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241606.08 Joint Plot Log: Repairing the Ship, Part II

Posted on Wed Jun 8th, 2016 @ 6:13pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan
Edited on on Wed Jun 8th, 2016 @ 6:14pm

1,453 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity


Isabella had quickly decided that she wasn't a fan of being in the center command chair during a situation. She had also found out that she would never again take some things for granted, such as the ability to communicate with other members of the crew. The reports that had filtered to the bridge ever since communications had been restored were grim, but there was still hope. At least, that's what she was telling herself as she passed along orders. "Engineering and operations are to continue working on repairs, science is to assist medical. Personnel in security who are qualified medics are to assist medical, anyone with secondary training in engineering or operations skills are to assist with repairs. Remaining security personnel are to inspect the ship," Isabella said before she signed off.


Fe'cia grumbled and hissed softly as she listened to the executive officer's orders. She didn't mind helping out in other departments, but she had hoped that it would be short term and not an extended assignment. Her knowledge and medical training was far more limited than she wanted to admit. Looking at the chief medical officer, she twitched her tail. "Ok, what can I do to help?" the Caitian asked.

Abi thought quickly, but it really didn't take long for her to come up with something since she had more help in sickbay than she needed. "I need you to get one of the security officers and start checking throughout the ship for any personnel who are wounded but unable or unwilling to come to sickbay. We really need to check on everyone and make sure people aren't skipping out on getting any injuries treated," Abi said.

"I can do that. What if they refuse treatment?" Fe'cia asked.

"Make sure they get treatment," Abi said with a dangerous grin.

Fe'cia returned the grin with one of her own. If Caitians knew how to do anything, it was be frightening. Grabbing one of the security guards at the door, she gave him a spare med kit and started off down the corridor.


Akira had to admit that everything looked slightly creepy when the only source of light available was a flashlight. It was even worse when that flashlight was attached to your phaser rifle or assault rifle. She had managed to get to deck five and collect Ensign Connor as well as several other security officers before heading to the security office on deck four to resupply on ammunition and gear. As the security staff passed out equipment and checked their gear, she nodded.

"Alright. We’ll work in teams of two. Connor, you're with me. We'll start by heading to the bridge and checking in with the commander, then work our way back down. Everyone else, I want you guys to start on deck five, and then work your way down. Mark the sections that are flooded. And please don't break anything. We've done enough of that for one day," Akira said. A few chuckles answered her half hearted attempt at a joke, but she could tell that her officers were about as half hearted in their laughter as she was in making the joke. They had all been through a lot. Giving everyone a nod of dismissal, she waited for the others to clear out of the room before she patted Ensign Connor on the shoulder and started off towards the Jefferies tube access hatch.

"Ma'am, how long until we're able to secure back to normal status?" Matt asked as he walked beside the lieutenant. He had to admit that he was still shaken over the fierce and wild fighting and the crash, and he admired his senior officer for managing to appear calm.

"As long as it takes them to make repairs," Akira answered as they arrived at the hatch. Without waiting, she slung her rifle over her shoulder and crawled in.

Kev had left the repairs to the RCS thruster to the engineers who had finally woken up and been ordered to finish the repairs he had started. Without being ordered to do so, he had started up to deck four where the primary EPS distribution control rooms were. It was there that he would be able to get a better idea of why power wasn't being diverted to the systems. Arriving, he was surprised to see the chief operations officer already there. "Hey, I thought you were working on the sensor array," Kev said as he entered the main control room.

"I was, however the systems are intact but not powering on. I thought it would be logical to head here and check on the EPS power distribution settings, since the problem with power getting to ship board systems is ship wide," T'lon answered. "I have discovered that there is an over ride sequence in place that shuts down the power flow to all ship board systems in the event of a ship wide damaging event such as a planetary crash. It is a precautionary sequence that can be disabled from here and main engineering."

"Thought so," Kev said as he tapped his comm badge. "Walker to Ros, you know anything about an over ride to the EPS distribution system?"

In engineering, Jera frowned as she tried to think of what Walker could be talking about. Coming up with a blank, she shook her head. "No idea. It may be one of the new fail safe ideas some wacko idiot had thought up while reading over a list of bad ideas for new star ships. Is that what's causing power not to be diverted to systems ship wide?"

"Confirmed, Lieutenant," T'lon answered. "There is an over ride that will disable the sequence, but it must be activated from here, the bridge, and main engineering. I can show Lieutenant Walker the sequence command from here and then head to the bridge."

"What about the sequence deactivation for engineering?" Jera asked.

"Enter the deactivation code 0-1-Sigma-Alpha-5-1-3-1-5 followed by your personal over ride code at any engineering terminal," T'lon said.

Jera walked over to the main station and keyed in the sequence plus her personal code. A display changed to indicate that something that happened. "I guess it worked," she said.

"I have entered the sequence here, now I will have to have to return to the bridge and repeat the same sequence there," T'lon said.

"Why not have someone on the bridge do it?" Kev asked.

"I must have over looked that possibility," T'lon said before he hailed the bridge. He quickly explained the situation and the problem.


"I think I can take care of that," Isabella said as she stepped over to the operations console. Finding the right panel on the console, she entered the sequence plus her code. Instantly, she was rewarded by the main lighting coming on as well as a low powering up hum that continued throughout the ship. "People, I think we're back online," Isabella said happily. "Good work, guys." Happy that the power situation was taken care of, Isabella tapped her comm badge. "Dei`Silvisi to McKeon. Main power has been restored to critical systems."


Alistar had managed to get down to the main shuttle bay deck and inspect the shuttles. Of the eight shuttles, only three were still usable, but only one was available for flight. Fortunately, it was the Phantom, the type 10 shuttle that had been sent to the Endeavour by mistake shortly before the ship had departed Utopia Planitia. He had strapped into the flight seat of the shuttle when the power reactivated, which was good since it meant he didn't have to blow a hole through the shuttle bay doors. "Roger that. Keep up with the repairs, I'm going to head up to check in on the situation in orbit. I'd prefer to keep external communications to a minimum until we know more. I'll make an external inspection on the way back."

"Agreed," Isabella said with an approving nod of her head. She was afraid, since there was truly no way of knowing what her commanding officer was about to fly into. "Be safe," she said.

"Always," Alistar said, although anyone who knew him well would know that that statement wasn't always true. Keying in the door activation sequence, he waited until the shuttle bay door opened before he eased the shuttle off of the deck and flew through the force field holding back the water. As soon as he was clear, he keyed the sequence again and closed the doors. Taking a deep breath, Alistar banked upwards and hoped like hell that the fighting had already stopped.


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