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SD 241608.26 Executive Officer's Personal/Duty Log: Cmdr Isabella dei`Silvisi and Guest NPCs

Posted on Fri Aug 26th, 2016 @ 5:52pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

382 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

The doors slid shut as Captain McKeon walked out of his ready room, leaving Isabella alone with her parents. Her mother held her head down and said nothing while her father stared at her with an expression that bordered on uncertainty and open dislike. In return, Isabella returned her father's stare with one of content. She had already spoken her mind and let her position known, and she wasn't about to step back. She finally clasped her hands behind her back.

"Father, I didn't expect you to personally bring my belongings to me. I do appreciate it though," Isabella said in a neutrally flat tone.

"I wanted to know for sure that your belongings had reached you. That way you dint have anything to add to your list of reasons why you dishonor me," her father said.

"You choose to take my actions as a dishonor and in doing so you dishonor me," Isabella snapped, refusing to let her father walk over her and make her back down. "I thank you for making sure my things actually reached me, and since I'm sure that you brought everything you can rest easy knowing that you'll never have to speak to the daughter you choose to dishonor and shame."

"If that's your wish," her father said angrily.

"No, it's yours. And it always has been since I refused to let you dictate my life," Isabella said, matching her father's anger with a rancor of her own. Her eyes blazed momentarily with a hidden reserve of anger that almost surprised her as she spoke. "You refuse to accept the fact that I’ve never done anything you wanted me to do. I've always chosen the path in life I wanted to walk, and you've chosen to be blind to everything I've accomplished. I thank you for coming so far in order to rest assure that my things reached me, father, but I'm going to have to ask that you leave this ship as quickly as you can. I'll ask the yeoman to escort you back to the transporter room."

Giving her father a final parting stare, Isabella braced to attention before she turned, put her back to her parents in a gesture that was more symbolic than anything and walked out of the ready room.


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