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StarDate 241609.14 Joint Log: Early Morning Wake-up Call, Part I

Posted on Wed Sep 14th, 2016 @ 10:40pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val & Civilian Specialist Kaylyn Wolfe & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan
Edited on on Wed Sep 14th, 2016 @ 10:40pm

1,005 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

It was early in the morning when Akira walked into the security office. There was still an hour and a half before the crew assigned to day shift, commonly known as Alpha Shift, would even stir from their sleep and start their day, and that made this the perfect time for Akira to run an unscheduled ship wide drill. Stepping over to the master security console, Akira typed in her access codes and brought up her access window. Glancing through the readouts for a moment, she smiled before she typed in a command and pressed enter. The effect was instant. An alarm klaxon blared and a ship wide alert went into place.

"Attention: level four ship wide internal security drill is now in place. All hands, Report to action stations immediately!" the automated computer voice reported.

Isabella was in a restful deep sleep when the alarm started. The two seconds of brain searing and bone gnawing snarl of the alarm klaxon that sounded off before the automatic message had its desired effect: she woke up and was halfway across the living area of her quarters before she even realized that she was only dressed in a thin silk nightgown. Spinning with all of the grace of a ballet dancer that she possessed, Isabella spun about and found something decent to wear. Fortunately it was more decent than her nightgown, but instead of being one of her uniforms it was a pair of civilian slacks and a blouse that she had been considering setting aside for the next time the Endeavour made a port call. Dressing quickly, Isabella bolted towards the door and down the corridor.

Kev groaned and started to bury his head under his pillow as the alarm rang through the ship. It took his brain a moment to realize what the alarm was. Once he did he rolled out of bed and pulled his uniform pants on. He was already in his under shirt so he grabbed his jacket and ran out the door.

Upon hearing the first few snarls of the alarm Jera did what she did naturally. She reached out with one slender hand and picked her alarm clock up before slamming it against the top of her nightstand twice. Releasing the clock, she started to pull her hand back under the covers before she realized that the alarm wasn't her alarm clock and a ship wide alarm. Throwing the covers off, Jera sat up in bed and hurriedly looked about her room before she rolled out of bed and grabbed her pants, boots and under shirt. Nit seeing her jacket, she grabbed her vest instead and hurried out of quarters. The corridors were filled with officers and crew doing the exact same thing she was doing. It made getting to the turbo lift a task, and from there to engineering quite the task. Once There Jera went straight to the main station as her crew darted to their stations.

Matt was already up, since he had volunteered for a double shift in order to have an extra day off during the week. He was surprised when the alarm rang out, but the chief had been training him and the rest of the security detail hard so he responded as he should. He ran down the corridor and towards the armory. The petty officer there had already started pulling weapons out and atomically handed Matt a rifle. Matt too the phaser rifle and armed the charge before he hurried out to his assigned station.

Fe'cia was curled up in her bed sleeping when the drill started. Hearing the alarm, she instantly flattened her ears and sat up with a sharp hiss, her tail twitching in anger. Pulling on her uniform, she hurried towards sickbay, since during an alert situation her secondary training as a medic would take priority.

Being a career military Starfleet officer and a bit of an insomniac, Alistar opened his eyes the moment the alarm rang out throughout his ship. Rolling out of bed, he pulled his shirt and jacket on while hunting for his boots. It took longer than he liked to find them so when he did Alistar just grabbed them and ran out into corridor with his boots in his hands. It was a short elevator rude to the bridge, but he managed to pull his boots on in that time. He was through the doors before they were fully opened and making a bee line for his chair. "Report!" Alistar barked as he arrived at his chair.

Akira had arrived at the bridge before the captain and was surprised by how quickly had responded to the alarm. She mentally reminded herself that he had served along the front lines of the Dominion War and more than likely had plenty of experience in responding to an alert situation.

"We are engaged in a randomized internal security drill captain," she reported. "Security is responding and securing critical sections of the ship."

"You called for a drill at three in the fucking morning?" Alistar groaned as he sat down.

"Yes, Sir. I did," Akira said simply, mentally wondering if she should have run the drill by the captain beforehand.

"Well, standard drill regs apply. Helm, all stop. Ops, lock out the computers. All hands, secure the ship fore and aft," Alistar called.

T'lon arrived on the bridge in time to hear the captain's orders. He made his way to the ops station and nodded in satisfaction as he noticed that the officer on duty was already locking the computer systems. He took over while the officer finished responding to the alert.

Isabella was far from surprised to see that Captain McKeon had arrived on the bridge before her. He was a career military officer and a damned good one. She had managed to arrive at the bridge in decent time, arriving in roughly three minutes after the alarm had first sounded. Walking towards her seat, she sat down and leaned back. "What's going on?" she asked.



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