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241606.13 Joint Plot Log: Rising

Posted on Tue Jun 14th, 2016 @ 4:33am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

1,066 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Diplomatic Immunity


Alistar winced as he piloted the shuttle Phantom into a low orbit of the planet and looked through the view port at the sight of two destroyed fleets. The Krivaldi and Varn fleets had ultimately destroyed each other, though Alistar was certain that some ships had withdrawn or survived the fighting. Either way, it didn't spell out hope for any diplomatic solution being found any time soon. Turning to the scanners, he took note that there were no ships in the system, which meant that the Endeavour had been left for dead or forgotten in the battle. Either way, Alistar didn't care. It was time he took his ship and crew home. Reaching for the flight controls, he fired the thrusters and broke orbit, diving back down to the planet. Once he was in short range communications range of the Endeavour, he activated the comm. "McKeon to Endeavour. Everything looks clear. All hands to duty stations. As soon as I'm back on board, we're leaving," he said.


Isabella was sitting in her seat when she heard the captain's orders. Nodding in satisfaction and in hope that they would soon be leaving, she sat up straighter in her chair. She had had a bad feeling about this mission before they had even arrived, and it had gone from bad to worse. She had no problem in the fact that they were departing without making any attempt to continue the diplomatic mission they had been assigned. To Isabella, it was clear that there would be no way to reach a diplomatic solution to the Krivaldi and Varn conflict. It was difficult for her to admit that, but she wasn't about to question her captain's decision, especially when she herself happened to agree with both his orders and his reasoning. "Miss Valenar, are you capable of piloting the ship?" Isabella asked the recently treated helm officer.

"Yes, Ma'am," Elanawen replied from the repaired helm station. Her seat had been quickly welded back in place, although the weld and other damage meant that she could only use one section of the helm station. It would do, however, since the flight control systems could be configured as needed.

"Commander, I am happy to report that all essential systems are online and available. We can depart at any time," T'lon reported from the operation station. Even for a Vulcan, he appeared to be as happy as a Vulcan could get. Not only was he back at the operations station, but the ship would soon be leaving and heading home, away from the terrible mess this mission had turned out to be.

"A happy Vulcan? Now there's a rare sight indeed," Akira mocked in a playfully sarcastic tone from the Security and Tactical station. She had recently taken to picking on the Vulcan operations officer, and now was as good as a time as any considering the situation.

"Looking at our situation, I can understand," Isabella said with a smile. "All hands stand by for departure," she called into the intercom.


Jera took in a deep breath of happy satisfaction as she heard the words she had been waiting to hear for some time. The ship was as repaired as her teams could get it under current conditions. Propulsion had been partially restored, as had main power. The ship could launch, break orbit and fly. That was all that was needed. The warp drive was still needing a careful eye to on watch due to a few fluctuations that spiked up now and then, but Jera had run a simulation and decided that if the Endeavour remained at low warp, it wouldn't be a problem. "Alright, people, let's get ready to get out of here," she said.

Kev would have smiled, but he was tired. Too tired. Like many others in engineering, he had been working nonstop to work on repairs. He couldn't even tell if they had been working for hours, days, or even a week. It didn't matter. They were all working on coffee, bad coffee at that, and who knew what else. Sitting at the impulse monitoring stations, he propped his head up with his hand and waited.


Fe'cia had remained working with medical, since her help was needed and there wasn't much for science to do under the situation. She was tired though, and hearing the announcement that the ship would soon be leaving for home made her spirits lighter. Sitting down beside the chief medical officer, she closed her eyes and managed a happy sounding purr.

"You look like you could use a two day nap and a week on Risa," Abi said.

"I could use the nap," Fe'cia admitted. "But not the trip to Risa. Just lots of sleep."

"Me too," Matt said as he joined them at the table. He had been sent to medical to help move the wounded and give out his assistance any where he could help. Like everyone else, he was tired. And more than ready to go home.


Alistar had docked the shuttle Phantom and made it to the bridge as quickly as he could. The past several days had been hell on his entire crew. Like them, he was ready to return home, although he knew that he would more than likely face an inquiry for not finishing the mission, but as far as he was concerned the mission be damned. He had lost crew, and for nothing. He had figured that the mission would have ended up being a failure either way, but he hadn't counted on his crew paying such a price.

"Helmsman, impulse engines to max safe setting, thrusters to full, take us the hell out of here," he ordered as he walked out of the turbo lift and onto the bridge. Heading to his command chair, he sat down.

The Endeavour stirred from where she had rested for several days to recover from her wounds. Now partially repaired, the ship rose from the ocean floor and quickly gained altitude, breaking from the surface of the ocean and quickly climbing into the sky. Within minutes, the ship had escaped the atmosphere of the planet and into space. Maneuvering through the debris field, the Endeavour raced to the edge of the star system and paused before jumping into warp on a course for home.


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