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StarDate 241609.14 Joint Log: Early Morning Wake-up Call, Part II

Posted on Wed Sep 14th, 2016 @ 10:41pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val & Civilian Specialist Kaylyn Wolfe & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan
Edited on on Wed Sep 14th, 2016 @ 10:42pm

1,058 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

Isabella was far from surprised to see that Captain McKeon had arrived on the bridge before her. He was a career military officer and a damned good one. She had managed to arrive at the bridge in decent time, arriving in roughly three minutes after the alarm had first sounded. Walking towards her seat, she sat down and leaned back. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Sato decided to run a level four drill in the middle of the night," Alistar answered as he activated the command console between them.

Isabella muffled a groan as she leaned back in her seat. It was a requirement for star ship's to run unscheduled drills, but she also knew that many of the crew was still readjusting to being back on active duty after over seven months of being on shore leave. She wondered how many more drills they would be facing in the next few weeks.

Kev arrived at engineering with the majority of the engineers and was surprised to see Ros already there. Hurrying over to his station, he glanced at the alert status and groaned. "Chief, system is calling for a level four alert status," he called.

"Shit," Jera muttered. "Lock out all systems. Bring all propulsion systems to a hot stand down and activate all relay lockouts. Engage engineering lockout," she ordered.

Fe'cia's ears were still flattened when she arrived at sickbay. The spunky chief medical officer was getting her staff geared up so the Caitian simply waited until she was done before she stepped forward. "What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to grab a med kit and report to emergency station on deck eight," Abigail said.

Fe'cia nodded and grabbed a med kit before hurrying out of sickbay and down the corridor.

Kaylyn arrived in engineering last, not something she was proud of but she hadn't known where else to go. She hadn't been assigned an action station to report to during crisis situations so she had simply gone to engineering after a brief hesitation. The engineering crew were already fast at work when she arrived, making the cadet pause even more. She finally found an empty station and sat down, keying her access code into the system. To her relief, the station was an auxiliary damage control monitoring station.

Élan felt Val's displeasure at having her rest interrupted and she silently sat at the science station located on the bridge and agreed with the symbiont. With a level four intruder alert status in place the majority of the ship's systems were on full lock down. That meant that no one could access anything unless a specific series of codes were entered, and only certain personnel knew those codes. As a department head, Élan knew one or two sets of the codes, but since there was no reason for her to enter an over ride, she simply sat at the science station and waited.

"All decks report that action stations have been manned and are ready captain," the officer of the watch finally reported. From his seat, Alistar nodded as the status scrolled across the command console display.

"Security, begin ship wide sweep for intruders," he ordered.

"Already on it, Sir," Akira reported with a hint of a smile.

"All right, folks. Let's get this bitch swept so we can get some fucking sleep!" one of the senior NCOs barked at the younger junior enlisted security personnel. Matt was a bit surprised at how the grizzled senior chief barked at the other enlisted, but he knew that enlisted personnel had a world on their own both on duty and off and right now probably wasn't the vest time to mention to the grizzled senior chief petty officer who had had his sleep interrupted that one needed to keep a lid on his language. He was the only officer on his team so his position was in the middle, with three crewmen in front followed by two petty officers, Matt and the senior chief and another pair of crewmen and a petty officer bringing up the rear. They were assigned to the forward section, so they began their search fore and started working their way aft. There were only five full security teams on the entire ship, but fortunately Endeavour wasn't a large ship. Unfortunately, the drill called for a compartment by compartment search and that would take time. Mentally, Matt sighed as his team reached a door and prepared to search the compartment within.

Alistar grumbled as he watched the time tick past while the security teams swept through the ship. He could track their progress, but he only kept a partial eye on it. He received update reports every five minutes from both security and operations, so there wasn't much to do but wait. Finally, after nearly two hours of being at alert status four, the final report came in.

"Captain, the ship has been swept thoroughly. We have an all clear," Akira reported.

"Time?" Alistar asked.

"Two hours, ten minutes, eleven seconds," T'lon answered.

"That’s not too bad, from what I remember from command training," Isabella commented as she rubbed her eyes. She was fighting sleep, whether she liked or wanted to admit it or not.

"That's actually close to the standing record for a ship of this class," Alistar said as he deactivated the command console. "Good work everyone. Stand down from alert condition, resume normal operations."

"Captain, may I suggest a modified crew rotation today?" T'lon suggested.

"Yeah," Alistar groaned. "Alpha shift personnel will be allowed to report to duty two hours later than normal. Beta shift will take over for now. Lieutenant Sato, since this midnight adventure was your idea, I'm going to let you stand the watch for the next two hours."

"Thank you, Sir. I'm happy to finally be allowed to sit in your chair," Akira said with a grin.

"I knew she had an ulterior motive for this drill," Isabella said as she stood and glared teasingly towards the Japanese security officer.

"Always," Akira said as she stepped down towards the command chair. "I have the watch."

"Yes you do," Alistar said as he stood and headed towards the turbo lift. He was heading back to his quarters for some sleep and he suspected that the majority of the crew was doing the same.


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