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241605.30 Joint Plot Log: Endeavour Down

Posted on Mon May 30th, 2016 @ 6:20pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

1,167 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity

Previously on the Endeavour:

The Endeavour landed on the bottom of the ocean roughly, settling down among the bare sandy rock roughly one hundred and sixty feet below the surface. The lower decks gave way under the pressure of the crash, and some of the upper decks continued to flood despite the force fields that were working. Nearly forty percent of the ship was flooded, but the Endeavour was still intact and most of her crew was still alive. For now, at least.

And now, the conclusion:


Sparks flew across the bridge as Alistar stumbled towards the helm. Most of the bridge crew had been thrown around and weren't moving, but Alistar had managed to avoid meeting and kissing the railing that had tried to become a one night stand. From the noise he could hear from behind him, at least one other person was up and about, but he didn't look to see who. Reaching Valenar, he shook her gently. "Come on, Valenar, wake up," he said.

Elanawen groaned as she opened her eyes to a darkened bridge. She had hit the deck hard, and as she moved she couldn't help but hiss in pain as a sharp jolt of pain shot through her.

"You alright?" Alistar asked as he checked her vitals as best he could. Her pulse was strong, maybe a little fast and he couldn't see very well in the dark to tell if she was bleeding or not.

"I think I'll live, but my shoulder feels dislocated and I think I've got a few broke bones," Elanawen answered as she sat up and leaned against the helm console.

"I'll try to find the med kit. Don't move," Alistar said before he stood and glanced around the bridge of his star ship.

T'lon was standing at operations trying to make sense of the readings on his console. Main power was offline, secondary power was online but it wasn't being diverted anywhere. That meant that the relay lines were either down or a relay conduit needed to be repaired. "Captain, we will need to make repairs before we can make any attempt to reach the surface of the ocean," T'lon reported. "We will need to make an assessment on the operational status of the impulse engines as well. Primary systems are offline, but emergency power is online and minimal life support seems to be functioning."

"Alright, get down there and see what you can do. If you see anyone else, tell them that repairs to the power and impulse engines take priority as well as taking care of the wounded," Alistar said.

T'lon nodded and started off towards the nearest Jefferies tube access panel. With power down throughout the ship, no one would be able to use the turbo lifts for a while.


Isabella opened her eyes and shook her head, instantly regretting doing so as a sharp pain speared through her skull. She had slammed into the bulkhead roughly, and while she doubted that she had a fractured skull she most likely had a concussion and some bruising. Slowly pulling herself to her feet, she turned to look at the others in the corridor. Silently, she wondered how long they had been out.

Matt coughed as he rolled away from the bulkhead and groaned in pain. Checking his phaser rifle, he frowned at the empty power pack and then checked his assault rifle. He had one full clip, so he sat up slowly and started reloading.

Akira groaned as she rolled off of her assault rifle and rubbed her chest. She had slammed into the thing hard enough to leave an imprint of the thing in her skin, and she was sure that there would be bruising later. Looking around, she took a quick mental headcount and nodded. Everyone was present, and there were no sounds of intruders coming from anywhere else. Most likely, they had all drowned by now.

"Commander, I'd like to suggest that we get you back to the bridge. I request permission to stay below decks and ensure that the ship is secure internally," Akira said formally.

Isabella nodded slowly, trying to keep from actually moving too much just in case she actually did have a concussion. "Permission granted," she said, knowing that trying to keep Lieutenant Sato from doing her job and her duty would be an extremely bad idea. "I'll take Lieutenant Niatra and head to the bridge. You stay down here and ensure that the ship is secured internally, then report to the bridge."

Fe'cia was still panting from the exertion of moving the wounded off of deck eight and on to deck seven. She was a small Caitian, and there had been more wounded than she cared to like. Still, some weren't out of danger yet. "Commander, I'd like to finish getting the wounded to sickbay so they can get medical attention," she said.

"Good idea, I'd like to send a few security officers to sickbay as well, just in case," Akira said with a nod.

"Alright. I'll head to the bridge and inform the captain of what's going on down here. As soon as you know what our internal status is, send someone up to the bridge," Isabella said as she carefully pushed away from the bulkhead she had been leaning against. With a parting nod, she started off down the corridor in search for a Jefferies tube access hatch.


Jera stumbled into engineering with two tool kits in one hand and a padd with the Endeavour's full schematics in the other. Charging across the room, she dropped everything at the main station and tried to key in the activation sequence. When nothing happened, she groaned. That meant that main power was offline and there wasn't enough of the emergency power to run nonessential systems. Unfortunately, that meant the majority of the ship board systems. Looking up at the warp core, she was surprised to see that the normal silvery glow was gone. The dilithium slivers that swirled throughout the core were barely glowing.

"Alright people, we need to get this warp core back online. Get the magnetic constrictors unlocked, break out the warp core matrix flux capacitors, plasma torches, and the sledge hammers," she called as she started towards the access ladder leading to the upper support level.


Kev climbed out of the Jefferies tube and fell onto the deck with his tool kits landing on top of him. Panting, he lay there for a few minutes before he looked around. He wasn't sure where on deck seven he was, but as he recalled the layout of the ship, he remembered that the primary fusion reactors and the RCS thruster access systems were both located on deck seven. There was hope after all. Managing to climb to his feet, Kev grabbed both of his tool kits and started off towards the main EPS relays and the fusion reactors.



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