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241605.18 Joint Plot Log: Diplomatic Battleground Part 4

Posted on Wed May 18th, 2016 @ 6:43pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

1,546 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Previously on the Endeavour:

"Ros to bridge, we've got problems down here," she said as she arrived at the damage control command room and took a good look at the master screen

And now, the continuation:

"No shit," Alistar snapped at Ros's report, thankful that the comm channel was one way. There wasn't much that could be done by agitating the crew any more than they already were. "Ros, do what you can," he said before he flipped to another channel. "Niatra, can you and some of your team assist the medics with the wounded?" he asked.

Fe'cia was panting by the time she finished carrying the two wounded petty officers who hadn't been lucky enough not to avoid being shot to the turbo lift. Hearing the captain's query, she sighed but nodded. "Aye, captain, I can help with medical," she said. It didn't hurt to help the crew who were already doing what they could to protect her team, and her. Besides, she had medic training, and there wasn't much need for a science officer at the moment.

"Good, you're in charge of all medical teams on deck eight," Alistar said before he flipped channels again. "Sato, Silvisi, I want all teams to fall back and secure an access point for deck eight at corridor section S-16-20. Niatra is leading the medical teams. Be advised that repair teams are also on that deck, so stop blowing everything up."

"Aye, Captain, will do," Akira said with a sarcastic tone to her voice as she climbed out of the access shaft and into the cargo bay. Sealing the hatch shut behind her, she turned towards her team and motioned for them to follow her as she started towards the doors.

""Confirmed, Captain," Isabella said before she signed off. Glancing over towards Ensign Connor, she nodded. "Ensign, since you're the senior ranking security officer here, I'll leave it up to you on how we should withdraw to that section," she said.

"Right. Harris, Brin, cover us. I'll take point, with the executive officer behind me," Matt ordered. "Ready, move out!"

Isabella stood with the security officers and was thankful for her short stature, if only for the selfish reason that her short height meant that she would be the last target left standing if the aliens were able to shoot down the other crew. With Ensign Connor at point, they ran, thankfully, away from the sound of weapons fire and towards the inside of the ship. Along the way, they met up with Lieutenant Sato's team before hurrying towards the corridor section they had been directed to. Much to her surprise, the corridor section seemed to be a dead end when they arrived.

"Is this some sort of a joke?" Isabella asked as they arrived and she looked around.

"No ma'am, there's an access hatch that leads up one deck there," Akira replied as she pointed towards the hatch. Unless one looked closely, it was easy to miss. It had been a security measure, should the ship be boarded such access hatches were placed throughout the ship so that the defending crew could easily gain access to decks with intruders on them without risking the security to the entire ship. Akira quickly explained the concept to the first officer as the rest of the team arrived.

"I see," Isabella said as she nodded. She was starting to understand where the captain was driving at; by sealing off the primary routes throughout the ship and controlling the access points from deck to deck, he was securing the rest of the ship from being over-run by the Varn and the Krivaldi. At least, that was the concept that came to Isabella's mind. "Clever," she said out loud, to no one in particular. Tapping her comm-badge, she reported in that they had arrived and were standing by.

Fe'cia had been informed of the new rally point on deck eight, so she had instantly headed there in the hopes that she could find a safe place to rest for a few moments. Being a small Caitian had its disadvantages; she had been carrying crewmembers to safety and was getting tired. Arriving, she offered a small wave to the gathered crew and sat down on the deck.

"Alright everyone, we've got a few seconds, so let's check out ammo and reload. There's cover on both sides of the corridor, so we'll divide up into teams of four, two people on each side of the corridor. Connor, you'll lead the first team, I'll lead the second until backup arrives," Akira said to her security staff.

"Keep in mind that we need to be prepared for a crash landing unless engineering manages to fix the propulsion systems, so be prepared for that announcement," Isabella reminded everyone, knowing that more than a few had most likely forgotten that small detail.

"Aye, ma'am," Matt said as he checked his ammo. He was out of phaser power clips, but there were a few spares to be passed around. He accepted what few he had gratefully. The carbines were good weapons, but they were also loud and he wasn't fully used to them yet. "Ready," he said. His team repeated the status check before they hurried to their positions. It wasn't long before they saw movement. "Ma'am, I think they're coming," Matt reported.

Jera watched in horror as the readouts turned back bad to worse. The situation overall was a nightmare, but it was one that they might survive. At this point, all she could do was take preventive measures and try to ensure that the ship survived the impending crash. "Alright, shut off the anti-matter generator, vent all pressurized plasma and anti-matter to space. Stand by to eject the warp core," she said.

Alistar watched the countdown to the crash landing, or rather the upcoming crash, as well as the unfolding internal situation on his monitors. The crew had rallied on deck eight, Ros seemed to be taking care of the damage control, but there were still matters to attend to. "Computer, initiate internal security measure Omega," he ordered.

"Confirmed. Attention all decks: Security measure Omega is now in effect," the computer responded.

The security situation taken care of for the moment, Alistar looked at the external monitors and swore. The Endeavour was entering the planet's upper atmosphere and there were still two alien ships docked to her. "T'lon, what are our chances of surviving with those ships docked?" he asked.

"By my estimates, both ships will break apart and burn up as we enter the planet's atmosphere. Our structural integrity field and primary shields will protect the ship, although we may take some damage if any large debris hit the ship throughout re entry," T'lon answered.

"What about power?" Alistar asked.

In the Jefferies tubes, Kev growled as he tried to redirect a power line by swapping out the control ships. The main board responded by shorting out and showering him with sparks, some which landed on his bare skin, all which were uncomfortable. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," Kev muttered as he studied the control board and tried to figure something out. Muttering, he slammed his hand against the side of the panel. A bank of lights finally came on, indicating that the auxiliary fusion reactor was intact. Mostly. A warning indictor was still lit, meaning that the reactor or its subsystems had taken some damage and there was a small problem. Looking at the diagram, Kev groaned before he tapped his comm badge. "Walker to bridge, backup power is online, but I can't get power to the impulse engines. I can only supply power to systems that are on this deck. The external supply relay is going to have to be replaced but it'll take some time for me to get to it," he reported.

"I'll take it," Alistar said. "What systems on deck eight do we have that we can use?"

"Sir, the anti gravity landing thrusters are on deck eight. I can use those to slow our descent," Elanawen responded as she fought with the helm controls. Trying to stabilize the ships crash landing with the RCS thrusters only was taking its toll, she was already feeling tired from having to make micro second corrections manually.

"I believe that she is correct, Captain," T'lon agreed.

"Walker, feed all the power you can to the landing thrusters," Alistar said through the comm channel. "All hands, prepare for crash landing!"

The Endeavour rocked slightly as the ship burned into the planet's atmosphere. As T'lon had predicted, the Varn and Krivaldi ships that were docked to the ship's docking ports began to break apart. The Varn ship simply broke apart and fell away from the Endeavour, but the Krivaldi ship broke into large sections, some which slammed into the Endeavour, tearing several holes in the cruiser's hull, causing more damage. The Endeavour continued crashing through the atmosphere, mostly intact. The planet was mostly covered in water, with a few islands scattered across its surface. The Endeavour roughly splashed down into the ocean barely two miles from a small archipelago. For several minutes, the ship floated on the surface before she slowly began to sink as water filled the ship through the multiple hull breaches.



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