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241605.30 Joint Plot Log: Starting Repairs

Posted on Tue May 31st, 2016 @ 7:05am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan & Ensign Elanawen Valenar
Edited on on Tue May 31st, 2016 @ 7:05am

1,455 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity


Alistar sighed as he sat down in the command chair. He was tired, but he had been forcing himself to keep going. Eventually, he wouldn't be able to keep going and he would have to get some rest, but for now, he kept at it. The worst part was not knowing what was going on throughout the ship. The Endeavour had taken enough damage that nothing but emergency life support was operating, and even that was minimal. Looking over at Valenar, he managed a smile. "How ya hanging in there, kid?" he asked.

Elanawen had found herself being seated in the first officer's chair. It had been unexpected, but hers had snapped off of its track and been thrown across the bridge and was pretty much unusable. The pain she felt from her broken bones had eased up some with the pain killers, but it was still there.

"Next time we want to throw a party, no guests," she managed to say.

Alistar chuckled. He wasn't surprised that she had managed to keep her sense of humor. A commotion at the back of the bridge caught his attention and he turned to see the shocking image of his first officer squeezing through the doors. "I don't believe my eyes," he said as he stood.

Isabella had managed to climb from deck seven to the bridge without having a full blown nervous breakdown, even though she had nearly done just that several times during the trip. Her claustrophobia had been working in over drive, and she was forever glad to be out of the Jefferies tubes and in an actual room. "Captain, Lieutenant Sato is still securing deck seven but I believe that our guests are no longer on our list of things to worry about. Lieutenant Niatra is working with medical and making sure the wounded get to sickbay, but I don't have an update on how well the repairs are going," she said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Take your time, commander," Alistar said as he rubbed the stubble on his chin thoughtfully. "Alright, here's what we're going to do. Lieutenant T'lon and I will head below decks and start checking on repairs and ship and crew status. I want you to oversee everything from the bridge."

"I can go with T'lon," Isabella said, even though she was sure that the captain was saying that just so that she wouldn't have to crawl back through the ship's access craw ways again.

"No, the Vulcan and I will handle it. You've earned a break," Alistar said as he walked over to a locker on the side of the bridge. Opening the hatch, he reached inside and withdrew two hand phasers and two tricorders. Handing one set over to T'lon, he also handed a repair kit over to the operations officer as well.

"Captain, it would be useful if we had some way of communicating with everyone else throughout the ship," T'lon said.

"The subspace transceivers are on deck two. I want you to head there and see if you can get communications back online. There is an emergency battery compartment between the two that can power both for at least two weeks. We only need one for internal communication. Focus on that first," Alistar said.

"And you?" Isabella asked, crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow towards the captain.

"I'm going to see if there's a way to engineering to check on repairs, then the shuttle bay. If we can launch a shuttle, then we can use it to find out what's going on above the planet and possibly contact Starfleet," Alistar said before he and T'lon ducked out of the bridge.


Fe'cia was panting hard as she entered sickbay carrying two wounded security officers. Her escort was a pair of security officers who were carrying the rest of the wounded from deck seven. As carefully as she could, the Caitian officer set both of her charged down before she fell down to the deck in a sitting position. "Never again am I going to volunteer for this," she hissed.

"You know, they always say never to volunteer for anything," Matt said as he set the wounded officer he had been carrying down. He was trying to make the statement into a joke, but he had seen too much this day to make the joke in earnest.

Abigail walked over to see the new arrivals, hoping that they wouldn't need surgery or serious attention. The Caitian was the senior of the group, and since she hadn't been to sickbay before Abi guessed that she was from the science department. "How bad are the injuries in your group?" she asked.

"Mostly gunshot wounds that have been treated and cleaned already. A few broken bones, lots of bruises, but nothing serious," Matt answered, knowing that the science officer was more than likely exhausted.

Abigail winced as she opened her medical tricorder and scanned everyone. Everyone seemed to be in stable condition, so she nodded. "I can give out shots of Rexlin for everyone who needs it. It's the only thing loaded in the hypo sprays and I don't dare try to load anything else right now," she said.

"That's fine, give me the shot," Fe'cia hissed.

Matt smiled at the Caitian officer before he turned towards the medical officer. "Um, ma'am, our chief wanted us to be posted here as a security precaution. We may still have intruders on board," he said.

"That's fine. I'd prefer if you stood sentry outside," Abigail said.

"Yes ma'am," Matt said as he unslung his assault rifle and grabbed his patrol buddy before heading for the door.


Jera swung the hammer down and knocked the final lockout in place. Everything looked good on this end, and if they had done the repairs right then they weren't too far from having main power back online. All of the power relays had blown or shut down before they could blow, which meant that once the warp core was back online, it was just a matter of time before the primary systems came online as well. The fusion reactors could generate the majority of a star ships power, but the true heart of the ship was the warp core. With that, the entire star ship could be powered up to full power. The fusion reactors were there to help ease the energy balance. If too many systems pulled too much power off of a single source, then problems would pop up. But with multiple sources of power and a way to balance everything, then there was never a drain on the power systems and the ship operated smoothly.

Unfortunately, Jera needed power. The warp core on an Intrepid class ship could power everything perfectly with no trouble at all, but with the damage that the ship had taken she wasn’t sure if the damned thing would work at all. The final lockout in place and sealed down, Jera pulled herself back onto the upper support level and set the sledge hammer down. "Activate the core, ten percent power," she called. Slowly, the warp core hummed to life, but even from this distance she could see red lights.

"Chief, we've got a problem with the distribution relays and the cooling system," the engineering at the master systems control station reported.

"Which means we need to track down the relays and reset them and we need to find out what's going on with the coolant and plasma systems," Jera growled. "Alright, start tracing those lines and let's see what we can power up," she added.


Kev was sitting in the primary fusion reactor node staring at the mess he had created. The fusion reactors had been reset and checked, and would work if he could figure out why the relays kept tripping. He had finally narrowed it down to the simple fact that the relay system itself was too badly damaged and would have to be bypassed. The problem was that the relay system couldn't be bypassed. Or at least, it wasn't supposed to be. It could be done, but it wouldn't be easy or safe, but given the circumstances, he was going to take the risk. Gathering up his tools, he grabbed a power cable from his bag and started off towards the RCS thruster access. If he could get basic maneuverability, then they might be able to get off the bottom of the damned ocean and then most of their problems wouldn't be so bad. "I just hope I don't get court marshaled for this shit," he muttered as he crawled down the Jefferies tube.



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