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SD 241608.17 Executive Officer's Personal Log: Cmdr dei`Silvisi

Posted on Wed Aug 17th, 2016 @ 3:41pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

594 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

Isabella walked into her new quarters and felt her eyebrows widen as she took in the room. While space on a star ship was limited, Starfleet had clearly taken into account the level of comfort that the crew of deep space exploration ships needed, and clearly that had been in mind when the Endeavour had undergone her refit. She knew that her quarters were identical to the quarters assigned to the commanding officer, but what she hadn't been prepared for was just how nice they were. The senior officer quarters were slightly smaller than the command level quarters, and the standard officer quarters were still just as comfortable if only smaller. Naturally, enlisted crew were still assigned to shared quarters, but Isabella had heard that even those were comfortable compared to enlisted crew quarters found on other star ships.

Isabella spared a moment to ensure that her belongings had been transferred to her quarters before she sat down at the desk built into her dayroom. The emotional verbal fight that had taken place between her and her father months ago still gnawed at her, but she was determined to keep her word. She hadn't spoken to anyone but her sister since that night. Now that she knew the Endeavour's mission parameters, Isabella knew that she needed to at least try to speak to her parents. Reaching out, she tapped the screen and requested a communication channel to her parent’s house. It took several minutes before the screen came to life with the image of her mother.

"Isabella! I didn't expect to see or hear from you so soon," her mother said.

"I felt that that I needed to at least try to talk to the both of you," Isabella said. "Is father home?"

"No, he was called into help with a fishing injury," her mother said.

"I understand. Mother, my ship has received our orders. We've been assigned to a deep space exploration mission beyond the Federation's borders. Our mission duration is expected to last up to seven years. I wanted to know if it was possible for me to get a few of my things from the house, since I doubt that I will ever return," Isabella said.

"You don't intend to ever return, do you?" Isabella's mother asked, her question letting Isabella know that she had already pierced through Isabella's attempted cover.

"No, I don't. Father made it clear that as far as he's concerned I don't exist as his daughter," Isabella said. "I'm sorry mother, but my path in life is mine to walk, and I'm not asking either of you to like my choices but I do deserve your respect, both as your daughter and as a woman who has achieved so much in her life."

"I'll speak to your father, and your sister and I will bring you your belongings. What is the name of your ship?" her mother asked.

"The Endeavour," Isabella replied. "You should be able to board through the Honolulu station. I'll let security know that you're to be given civilian clearance."

"Very well. We'll see you tomorrow. When would be a good time?"

"Any time after 1700… five o clock pm," Isabella replied. "Thank you, mother."

"You're welcome, Isabella. I'll see you tomorrow," her mother said before she ended the transmission.

Isabella stared at the blank screen for a minute before she stood and turned towards the pile of shipping containers that held her belongings. Opening the first box, she started unpacking, feeling better now that she had tried to make peace with her parents.


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