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Sd 241609.05 Joint Log: SciO, EO, SecO, EngCdt NPC

Posted on Tue Sep 6th, 2016 @ 6:52am by Civilian Specialist Kaylyn Wolfe & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor

865 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

The mess hall was mostly empty as Kaylyn walked in and headed to the replicator. A few people turned and stared at her for a moment, but she ignored them since they only watched her for a moment. Her gray cadet's uniform stood out among the sea of black officer and NCO uniforms and it wasn't exactly common to have a cadet on an extended deployment. Ordering herself a light dinner, Kay picked up her tray and sat down at an empty table.

Kev yawned as he managed to walk into the lounge without running face first into the bulkhead. He had been pulling double shifts and longer days since he had returned to the ship and it was starting to catch up to him. The ship was in perfect working order and that was a red flag for any support systems officer. Seeing the new cadet from engineering, Kev grabbed a coffee and walked over. "Mind if I join you?" he asked.

Kay looked up while taking a bite of her chicken sandwich and was momentarily confused. Chewing quickly, she nodded ad when she had swallowed her food she spoke. "Please, sir," she said quickly.

"You know, except for special occasions there's no rank used in the mess hall. Except for the command officers maybe," Kev said with a laugh.

"I wasn't aware of that," Kay said, her eyes wide.

"Lt Walker, are you terrorizing that poor girl?" Fe'cia asked as she padded up, her tail swishing in a relaxed manner. Without invitation she sat down and fixed the engineering officer with a playful grin.

"No, I'm not," Kev said. "Although you're free to ask Miss Wolfe for yourself."

"Fe'cia Niatra," Fe'cia said as she offered her paw out to the cadet.

"Kay Wolfe," Kay replied as she shook the Caitian's paw. She had met a fee Caitians before, but she was surprised that they were as diverse in appearance as humans. "And Lieutenant Walker isn't harassing me much."

"Yet," Fe'cia said. "Which department are you serving in?"

"Engineering," Kay answered.

Matt walked into the mess hall rubbing his arms. The chief had been running the entire security department hard since they had returned to duty. It helped him go to sleep every night but he wished that she wouldn't ride them quite so hard. He was getting used to it though. They all were. He was looking forward to some hot soup and maybe a visit to the new Rec room before he called it a day. Looking out across the room, he spotted Walker and the nice looking Caitian science officer along with an attractive blonde cadet. Getting his soup from the replicator he walked over. "May I join you?" he asked.

"Sure," Kay said, hoping she wasn't stepping out of her bounds in doing so.

"So, I hear Sato's been running you security guys ragged," Kev said as Connor sat down.

"Hell yeah," Matt said as he sat down and dipped a fee crackers into his soup. "She seems to enjoy coming up with new ways to run us to the point of exhaustion. The pain of it is, she's right there with us when we're training and she doesn't seem to be run down like the rest of us are."

"I've noticed the same of some of the other senior officers as well," Kay said. "I'm sure Walker has noticed that Lieutenant Ros seems to operate on a different wavelength."

"Yeah. She's always relaxed and calm with her coffee until the crap hits the fan and then she's right there in the middle of things getting things done. She's also a sadistic bitch who loves to torment her engineers," Kev said.

"I haven't known Lieutenant Val very long but she seems to be on top of things in the science department as well. All of the senior officers and specially the command staff seem to be top of the line officers," Fe'cia said.

"Well, in any case, I'm glad that we have the senior staff that we have here on the Endeavour," Kev said.

"Hear hear, I'll toast to that," Matt said.

"Agreed," Fe'cia said "Actually, Lieutenant Walker, you've been on the Endeavour since the ship launched. I'm sure you've seen the best and worst of the higher ups in the past year."

"Well, the captain's been an excellent CO from what I can tell. The XO has been stepping up to the plate since she accepted the position. Lieutenant Ros and I have been here since day one, most of the others have come on board since then. They all seem to be capable. But we'll find out. This cruise is going to be at least five to seven years into deep space. We'll all find out about everyone on the ship in that time."

"I agree," Kay said. Having finished her sandwich, she leaned back and settled in to spend a few hours talking with her fellow shipmates. As the talk shifted from other crew towards duty and then on to other things, the three officers and one cadet relaxed and could all agree on the fact that yet were all happy with their assignment to the Endeavour.


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