In fact, I believe Commander McKeon is currently trying to figure out ways to add additional security measures in order to provide more protection to the crew," Isabella said, trying to keep her tone in an understanding tone. It was difficult, simply because she wanted to outwardly tell the helm officer that there was a high chance of the diplomatic mission turning into a fight for their very survival.

"Well, I wanted to voice my concerns. I don't think this is going to be a simple diplomatic mission," Elanawen said. She could tell that the executive officer was holding back, but she didn't want to pry.

"I understand. And I will tell you that your opinion is shared by everyone else on this ship who has been briefed on the mission, including myself and the captain," Isabella said.

Elanawen nodded thoughtfully at that. For everyone else on the ship to agree separately on such a matter, it meant that they were most likely preparing for the worse possible outcome. It also meant that her worrying other officers about how she felt was meaningless, since precautions were already being made.

"I understand. I'm sorry to bother you, Commander," Elanawen said.

"It's no problem at all, Miss Valenar," Isabella said with a smile. "That's why I'm here. If you have a concern about anything, please feel free to talk to me about it."

"I will. Thank you, Commander," Elanawen said as she stood. Giving the first officer a thankful nod, she turned and headed out of the lounge and towards her quarters.


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