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StarDate 241604.27 Joint Log: Chief Security/Tactical and Security Officer

Posted on Thu Apr 28th, 2016 @ 4:15am by Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato

638 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Akira stepped into the security office first thing in the morning and gazed around at the gathered officers who were present. It was hard to adjust the rotation schedule sometimes since some people preferred certain shifts, but she had an open slot on Alpha Shift that she simply had to fill. She had often thought about moving Sizb back to Alpha Shift, but the silly absent minded Gorn would only behave for one or two weeks before he did something to upset someone on the ship and he would end up on Gamma Shift yet again. Akira had long ago learned to just leave him be. Seeing the only candidate, she paused by the Beta Shift master at arms and gave him a few instructions before she continued on to her office.

Matt was finished with his shift and finishing up with his paperwork. He was thinking seriously about heading to the mess hall for something to eat before he returned to his quarters for some sleep when one of the senior NCOs walked up to him. "Connor, chief said she wants you to report to her office," the NCO said. "Why?" Matt asked. "Who knows, I don't, now get your ass in there!" the NCO snarled. Matt promptly did exactly that, he hauled ass into the office, not even bothering to knock or ring the door chime. He was halfway across the room before he realized that and he paused. "Um," he muttered.

Akira watched Connor enter her office and she hid a smile at his confusion. She decided to go with the gentle approached, seeing that he was extremely nervous.

"Go ahead and take a seat, Ensign," Akira said as he waved him towards an empty chair.

"Yes Ma'am," Matt said as he took a seat.

"I understand you just came on board before we left for the Y'Vara system. Is this your first cruise?" Akira asked as she sat down and pulled a Padd with his service record on it out.

"Yes Ma'am," Matt answered. "I graduated a month ago and was going to be assigned to the USS Basilisk when I was transferred en route to the Endeavour."

"I see," Akira said with a nod. The transfer was indeed in his file, and she could tell even without the file that he was about as green and fresh from the Academy as they came.

"What ship did you serve your cadet cruise on?" she asked.

"The USS Lexington," Matt answered, wondering why he was being asked when she appeared to have the answers in front of her. "Ma'am, is there a reason I'm being asked this?"

"There is. I need an officer to fill an open slot on Alpha Shift, and I'm considering you for the position. But, my senior staff have to be people I can trust, and some people aren't above not telling the truth if they think it makes them have a better chance to get the position," Akira said as she set the Padd down and fixed Connor with a carefully measured expression.

"So, do you want the position?" Akira asked.

"Do you want me to start right now?" Matt asked.

"No, you'll start tomorrow at zero-six-hundred hours," Akira replied.

"Then yes ma'am, I would love the position," Matt said.

"Good, report to the senior shift supervisor tomorrow on time and he'll have your assignment ready. Dismissed," Akira said with a smile.

Matt stood and salutes before he turned and left the office. He was starting to think that his sudden and last minute move to the Endeavour had been a better change of events than he had expected. As he walked out of the office, he smiled and even started a little whistle as he headed to the lounge for some breakfast. Things seemed to be going well indeed.


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