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241604.24: Joint Log: CO, XO, CSECTAC, CEO

Posted on Mon Apr 25th, 2016 @ 2:55am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

677 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

The security training room located on deck four was designed for more than phaser training. It had also been designed to test new and alien weaponry. Alistar had to admit that he wasn't sure if projectile weaponry could be counted as new weaponry, but the room would work. He had inspected the new rifles and the ammunition and now he hoped that they worked as hoped. Standing at the edge of the room behind the safety wall beside several others, he nodded. "Let's begin," he said.

Standing beside Commander McKeon, Isabella cringed as he gave the order to begin the weapon trial. She didn't like to resort to violence unless there was no other choice, but she had to admit that in this case it would be best to take precautions, otherwise the Endeavour and the crew would be at a severe disadvantage. She had agreed to be trained in the use of the projectile weapons, but only since she might need to know how to use one in self defense. Silently, she hoped that there wouldn't be a use for the newest additions to the Endeavour's armory, but she would understand if they would be needed.

Akira stood at the firing line and hefted one of the new rifles. Taking aim at the targets that had been set up on the other side of the room; she thumbed the safety off and held her breath as she squeezed the trigger. The rifles fired, and thankfully didn't blow up in her arms. Lowering the rifles, Akira sighed in relief before she raised the rifle again and emptied the ten round clip. Once that was done, she placed the rifle back on safe and lowered it. "Well, it works," she said.

Standing beside the commanding officer, Jera smiled thinly in a wolfish manner. Having overseen the crew that had built the rifles, she was proud to know that her people had done another great job. Turning to McKeon, she grinned. "Well, I guess I won the bet," she said.

Overhearing Lieutenant Ros, Isabella frowned and gave Commander McKeon a sideways glance. "What bet is she referring to?" she asked.

"Oh, I made her a bet that the rifles might not work the first time," Alistar said. "Ros naturally said that her team would get it right the first time and I made a friendly bet to encourage her people to get it right. So, I guess engineering gets a free round the next time we see a star base."

"That's all you bet on?" Isabella asked with a light chuckle. "If it works, then I guess that I can't complain too much. And it's not going to hurt anything if the engineering crew gets a little extra motivation for R&R. Congratulations on your victory, Lieutenant."

"I agree," Akira said as she stepped around the safety wall. Handing the rifle off to a security officer, she nodded.

"I think that the new rifles will work perfectly, sir," Akira said, turning towards Commander McKeon.

"Good," Alistar said. "Ros, how long until we're fully ready to arm all of our personnel with the new rifles?"

"Three days, for both the rifles and the ammunition," Jera answered. "Give us four and I'll even throw in some additional gear for security."

"We'll arrive in the Y'Vara sector in five days. That gives engineering and ops time to finish the weapons and security time to train with them. Tell your people to try not to shoot each other," Alistar said, giving Sato a knowing look.

"I'll tell them, Sir," Akira said with a nod before she stepped towards the door. She had a lot of training to oversee and not much time to get it done.

"Alright, let's get to it people," Alistar said, knowing that everyone needed to get to their duties and get the ship ready for the upcoming arrival. As he led the others out of the room, he silently prayed that none of the preparations he had ordered over the past two weeks would be needed during the mission.


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