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241604.21 Joint Log: CO, CSECTAC, CEO, COPS NPC

Posted on Fri Apr 22nd, 2016 @ 5:53am by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant T'lon

794 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Alistar walked into engineering with Lieutenant Sato and Lieutenant T'lon in tow and a grim expression on his face. He had to admit that he had only been in engineering a few times, few enough that you could still count the number on one hand and have fingers to spare. He needed to change that, in fact he needed to get out and inspect the entire ship more often. The Endeavour wasn't a big ship, but he had been busy since the ship had launched that he simply hadn't had the time. Seeing Lieutenant Ros, he walked over to her, knowing that she would be wondering what was going on.

Akira had never been in engineering before, and she had to admit that the area was not what she had expected. Anyone she had ever known who had ever served on board an Intrepid class ship had always mentioned that the engineering deck on an Intrepid class star ship was one of the more advanced designed areas of the ship. Some had even mentioned that the design was so advanced that it was being copied over to other ship classes. To Akira, it was a just another engineering deck, with an unusual warp core and a simple and functional layout. She followed the captain over to where Ros was, glancing sideways at T'lon who hadn't spoken since he had joined them.

Jera heard a muttered "Uh, oh." and glanced up in time to see the captain and two other officers enter engineering. Frowning, she glanced back at the display she had been studying and tapped the display. "Continue tracing this line," she said. "Also, keep an eye on the port side anti matter injector. The plasma flow looks like it's off by two degrees." straightening up, she turned towards McKeon and the others who were approaching. "Captain, if you wanted to execute me I would have met you at the airlock," she said.

"You see, most people would have smiled, but you're so much like a Romulan or a Bajoran that I can't tell if you're kidding or serious," Alistar said.

"I'm half Romulan, so the sarcasm comes naturally," Jera said. "What's up?"

"I need operations and engineering to get together and build us some new weapons," Alistar said, holding up his hand to ward off questions. "We need projectile firing weapons."

"Well, we can make them easily enough, I hope you don't need to arm a marine battalion anytime soon," Jera said.

"We only need about one hundred and fifty rifles, and maybe as many handguns," Alistar said. "But we also need ammunition and lots of it."

"I'm not sure about the ammunition, but the rifles and handguns we can do in less than a week so long as we're not interrupted," Jera said as she thought quickly. "I can pull half a shift into the workshop and we definitely have the raw materials to feed the industrial replicator. Keep in mind that we'll have to research the weapons and learn how to put them together."

"I've already taken care of that. In fact, I have the full specifications, diagrams, and instructions we'll need for the project," Akira said as she held up the Padd she had been carrying.

"Ok, so we'll need to do some reading and brief everyone then," Jera said with a nod. "Can do, boss. What exactly are we building and why?"

"We'll be building fifty each of the MK 16 M 0, MK 17 M 0, and MK 18 CQBR assault rifles and no less than one hundred M11 handguns," Akira replied quietly.

"And ammunition manufacturing?" Jera asked.

"We'll have to bring in someone else for that, but I've estimated that four hundred thousand rounds for each weapon model should be sufficient for now," Akira said.

Jera's eyes widened at the numbers and she shook her head. "I'll have to get Lieutenant Walker to help on that. Besides, he used to be a gun freak. But we can do it. It's going to take at least a week if we're building three models."

"I'll have the helmsman slow us down and come up with an excuse as to why we'll be delayed," Alistar said with a nod. "Get to it, people. T'lon and his department will help with anything they can." Giving everyone a nod, he turned and headed out of engineering. He had a few orders to issue and a call to make.

Jera gave a half twisted grin. "Alright, so let's go down to the workshop and see if we can go ahead and get started," she said.

"Sounds good, if you would like to lead that way," Akira said.

Jera waved for two of her engineers to join them before she started towards the door and on to the workshop.


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