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SD 241610.08 Joint Log: Senior Officer Briefing

Posted on Sun Oct 9th, 2016 @ 6:21am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val
Edited on on Sun Oct 9th, 2016 @ 6:22am

1,276 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

Alistar had returned to his quarters for a forty minute nap before his eyes had snapped open and refused to close again. He had spent a few hours pacing his quarters with the after action report from the drill with a pot of coffee before he decided to continue the ruining of everyone's day. Tapping his commbadge, he growled. "All senior officers are to report to the briefing room immediately," he said before signing off. Finishing the cup he had been holding, Alistar zipped up his uniform jacket and started off towards the briefing room.

Akira was still very much awake when the call from the commanding officer came through the intercom. Raising her eyebrows, she turned towards the officer of the watch, who also happened to be manning the security and tactical station.

"Mike, take over for me. I have a feeling I might be a while," Akira said as she stood and stepped towards the briefing room door.

Isabella yawned and stretched in her bed, feeling slightly annoyed at the captain for interrupting her sleep. She was still in her uniform, minus the jacket, having fallen asleep immediately after returning to her quarters following the drill. Climbing out of bed, Isabella found her jacket and boots, putting both on before she headed out of her quarters.

Buried under her covers, Jera groaned at the call for a briefing. She had left Walker in charge of engineering before sneaking off for a few hours of rest. Now, that rest was being interrupted again. Crawling out of bed, Jera grumbled as she dressed quickly and headed out towards the meeting.

Somehow, Alistar arrived at the briefing room first. Walking over to the replicator, he ordered a large cup of coffee before sitting down.

Akira made a quick stop in the break room behind the bridge for a quick bite and a small cup of coffee before she continued on to the briefing room. Seeing the captain there already waiting, she paused before sitting down in her usual seat.

Isabella entered the briefing room and instantly smelled the captain's coffee. Seeing him already sitting down she took her seat next to him and smiled towards Lieutenant Sato. "You certainly know how to make the day interestingly unpredictable, Akira," Isabella said.

"Well, we were due for a full ship wide drill, and we have to run one every quarter that's unscheduled. I hope I didn't overstep myself," Akira said.

"Actually, you did a very good job, and that's already in my report," Alistar said. "Our overall reaction speed was too low, though."

Before anyone else could enter, the door opened ad Élan Val led the remaining officers into the room. As everyone took their sears, they nodded or spoke their greetings to each other. Once everyone had settled in, Alistar leaned forward.

"I know everyone is missing their pillows right now, but I wanted to go over a few things before we hit the first sector of our exploration route," Alistar said. "We'll arrive in the first sector in two weeks, conduct a three week survey and either move on to the next area or stick around if we find something interesting."

"By interesting you mean something that the scientists will go crazy over?" Jera said, her usual dark mood doubled with her being tired making her sound very unhappy.

"personally, I'm hoping for a few weeks digging around an abandoned alien ruin or surveying a habitual planet, but I'll take just about anything," Élan admitted.

"It's not just the science department we have to appease. We might come across an alien species and be able to initiate first contact," Isabella said.

"We must remember to observe the Prime Directive as well as other Starfleet general orders," T'lon said.

Alistar could see half of their gathered officers practically roll their eyes at the Vulcan's statement. "Naturally, as this is a Starfleet ship, we will observe all Federation and Starfleet regulations and policies. Our mission parameters allow for us to remain out in the field for five to seven years, so hopefully we can find plenty to get into," he said. "This is just a briefing to get everyone prepared.” Tapping a command into the control panel built into the table, Alistar brought us a map of the region the Endeavour was heading towards. The ship's position was displayed as well as the location of other nearby ship's and planets. This close to the edge of explored space there was very little known other than what the ship's sensors and the live update from Starfleet Cartography could display.

"We're heading to sector 395 Alpha. So far, there's been no attempts to recon or scout the region, so we'll proceed through the center of the sector at slow speed, zig zagging so we can try to cover as much of the center of the sector as possible. If we detect anything, we'll proceed to investigate depending on what we detect. If we find anything worthwhile, we'll stop to investigate further." leaning back in his chair, Alistar paused to invite any comments.

"Captain, having the ship proceed through the center of the region is wise, but would we not collect more data if we used the shuttles to scout the sector as well?" T'lon asked.

"We'll use the shuttles to investigate anything the sensors pick up or if we want to err on the side of caution, but I'd rather not have the shuttles exposed in uncertain conditions for a prolonged period of time," Alistar answered.

"There's also the matter of fuel reserves and maintenance capabilities. We're not as limited as some ships, but we don't have the support craft capability of say a Galaxy or Nebula class either," Jera said.

"Add to the matter the fact that we have two additional shuttles to maintain and fuel as well," Alistar said with a nod. "It wasn't a problem last year when we were operating out of a star base, but now we're literally out here on our own. We'll have to take a look at the long term effects on resource usage more often."

"That brings up tactical and security issues as well. We only have a finite number of torpedoes and small arms ammunition. Ship board phasers won’t hold us every time," Akira said.

"We'll have to use alternative means of getting out of dangerous situations. As Starfleet officers, we're expected to find those solutions and use force only as a last result," Isabella said.

"I understand that Commander, but diplomacy doesn't work every time. We're going to have to use force at some point, preferably before the ship and crew are placed in extreme danger," Akira shot back at the executive officer.

"Naturally, the captain would have final say in any matter of which you are speaking of, Lieutenant, and as always we must approach each situation differently and consider all options," T'lon said.

For once, Alistar was glad of having a Vulcan in the room to calm the emotional responses. "As T'lon said, each situation is different, and we'll respond to each as they occur. There’s no need to jump straight to the extreme in any occasion. Over the next two weeks, I want everyone to prepare their departments. This is our first deep space survey, so naturally we'll develop a routine that works for us as we go along, but there's no reason we can't try to get it set up in advanced. I want everyone to submit their advisory reports by the end of the week. Any questions?"

Alistar gave everyone a few minutes, but when no one spoke he nodded. "Dismissed everyone," he said.


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