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241605.13 Joint Plot Log: Diplomatic Battleground, Part 2

Posted on Sat May 14th, 2016 @ 6:59am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon & Ensign Elanawen Valenar
Edited on on Sat May 14th, 2016 @ 6:59am

1,263 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Isabella and the security team had arrived at the port side airlock a mere minute before the airlock finished its precaution pressurization cycle. She was nervous, but determined to put on a calm appearance, for not only the security team standing behind her but also for the Varn diplomats as well. She understood that everyone involved in this mediation, even the neutral parties, were uncomfortable. She herself was extremely uncomfortable, about the mission and the fact that the Endeavour was currently sitting alone in the middle of what could be a deadly battleground. As the airlock finished its cycle and swung open, Isabella took a step forward and paused as she noticed that the diplomatic barging through the airlock was wearing full body armor. The alien in the lead tossed something towards her, and her mind froze.

Matt noticed the aliens wearing body armor the same second he noticed the lead alien reaching for and tossing his grenade. "Take cover!" he shouted to his team as he grabbed the first officer by the back of her uniform jacket and roughly pulled her back and away from the immediate danger zone. He retreated behind a corner with the majority of his team as the explosive went off, he was lucky but two of his team wasn’t. The sound of weapon fire was the next thing he heard and he didn't even bother to wait for orders. "Return fire at all hostiles!" he shouted.

On the other side of the ship, Akira had shouldered her phaser rifle in the expectations of representing the Endeavour and Starfleet as the Krivaldi diplomat came on board. As the airlock cycled and opened, she was met by an angry Krivaldi in body armor and a loaded weapon that he and the Krivaldi behind him instantly became interested in unloading towards her and the rest of the Starfleet officers and crew behind her.

"Everyone take cover and return fire!" Akira shouted as she dove towards the nearby airlock control station. It offered a little bit of protection, and allowed her time to ready her weapon. She watched as her security personnel reacted, some made it to cover and even started shooting back, some weren't so lucky and were cut down by weapons fire.

Fe'cia was in the hydroponics bay assisting with an experiment that should have been working but wasn't. She felt odd to be working on a science experiment while there was an important diplomatic mission about to start, but she was a science officer, not a diplomat. She would leave that for the experts. So Fe'cia was naturally curious when she heard the sounds of what sounded like weapons fire start up, and that curiosity turned to concern as her ears detected that the sounds weren't coming from as far off as she had first thought. "Alright everyone, I think we need to evacuate from this deck," the Caitian officer said. The rest of the science team quickly dropped their equipment and started towards the door. There was no need to tell them twice.

On the bridge, Alistar listened as the first reports began to come in. Both alien races had boarded his ship with weapons firing and he had already lost crewmen. Silvisi and her security team escorts were pinned down and holding, while Sato and her team were managing to fight back. Lieutenant Niatra had managed to take the initiative and had started evacuating non combatants. He was about to issue orders when the Endeavour rocked suddenly. A new set of alarms rang out.

"Both sides have opened fire, Sir, we're caught in the crossfire," the tactical officer reported. "Shields down to 70%."

"Helm, evasive maneuvers, break orbit and prepare to take us out of the system. Tactical, return fire only at the ships that attack us," Alistar ordered.

At the helm, Elanawen felt a dread feeling in her stomach as she tried to steady her hands. She glanced at her screens and swallowed nervously as she guided the Endeavour out of orbit and away from the growing fight.

As the Endeavour tried to rise away from the planet and the fight, several of the Krivaldi ships turned suddenly and attacked the Endeavour with the full fury of their weapons arrays. The Endeavour staggered as several phaser beams slashed through the ships and into the thin hull of the light cruiser. One of the beams sliced directly through to the primary fusion reactors, destroying them immediately.

On the bridge, Alistar felt a groan that started in the back of his throat. He silenced it. "Report!" he barked. "Shields are down, impulse is offline, main power has been knocked out, backup generators are coming online. The warp core reactor destabilized for a moment but the system automatically corrected it, but the warp field has been destabilized. It will take a few moments before we can make warp," T'lon reported from Ops. Another series of hits rocked the Endeavour, and the unshakable Vulcan raised an eyebrow. "Captain, I believe that we have been caught in the planet's gravity well."

"Confirmed, Captain," Elanawen reported from the helm.

"Bridge to Ros, I need main power restored to the engines immediately," Alistar snapped into the comm. "T'lon, divert everything to the shields and engines."

In engineering, Jera ducked under a conduit cable that had blown from the bulkhead and slapped at the comm. "You're well aware that the fucking engines are the least of our concern right now I hope!" she snapped into the comm., ignoring the looks on the faces of the other engineers who heard. "We're working on it!" she followed up before she cut the line. Turning to the few engineers still in engineering, Jera shook her head. "Walker, you're on the power and engine problem. Roslyn, you handle the damage control teams. I'm see what's going on with the warp core. Move, people!"

Kev didn't even bother arguing. He was already seated at the damage control station, but he immediately slid out of the seat and let the new damage control officer take charge while he grabbed a repair kit and hurried to the door. He was halfway down the corridor when he realized where the secondary power reactors were: deck 8. Where all of the fighting was taking place on the ship. "Damn!" he muttered as he paused to check the power settings on his hand phaser. Hopefully, he could stick to the Jefferies tubes and avoid the fighting. "I'm going to talk to the pointy eared bitch about a raise if I survive this," Kev said to himself as he arrived at the Jefferies tube hatch and climbed in.

Alistar was pacing between stations on the bridge, trying to keep up with everything that was going on. There was almost too much to deal with, and he was really starting to feel like they were running out of options. Until he had a bright idea. Stupid, but it just might work. "T'lon, how long could we power the structural integrity field and the shields at the bottom of the ocean?" he asked as he passed ops.

"Unknown captain. If we maintained a full power feed to the field generators, I would guess for as long as you would like," the Vulcan answered.

"Could we survive now with our current power levels?" Alistar asked.

"If there was no disruption to the power levels, I estimate that we could in theory survive," T'lon said.

"Good enough for me," Alistar said as he turned to Valenar. "Helm, bring us around and put us in that ocean," he said.



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