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241605.27 Joint Plot Log: Sinking

Posted on Fri May 27th, 2016 @ 5:57pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon
Edited on on Fri May 27th, 2016 @ 5:58pm

1,534 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Previously on the Endeavour:

The Endeavour rocked slightly as the ship burned into the planet's atmosphere. As T'lon had predicted, the Varn and Krivaldi ships that were docked to the ship's docking ports began to break apart. The Varn ship simply broke apart and fell away from the Endeavour, but the Krivaldi ship broke into large sections, some which slammed into the Endeavour, tearing several holes in the cruiser's hull, causing more damage. The Endeavour continued crashing through the atmosphere, mostly intact. The planet was mostly covered in water, with a few islands scattered across its surface. The Endeavour roughly splashed down into the ocean barely two miles from a small archipelago. For several minutes, the ship floated on the surface before she slowly began to sink as water filled the ship through the multiple hull breaches.

And now, the continuation:

Alarms rang out across the bridge as Alistar watched the Endeavour slowly sink beneath the waves of the ocean that covered the unnamed planet. Snarling, he spun towards operations. "Tell me we've got power to something so we can get to dry land," he snapped.

"I am afraid that we only have limited power available, and none of the power is currently being routed to the engine systems. It seems that we have disruptions to the power grid throughout the ship," T'lon replied.

On deck eight, Isabella grew wide eyed as water started flooding the deck. She was an excellent swimmer, however the damage that had been done to the Endeavour and the fact that half of the deck was still being held by hostile aliens meant that her options for the crew under her immediate command were limited. There was little she could think of, other than the fact that they needed to get off of the deck. Scanning her memory, she remembered that there was an emergency access shaft that ran between decks five, six, seven and eight nearby.

"Lieutenant Sato, we'll use the emergency access shaft to regroup on deck seven. Can you and your people hold long enough for us to evacuate the others?" Isabella asked.

"We'll hold," Akira promised as she checked the ammunition level in her carbine. Satisfied, she thumbed the safety off and nodded to her security officers. A loud series of splashing noises caught her attention, along with the alarmed shouts of the sentries just down the corridor. Quickly, she led her officers down the corridor, where the Krivaldi were hurrying towards them with their weapons drawn. Kneeling down behind a doorway alcove, Akira took aim and fired, the rest of the security officers present following her lead.

Matt was worried but like the others he followed Lieutenant Sato's lead. They were security officers, and he was determined to do his part. His phaser rifle was useless, and his biggest concern was that his assault rifle would soon follow suit. Taking aim, he fired five rounds at an alien, hoping that it was enough to put the guy down.

Kev gritted his teeth and rolled over in the Jefferies tube as it started to flood. There was no way he could finish repairs to the fusion reactor with the rising water level, and he needed to get to a safe location. Throwing his tools into his tool kit, he grabbed the strap and started crawling towards nearest junction that would allow him to get to deck seven. "Walker to Ros, I have to abandon repairs on deck eight," he reported as he arrived at the junction and started climbing up to deck seven.

"Understood, get to a safe location and stand by," Jera replied as she kicked a desk out of her way. The damage control room had been completely wrecked, along with just about everything else on the lower decks. Water was pouring into the ship, and the damage to the lower decks had been more severe than in other sections, which meant that she needed to ensure that everyone got to safety. "Ros to bridge, we've got massive flooding throughout the lower decks. I'm rerouting everyone to deck eleven. I'll contact you once I'm in main engineering."

Fe'cia hissed as the sounds of weapons fire filled the corridor. She was kneeling in the rising water trying to keep a wounded security officer from drowning, and now there was shooting again. She wanted out of this nightmare. The Endeavour was a science ship and right now there was anything but a science mission going on. "Commander, request permission to evacuate the wounded to a safer location," she growled.

"Agreed, and granted," Isabella said as she hurried over as best she could in the rising water. She was more than just a little concerned, since a rising water level meant that the ship was more than likely sinking, and she knew that the planet they had crashed on was almost entirely covered in water. "Lieutenant Sato, how do we open the emergency access hatch to deck seven?" she asked, having to shout over the noise.

"Sato to bridge, open the access hatch between decks seven and eight," Akira called through the comm. between rounds. She was more than a little worried; since she knew that her team was running lower and lower on ammunition with each passing moment.

"Why haven't we opened that hatch before now?" Alistar asked as he turned to the officer at the security/tactical station.

"I'm sorry captain. I didn't think about it until now, plus I wasn't sure if that area was secured," the officer answered.

"Well, open it before they get over run," Alistar ordered.

Isabella heard the hatch open and instead of looking over her shoulder to check, she simply helped Lieutenant Niatra carrying one of the wounded security officers over to the hatch opening. Looking up, she saw several security officers lowering themselves through the opening and reaching for the wounded officer. Helping to raise the officer high enough so that the rescuing officers could grab the wounded officer, Isabella waited long enough to ensure that they had a good hold before she let go and stepped back. There weren't many wounded who needed assistance, and once they were raised to the deck above, Isabella grabbed Niatra and pointed up. "You're next, Lieutenant," she said.

"You're the first officer, you're next," Fe'cia growled and to make sure the commander didn't protest, Fe'cia grabbed Commander Dei'Silvisi and tossed her up into the air towards the opened hatch.

Isabella made an odd wordless scream as the Caitian officer threw her straight up. It was almost, but not quite, a squeak. Two officers managed to grab her and pull her up through the hatch opening and onto deck seven. Rolling away, she managed to get to her feet and out of the way as others started coming up through the opening.

Fe'cia managed to jump up towards the hatchway and grab a hold of one of the officers reaching for her. To the poor man's dismay, she accidently grabbed with her fore claws, and she winced as she realized what she had done. Climbing out of the hatch opening on the deck above, she scrambled away and muttered an apology.

Akira ordered her security team to fall back and regroup beneath the hatchway. Fortunately, the Krivaldi had backed off some, not wanting to press their luck. Having trained for events such as this, half of the security team managed to get through the hatch before the tell tell splashing of another advance could be heard again. Ordering everyone to get to safety, Akira fired several rounds down the corridor while the rest of her team jumped to safety before she turned and took a running leap towards the opening. One of the officers caught her and pulled her up. Once on deck seven, she helped close the hatch and lock it.

"Sato to bridge, we're off of deck seven. Hatch is secured," she reported.

"Captain, according to internal sensors, all personnel have evacuated deck eight," T'lon reported.

Alistar nodded. "Do we have enough power to raise internal security fields?" he asked.

"Confirmed, captain," T'lon answered.

"Seal off deck eight," Alistar ordered as he checked the external monitors. The Endeavour was rapidly sinking into the ocean, but at least the sensors that were working had reported that the water depth was only one hundred sixty five feet. Hopefully, they could come up with a plan soon.

"Deck eight has been sealed off. I have raised as many of the internal structural force fields as I can in order to preserve structural integrity," T'lon reported.

"Sir, we're entirely beneath the ocean surface," an officer reported. "We'll hit the bottom in roughly one minute!"

"All hand, brace and prepare for crash," Alistar ordered.

The Endeavour landed on the bottom of the ocean roughly, settling down among the bare sandy rock roughly one hundred and sixty feet below the surface. The lower decks gave way under the pressure of the crash, and some of the upper decks continued to flood despite the force fields that were working. Nearly forty percent of the ship was flooded, but the Endeavour was still intact and most of her crew was still alive. For now, at least.



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