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241605.15 Joint Plot Log: Diplomatic Battleground, Part 3

Posted on Mon May 16th, 2016 @ 6:41am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon & Ensign Elanawen Valenar
Edited on on Mon May 16th, 2016 @ 6:42am

1,236 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Previously on the Endeavour:

Alistar was pacing between stations on the bridge, trying to keep up with everything that was going on. There was almost too much to deal with, and he was really starting to feel like they were running out of options. Until he had a bright idea. Stupid, but it just might work. "T'lon, how long could we power the structural integrity field and the shields at the bottom of the ocean?" he asked as he passed ops.

"Unknown captain. If we maintained a full power feed to the field generators, I would guess for as long as you would like," the Vulcan answered.

"Could we survive now with our current power levels?" Alistar asked.

"If there was no disruption to the power levels, I estimate that we could in theory survive," T'lon said.

"Good enough for me," Alistar said as he turned to Valenar. "Helm, bring us around and put us in that ocean," he said.

And now, the continuation:

Elanawen gulped nervously as she fired the RCS and docking control thrusters. At this time, they were the only thing she could use to maneuver the ship by, and she had to fight in order to not give in to the flashbacks she was having of the USS Carolina. Bringing the Endeavour about, she aimed the nose of the ship towards the planet and prayed that engineering could do something before they hit the atmosphere.

"Sir, we have eighteen minutes before we enter the upper atmosphere, I estimate another ten minutes after that before we hit the ocean," Elanawen said.

"Confirm, Captain. I must concur with the lieutenant's estimate within one hundred twenty seconds," T'lon added from ops.

"You're real fucking helpful," Alistar muttered as he saw back down in his chair and tapped the comm. "All hands, collision in roughly thirty minutes," he said.

Hearing the captain's announcement, Isabella frowned as she tried to imagine what the captain was talking about. Turning towards the security officer, she remembered to wait until he wasn't shooting at the Varn who were still determined to board the Endeavour in an unfriendly manner. "Is there a safe place we can fall back to where we can keep the Varn contained?" she asked.

Matt fumbled with reloading his rifle and frowned. He hadn't had too much time to get familiar with the Endeavour's layout. "The port side transporter transceiver compartment and the storage lockers are just down the corridor. But if we go to either of those, we'll be stuck."

"What about the storage lockers closer to the turbo lift?" Isabella asked.

"Those would work. They have a secondary entrance," Matt said after a moment's thought.

Isabella nodded and tapped her comm badge as she scrambled to her feet and started running down the corridor. "Dei`Silvisi to McKeon. We're falling back to a more secure location."

"Understood, be advised that unless engineering can fix the ship in twenty minutes, we'll be crashing into the ocean in twenty five minutes," Alistar said.

Isabella nearly stumbled and fell as she heard the captain's update on the situation with the ship. Silently, she wondered just how bad the situation was, but she wasn't on the bridge. Her attention was to the situation that was unfolding on Deck Eight, and it was turning out to be quite a situation. Thinking over her options, she tapped her comm badge again. "Dei`Silvisi to Sato, could you give me a status update please?"

"We've had to fall back to the cargo loading bay staging area and work bee hanger. The Krivaldi have advanced up to our position, but we're holding and I've ordered an addition four teams to this deck," Akira replied as she reloaded her assault rifle carbine without looking. Her entire team had burned through their phasers in less than seven minutes, but the Krivaldi had packed themselves into their boarding ship like sardines. Clearly, they were determined to take the Endeavour. Unfortunately, Akira's team was also running low on ammunition, and now they were trapped in the hanger. Looking around the bay, she spotted the two work bees that were parked in the hanger and frowned as she had a thought. It would work, but she was sure that no one would like it.

"Ma'am, the support teams will arrive in two minutes," one of her deputies reported.

"Anyone still have a working phaser?" Akira asked as she found the access hatch into the service crawlspace. If her memory was correct, it led directly to the main cargo bays.

"Mine had five charges left," the deputy answered as he handed it over.

"Seal the door and get moving through there," Akira ordered as she accepted the hand phaser and adjusted the settings. It wasn't difficult for someone who had been trained to overload and detonate a hand phaser, but with only a minimal charge she wasn't sure how much of an explosion it would produce. It wasn't long before the Krivaldi were banging on the doors leading into the bay. As her team climbed into the access hatch, Akira finished her adjustments to the phaser and counted silently. The doors finally fell open as the Krivaldi broke through. Akira smiled thinly as she tossed the phaser towards the work bees and climbed into the access hatch, closing and sealing it behind her.

Alistar watched as the unnamed planet grew larger on the view screen. He was certain that he was going to regret ordering Valenar to crash the Endeavour into the ocean, but it was better to aim the nose of the ship towards a 'safe' place to crash rather than take chances. Fortunately, the entire planet was mostly ocean. He was starting to wonder if anything could be done to salvage the situation when an explosion rocked the Endeavour.

"Internal explosion on deck eight, starboard side work bee hanger," T'lon reported.

"What the hell," Alistar muttered before he tapped his commbadge. "McKeon to Sato, would you stop blowing holes in my ship!" he shouted.

"Tell that to the god’s damned aliens trying to turn the ship into Swiss cheese!" Akira shouted as she crawled through the access shaft.

Kev had managed to arrive at deck eight by crawling through the Jefferies tubes. Still using them, he arrived at the control panel for the backup fusion reactors. He was wondering why they hadn't activated automatically, and when he powered up the console he knew instantly. "Walker to Ros, we have a problem with the power feed. There's a rupture in the main and secondary power lines. I'm going to have to bypass the entire system," he reported.

Jera had managed to keep her cool until then. The ship was turning into a hell hole inside and out, there was damage all over the place, the engines were failing, and now the damned power was going out. She was beginning to get the impression that somehow, someway, she was cursed to always have to be assigned to star ships that constantly needed to be worked on. "Walker, do what you can," she answered over the commline with Walker before she changed to another channel. "Ros to bridge, we've got problems down here," she said as she arrived at the damage control command room and took a good look at the master screen. The majority of the ship was highlighted in red or very uncomfortable yellow and orange.



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