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StarDate 241609.04 Joint Log: Executive Officer, Chief Security and Tactical Officer, Chief Operations NPC, Chief Engineer, Chief Science Officer

Posted on Sun Sep 4th, 2016 @ 4:37pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val

1,080 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

Isabella couldn't help but hum softly to herself as she walked along the corridors. Her new quarters were simply divine, perhaps even the most luxurious she had ever had assigned to her. Of all the things addressed in the Endeavour's refit, the comfort of the crew had definitely been a point of both focus and concern and the refit crew had done an outstanding job in addressing the issue. The rest of the ship had received the same attention as well, and as she walked into the briefing room for her morning meeting, Isabella couldn't help but stop and take note of the changes before he sat down at the table. Setting a Padd down in front of her, she skimmed over the list of things that needed to be addressed in the meeting while she waited.

T'lon arrived at the briefing room early in his usual Vulcan effectiveness. Much to his surprise, the first officer was already in the briefing room. After a moment's thought, he realized that he shouldn't be that surprised. If anything, the executive officer was very efficient in carrying out her duties. "Good morning, Commander. I trust you are well?" T'lon asked as he sat down.

"I am, thank you for asking," Isabella replied with a welcoming smile as the chief operations officer sat down.

Akira Sato and Élan Val both arrived at the same time. They had meet in the corridor on their way to the turbo lift and in addition to the usual morning exchange they had talked some about how they had found the Endeavour's refit a welcome change compared to the ship's original configuration. They both stepped into the briefing room and seeing the executive officer and chief operations officers already present they both took their seats.

Jera had decided to check in on engineering before attending the meeting. Walker and the other officers had everything well in hand, but she liked to check in at random times just to make sure everyone was doing their jobs correctly. Naturally, Jera got caught up in getting a few of the newer enlisted crewmen to their duty stations as well as finding something for Cadet Wolfe to do until after the meeting. It took a bit longer than Jera had anticipated so she arrived at the briefing room a few minutes late. "Sorry I'm late," she said as she entered the briefing room and made her way to her chair. "I had to make sure the basement was in order."

"It's alright, Lieutenant," Isabella said with formal nod. "Now that we're all here, I want to go over the security of the more critical systems on the ship. Naturally, engineering and the bridge are at the top of the list, but I'd like to know if any of you have any ideas we can run by security."

"The computer cores are both critical systems to the overall capabilities of the ship," T'lon said. "While general access can be restricted by the firewalls and an encryption process, these measures could theoretically be bypassed if someone interfaced directly with the core mainframe."

"There's also the deflector control rooms as well as the damage control and relay controls. Not to mention the injector controls, as well as the anti matter generator and flow control systems. Honestly commander, we don't have the security personnel to guard every single critical system and still be able to actually defend the ship," Jera said.

"There's also the sensor equipment and even the labs. Some of the stuff we keep for experiments can be used to make high yield explosives," Élan said.

"Commander, I've gone over the new security measures that were added ship wide. The critical systems and controls are all protected in reinforced sections with force fields during most operating modes. During low security modes the field level is minimal but it increases during high alert status. We also have the new internal security monitoring system that's being monitored twenty four hours a day. I'd recommend regular security patrol checks twice an hour, with manned postings in highly critical areas during alert status," Akira offered.

"Is that acceptable by everyone?" Isabella asked. She wasn't a security officer by trade or training, but the new security measures did seem to be sound enough that adding new measures did seem to be a bit much.

"The measures seem sufficient. If I may add a point, most of the areas with dangerous items are normally locked out and can only be accessed with a special issued access code. The computer monitors any attempt to access year rooms. I would suggest a periodic check of the logs to ensure that those with the proper access have gained entry to these areas," T'lon suggested.

"We can do that. We have direct access to the logs in security; I can do a weekly check of the logs and run a scan for anything outside the normal. The computer will automatically flag anything such as someone outside a department related area or someone who isn't supposed to have normal access," Akira said.

"That sounds like we got a full upgrade to our internal security systems," Isabella said. "I have to admit that I didn't read fully into everything."

"It is still logical to check and ensure that everyone is aware of the ship's capabilities. I must admit that I am not fully aware of all of our ship's capabilities," T'lon admitted.

"The security upgrades weren't added to the standard data pack that was released to everyone, but I can download the information for department heads and command staff for review. If there are any additional measures that we need to add we can definitely look into it," Akira said.

"That sounds like a plan," Jera said.

"Agreed," Isabella said with a nod. "Lieutenant, how soon can you have the information to everyone?"

"I can have it to everyone by the end of the shift this afternoon," Akira answered.

"I'd like to ask everyone to review the information for the security measures for their respective departments and if you feel that any additional measures need to be added we'll hold another meeting at a time to be determined to discuss additional measures at that time. Any questions or comments?" Isabella asked. She waited a few minutes to give everyone time to think and speak if there was anything else to add. When no one spoke, she nodded. "Dismissed everyone," she said, calling the meeting to a close.


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