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241606.07 Joint Plot Log: Reparing the Ship, Part I

Posted on Tue Jun 7th, 2016 @ 5:25pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon & Ensign Elanawen Valenar
Edited on on Tue Jun 7th, 2016 @ 5:25pm

1,455 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity


Isabella sighed as she paced across the bridge and wrung her hands as she tried to think of something, anything, to do. She didn't like waiting around with nothing to do while there was so much going on throughout the ship. What was worse was the fact that internal communications hadn't been restored yet, so there was no telling what was going on either. For all she knew, most of the crew was being killed off by one horrible means or another. She knew that one reason the captain had asked her to remain on the bridge was that he was responsible and wanted to help out, but because he also knew of her claustrophobia and that the only way to get anywhere was to crawl through those horrifying Jefferies tubes. Isabella was thankful, but at the same time she felt as if she could be doing more. Pacing over to the command chair, she sat down and waited quietly.

Elanawen shifted her broken arm carefully and winced as the pain shot through her arm. There were wounded and casualties everywhere, but she didn't mind being just a little selfish in wishing that the damned medics would hurry up and get there, if for no other reason than because she really wanted a good painkiller shot. The emergency med kits on the bridge only had the basic stuff that would hold a person over until they could be taken to sickbay, however this was one of those times were going to sickbay wasn't possible. With a sigh, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.


T'lon crawled into the compartment housing the starboard side communications equipment. He had already checked out the port side and found that it had been completely destroyed. The starboard side however appeared intact, but with the main power offline and the remote control systems down, he would have manually swap the power feed over to the batteries and activate the battery systems. Fortunately, he had check them and found the batteries to be untouched by the ship wide damage. It took roughly five minutes, but T'lon was successful in getting the power feed changed and the batteries turned on. Giving the system a few minutes to power up, T'lon tapped his commbadge. "T'lon to McKeon."


Alistar was trying to carefully navigate through the Jefferies tubes and access ways in the dark when T'lon's voice seemed to echo in the small dark access way. "Holy shit, don't do that to me again," he snapped. It took a few seconds for his brain to register that he had left T'lon on deck 2, and another second to realize that the Vulcan had succeeded. "McKeon to T'lon, I take it we have internal comms back online?"

"Confirmed, captain. Internal communications have been restored. There may be a few areas that do not have communications online due to damage, but short range communications should suffice in those areas," T'lon said.

"Excellent, Lieutenant," Alistar said as he dropped down to a landing. It took him a few minutes before he could make out the lettering and realize that he was at deck 9. "Alright, T'lon, can you work your way to one of the primary sensor arrays and get them online, or do we need power first?"

"I can perform a systems check on the sensor platform subsystems on deck three, and of course the upper sensor platform is near to my current location. I will check on those systems to ensure that they are intact, but you are correct. We will need primary power from either the warp core or the fusion reactors to be online before the sensors will be operational," T'lon replied.

"Get to it then, I'll check and see what's going on in engineering," Alistar said. Signing off, he tapped his commbadge again. "McKeon to Ros."

In engineering, Jera blinked as the sound of the captain's voice filtered through her comm badge. She was so surprised that she almost froze and dropped the tools she was holding, which would have been a bad thing since she was working on the antimatter injection systems. "Ros here, go ahead," she said.

"Internal comms are back online. I don't suppose you have a report on power and engines do you?" Alistar asked.

"The warp core is online, we have to make a few repairs to it before we can power it back up. The antimatter lines need to be repaired and we'll be good to go for a systems test. I'm not sure about the engines. I'm pretty sure the entire warp drive is shot, but the impulse engines might still be intact enough for low powered maneuvering," Jera answered as she finished welding a patch in place. Further down the line, another engineer was still placing a patch in place, which meant that she had a few minutes.

"Let me know when main power is ready. I'm going to head to the shuttle bay and see if any of the shuttles are still intact. If so, I can make an external inspection of the ship and get back to you," Alistar said as he started prying the access hatch to deck nine open.


Jera smiled and nodded as she signed off with the captain. Things were starting to not look so grim. "Alright people, let's get these patches finished. But make sure they're solid welds, the last thing I want to do is blow up because someone got in a hurry," she snapped at her team. Taking a deep breath, she swung her leg over the conduit she had been sitting on and hopped down to the upper level support deck. Handing her tools over to a petty officer, she tapped her comm badge. "Ros to Walker. Kev, are you still alive?"

"Nope, I died and went to an engineer's hell," Kev muttered as sparks flew from the RCS thruster power system line. He had manually fed a power line into the emergency port, but the relays were tripping out every time he tried to activate the power to the system. "I've got the fusion reactors back online, but there's a problem with the power distribution and I'm having to manually feed power to different systems. I'm working on the RCS systems now so we can get some maneuverability back," he continued after he reset a relay.

"Stop what you’re doing and head back to the distribution control. I'll send someone up to help you. I've already got a team working on the impulse drive," Jera said.

"Alright. Tell everyone you send up here to bring a sack of fuses and relays, because everything's going out like crazy," Kev said as he backed the power feed down to zero. Unplugging the cable, he placed a cover over the end and started back towards the nearest control panel. There weren't that many on deck seven anyway.

"Parker, take two people and get up to deck seven to give Walker a hand. He's already got the fusion reactors online, but there's a problem with power distribution," Jera said. "We'll keep trying to get the warp core online and power to the impulse drive." Parker nodded and as his team grabbed their tools and started off, Jera found an engineering padd and brought up the schematics of the ship. Maybe there was hope for them yet.


Alistar tumbled out onto deck nine and groaned as he landed on a more than slightly wet deck. At least it wasn't flooded, but water on the deck meant that somewhere there was a hull breach. "McKeon to Silvisi," he said as he turned around and sealed the access hatch. With luck, there wasn't anyone else on the deck.

"Go ahead," Isabella said, trying hard to contain her excitement over the fact that the internal communication systems were back online.

"Internal comms are back online. Engineering is working on getting power back up. I'm on deck nine, there's water everywhere. I'm going to try to get to a shuttle and see if I can make an external inspection of the ship. Any requests while I'm out?"

"A grilled catfish plate with a salad wouldn't be too much to ask for, would it?" Isabella asked.

"Very funny. I'll give you an update when I have one," he said as he finished sealing the hatch. Standing, he took a minute to orient himself before he started heading aft to the flight control room. There was an access hatch there to the shuttle bay. With luck, they would be able to get the Endeavour off the bottom of the ocean without too much trouble.



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