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SD 241605.07 Joint Plot Log: Diplomatic Battleground Part 1

Posted on Sat May 7th, 2016 @ 7:15pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant T'lon
Edited on on Wed May 18th, 2016 @ 6:44pm

892 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

The Endeavour slowed from warp speed to half impulse as it arrived at the edge of the Y'Vara system. On the bridge, Alistar sat in his command seat and watched as the Endeavour banked towards one of the outer planets. Two entire fleets were already waiting for the Endeavour, which made Alistar more than a little uncomfortable. Glancing towards his XO, he sighed. "Are we ready for this?"

Isabella eyed the view screen for a long moment before she turned her gaze towards Commander McKeon. She was nervous and unsure about the entire mission, and the worry and concern she felt could be easily read in her eyes. "I honestly think we should have passed this mission on to another ship," she said. "There are nearly a hundred war ships from two species that hate each other and would gladly kill us as well. I don't like this situation."

"That makes two of us," Alistar said. "Helm, put us in a standard orbit of the planet between the fleets. Stand by to open hailing frequencies." As the Endeavour banked into position, Alistar turned towards Ops, where T'lon was sitting quietly.

"Captain, both species have sent a representative. They wish to dock with the Endeavour and begin negotiations immediately," T'lon said.

"Commander Silvisi, Lieutenant Sato, please report to deck eight and prepare to greet our guests," Alistar said.

Isabella stood and waved towards Lieutenant Sato as she walked to the turbo lift door. She had read up on the Y'Varn and Krivaldi species, and knew that both species stood well over six feet tall, making her feel somewhat intimidated already as she was barely over five feet. Lieutenant Sato was barely two inches taller than her, so Isabella had to wonder if the Japanese officer felt intimidated as well. As they stepped into the turbo lift, Isabella ordered the computer to take them to deck eight.

Akira studied the readouts on her console carefully and tried not to worry. There were just over forty ships from both sides, plus the diplomatic ships and their escorts. Given that both species hated each other and had been known to have devastating battles over the past five years, she was surprised that they hadn't started shooting yet. The diplomatic ships appeared unarmed, but she was more worried about the fact that they looked like armored transport ships. As the executive officer waved for Akira to join her, Akira sent a message to security for Connor and his team to meet them at deck eight. As she stepped into the turbo lift, Akira took a deep breath.

Matt was already on deck eight since he had known that his team would be needed for the upcoming diplomatic meeting. His team was armed with both phasers and the new assault rifles, and he thought that it was just a little bit overkill. The assault rifles were slung across their backs while their phasers were held in the standard method. He had assembled his team early and they were waiting at the turbo lift door for when the ship's diplomatic team arrived.

Isabella and Lieutenant Sato arrived at deck eight and Isabella was just slightly surprised to see that the security team had already assembled and was waiting for them. "Lieutenant Sato, could you take half of the security team and meet the Krivaldi?" she asked.

"Can I ask why?" Akira asked, a frown forming.

"The Krivaldi are a warrior race, and they respect strength. Having you represent the Endeavour will show that we have strength as well. I'm hoping that it will help our position in the negotiations," Isabella replied.

"That actually might work. I insist that you take Ensign Connor, though," Akira said.

Isabella nodded and turned and led Connor and his team towards the port side airlock. She was nervous, and she tried to hide it. From what she had read on the Y'Varn, they were smooth scaled bipedal reptile like humanoids. They were smaller than the Krivaldi, and more docile if the intelligence reports could be believed. As they headed to the airlock, she turned to Connor. "Ensign, please have your weapons set to heavy stun, just in case," she said.

Matt nodded and turned towards his team. Silently, he waved his hand to pass the command on to his team before he set his own phaser rifle to heavy stun.

On the bridge, Alistar watched as the two diplomatic ships slowly approached the Endeavour. Behind him, he could hear T'lon giving directions to the helm officers on the other ships. Leaning back in his seat, Alistar thought over how he was going to handle the diplomatic meeting. Admittedly he wasn't the best diplomat, so he was going to be depending on Silvisi and her diplomatic skills. Finally, after nearly ten minutes, T'lon looked up.

"Captain, both diplomatic ships have docked," T'lon reported.

Before Alistar could respond, a bank of alarms rang out, which was quickly followed by an explosion. Because of the alarms and years of experience, Alistar's brain registered that the Endeavour had just suffered an internal explosion. "What the hell?" he muttered.

"Captain, internal sensors and reports indicate that we have armed intruders on deck eight," the tactical officer reported.

Alistar blinked and suddenly groaned as he made the only choice he could think of. "All hands, battle stations!" he called.



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