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SD 241609.02 Joint Log: CO, XO, CSecTac, CEO, SecO, EO, SciO, NPCs

Posted on Sat Sep 3rd, 2016 @ 6:22am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val
Edited on on Sat Sep 3rd, 2016 @ 6:22am

1,030 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

Alistar took a deep breath before he walked out of the turbo lift and onto the bridge of the Endeavour. The bridge had remained largely untouched during the refit, a new color scheme had been added and the aft display had been converted to a Multi use station in place of a master systems display, but the rest had remained the same. Looking around the bridge as he made his way to the command chair, he nodded to everyone he passed. Arriving at his command chair, he offered his executive officer a nod. "Ship status XO?" he asked as he sat down in his seat.

Isabella had arrived on the bridge early and made sure that everything was ready for the Endeavour's departure from the Sol system. Like many of the crew, she was happy to get away, although she had a few extra reasons than the majority of the crew. They had been assigned to a five to seven year deep space exploration mission, and she was thankful for it. Even now as they were preparing to depart, Isabella held her head up high and held no reservations or regrets. She had worked hard for her career and position and she would continue to do so.

As the captain took his seat on the bridge, Isabella sat down in her seat. "All departments report ready for departure, all systems ready to go," she replied. "We've already been cleared for departure by orbital traffic control."

"Let's go around the board then," Alistar said as he tapped his commbadge. "All departments prepare for standard operational mode ship wide. Report readiness status to the bridge."

Akira stood at the security and tactical station. Being short, she almost looked like a child standing behind the console, but she had dealt with that issue all her life. She had seen to it that both of her departments were ready, even going as far as taking inventory down to the last laser power cell in the armory. Checking her internal security displays, she frowned and tapped a control.

"Sato to Connor, your team needs to move to your assigned patrol section," she said.

Matt almost groaned as his department chief nagged on his team as they hurried down the corridor. They had been held up while securing the armory after checking out their weapons and having the armory officer bail on them, and that had caused them to be just two minutes late in getting to their patrol zone. Tapping his badge, he spoke as best he could while running down the corridor. "On our way ma'am. We got held up at the armory, I filed a brief report before we left," Matt said.

"I'll read it once we're underway," Akira promised as she noticed that Connor and his team were at least on their assigned deck. Looking up, she nodded in satisfaction. "Security and tactical ready," she said.

Fe'cia felt nervous. She had asked to be assigned to the bridge science station since she had normally been assigned there as he normal duty station before. Even then, she had never held this much responsibility. She had control over the majority of the ship's major science systems and they were heading into deep space. It put science and operations on the front lines of the ship's duties as an explorer ship. Still, when it came time for her to report in, she twitched her whiskers and checked her board as she answered. "All sensor systems online and ready. All labs functioning correctly."

"Operations is functioning within normal operating parameters and is ready for extended operation in deep space," T'lon reported in his usual and typical Vulcan manner. Indeed, he had gone over everything in operations and was satisfied at the effectiveness of his department.

Engineering practically hummed as the warp core purred at full power. Jera stood at the master display station and watched the system readouts with a mug of coffee in her hand. Beside her, Cadet Wolfe stood, taking in everything. Until she was checked off on everything, Jera wanted to keep the cadet as an observer just as a precaution. They would start getting Wolfe checked off during the upcoming weeks. "Status of engineering Mister Walker?" Jera asked.

Kev was seated at one of the main control consoles. He felt more relaxed this time around than he had during the last time he had Ben on the Endeavour when the ship had departed for deep space. He still didn't like being at the master systems station, there was just too much to deal with there. He like simple and normal during something like a departure. "Propulsion systems look good. Warp field is holding steady, structural integrity field is stable, power distribution and flow is stable and holding at normal operating levels," Kev answered.

"Engineering to bridge, all engineering systems are ready to go," Jera reported.

Standing behind Lieutenant Niatra, Élan nodded at her senior science officer and took a step to stand behind the Caitian officer. Placing a comforting hand on Niatra's shoulder, the Trill smiled. "Relax a little, Lieutenant," Élan said.

"I'm just hoping that we don't get into any major problems. The last time we took this ship out we brought it back in pieces," Fe'cia said.

"It's deep space, not the front lines of a war. That being said, space is dangerous at times. But I'm sure that we'll be fine," Élan said with a comforting smile.

"I certainly hope you're right, Lieutenant Val, otherwise I'm going to hold you to blame if we get into any major trouble any time soon," Alistar said with a slight smile. Turning towards the helm, he nodded. "Helm, break orbit at one quarter impulse speed. Set your course 318 by 215 by 092, prepare to engage warp drive at warp 9."

The Intrepid class ship that was the USS Endeavour banked away from the blue orb that was Earth. Gaining speed quickly, the sleek ship turned towards the open darkness of deep space and raced towards the edge if the solar system of the Sol star. Pausing momentarily, the warp pylons shifted position before the Endeavour leapt to warp speed, leaving everything her crew knew behind.


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