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SD 241608.13 Joint Log: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Chief of Security and Tactical, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical NPC, Chief Science Officer NPC, Chief Operations NPC

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2016 @ 7:10am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan
Edited on on Sun Aug 14th, 2016 @ 7:10am

1,093 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

While the majority of the crew were still being recalled from their extended shore leave, Alistar had called for a meeting between the senior officers just so that everyone could get onto the same page. The majority of the crew was still the same, but there were still a few new faces, including the new chief science officer he had yet to meet. Fortunately, the Endeavour had been released from Utopia Planitia and placed into a parking orbit above the Hawaiian Islands. Walking through the corridors once again felt good, and Alistar had a good feeling as he walked towards the briefing room. The others had already assembled, as he was deliberately late by five minutes. Walking into the briefing room, he nodded before taking his seat. "Morning everyone. I wanted us to meet and discuss our mission parameters for when we launch. I hope everyone got rested up, because with our refit we may not be back for quite some time. I also want to introduce our new chief science officer, Lieutenant Val," he said as he nodded towards the Trill female seated among the familiar faces of his senior officers.

Clearing his throat, he continued on. "The Endeavour is scheduled for release to return to active duty by Friday of next week. This week we'll concentrate on getting everyone back on board and I'm afraid that everyone will have to undergo training on the new systems. There's a three day on the job training requirement for everyone assigned to the ship, plus fitness exams that have to be completed by the end of the weekend. Next week we'll work on testing the systems and full diagnostics before we launch. Any questions?"

Isabella listened with a partially raised eyebrow. She was surprised at some of the requirements that were expected of the entire crew before the Endeavour was to depart, but at the same time she wasn't entirely surprised. The ship had undergone an extensive refit and had been equipped with many newer systems and upgrades that hadn't become standard on the majority of Starfleet ships just yet. Some of the systems were only found on select classes, such as the newer state of the art Luna class or experimental test bed ships. The Endeavour was as ready for deep space as any Starfleet ship could be. But still, Isabella had to wonder why they had been given such a tight deadline. "Captain, I'm not disagreeing in the fact that everyone needs to be trained on the newer systems, but why have they given us such a limited deadline if everyone is to be cross trained on every system ship wide?"

"Everyone is required to learn the basic functions of every system. It's a new policy that Starfleet is enforcing through the fleet," Alistar said. "We also have newer system upgrades that haven't been installed as general equipment on any other ship yet."

"If I may ask, what kind of new systems did we receive during the refit?" T'lon asked.

"I can answer that," Jera said as she glanced at a padd in front of her. She had actually helped with the majority of the refit and had a full list of what had been done. "They completely replaced every sensor pallet throughout the ship with the newest sensor pallets and systems, the warp cores were both upgraded to the newer models. Support systems were upgraded as well. Even the tactical systems were upgraded. Also, we got the newest model of fusion reactors, shield grid systems, computer core defense systems. Also, the science labs were remodeled and we now have specialized labs as well as the newest sensor probes. And finally, security has all of the newest fire arms as well."

"What about the new projectile weapons that I requested?" Akira asked, perking up as she heard that security had the newer fire arms.

"You'll have to have security do an inventory on that," Alistar answered. "But I'm pretty sure our request was approved for projectile weapons to be added to our inventory."

"So I'm assuming that we're getting a survey mission of some kind? I'm only asking because the majority of the upgrades that the Endeavour received are for the new deep space explorer ships," Élan said as she finished looking over the list of upgrades that had been done.

Alistar took a deep breath and smiled thinly before he answered. "The Endeavour has been assigned to independent exploration duties in deep space beyond the Federation borders," he said. "Our deployment duration can last as long as seven years if need be thanks to the upgrades."

Isabella blinked and realized that she had been holding her breath in. Silently releasing her breath, she nodded in approval. She knew that with the upgrades they had received from the refit that it was a possibility, but to know that they had actually been given the status of being assigned the status of deep space explorer meant that they would be going further than any star ship had ever gone before. "Has Starfleet given us an assigned region or left that up to our own discretion?" she asked.

"We have full discretion on our exploration duties unless something over rides our standing mandate," Alistar said.

Akira smiled and nodded. Being the daughter of an exploration ship captain, she was more than pleased to hear that her assigned ship had joined the elite ranks of the deep space explorers. She made a mental note to make sure that both of her departments would be ready for the possibility of an extended deployment into deep space.

"Well, I can see why we received the newest systems," Élan said. As the chief science officer, she knew that her department would be busy using the new systems and as such would benefit the most from the upgrades.

"Indeed," T'lon said as he raised an eyebrow. "Captain, how soon are the assigned crew to begin boarding?"

"They're processing everyone through the Honolulu processing station, and as soon as the crew checks in they transport on board," Alistar said as he looked towards Lieutenant Eidan. "Naturally, physical evaluations are to be done on all crew."

"I'll see to it," the ship's chief medical officer said with a nod.

"Alright everyone. We launch next Friday and we have a lot to get done by then. We'll hold mid afternoon meetings everyday at 1500 hours every three days. I'll be sure to send a reminder. Any other questions?" Alistar said.

When no one else spoke, Alistar nodded and stood. "Dismissed everyone," he said.


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