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SD 241610.14 Joint Log: Executive Officer, Chief Science Officer, Science Officer

Posted on Fri Oct 14th, 2016 @ 5:49pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Lieutenant Élan Val
Edited on on Fri Oct 14th, 2016 @ 5:50pm

714 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Singularity

If there was one thing the upgrades had improved on the standard Intrepid class design it had been the Astrometric lab. Fe'cia had liked the stellar cartography lab before, and after the refit the Caitian had fallen in love with the redesigned and state of the art astrometric lab. Standing at the main control console, Fe'cia was watching the display as it constantly changed due to the steady input flow of information from the sensors. Twitching her whiskers as a reading, she tapped her commbadge. "Niatra to chief science officer and officer on duty. Request your presence in stellar cartography."

Élan was humming along to a half remembered tune that she couldn't quite place as she read over the latest test results on an experiment she had been conducting. She was pretty sure that the song was something g from a memory of Val's, but since she couldn't place it, she wasn't sure. The Trill had almost decided to request that the computer try to look up the song when the science officer on duty in astrometrics called for her presence. Tapping a command into her desk console, Élan paused the read back on the report and stood. The science lab that she had taken over was barely twelve meters from the astrometric lab, which meant that it took no time for her to arrive.

Isabella was making her usual rounds throughout the ship when she received the request for her presence in the stellar cartography / astrometric lab. Some people had taken to calling the lab by the new name, while a majority of older career personnel such as herself still used the older term. Both were correct, and both names confused people. For Isabella, she simply acknowledged both names and tried to combine the two terms when possible. If nothing else, that alone made the confusion less although she still received a few odd looks from younger and newer personnel.

Since she was already near the lab, Isabella made a slight detour from her regular daily route and headed to the astrometric lab. Entering, she offered both Lieutenant Niatra and Lieutenant Val a smile as she stopped beside them. "What do we have?" Isabella asked.

"Probably nothing, Commander, but long range sensors have detected a concentration of unusual particles. I've requested the computer to run an analysis but I wanted to report the reading in case the particles end up is harmful to the ship," Fe'cia reported.

"I've confirmed the readings, Commander. From this distance, it's a little difficult to say what the particles are, exactly," Élan added.

"Do we need to make a course correction?" Isabella asked as she frowned and studied the readings for herself.

"That's another unknown factor, Ma'am. The concentration is almost directly along our current vector," Élan answered.

"There's another thing. A Starfleet ship was in this area just over a month ago, and no unusual readings were reported," Fe'cia said. "I double checked. The ship was the USS Antarctica, an Excelsior class ship that has been conducting long range patrols along the border expanses. I can try to send a long range transmission and request their sensor records of this region if it will help."

"If they didn't detect this, either they don't have the scanning equipment capable of detecting these kinds of particles or these particles weren't present at the time of their passing," Élan said.

"Either way, I'm not going to take any chances. Go ahead and hail the Antarctica; see if you can get a copy of their sensor records. What's our ETA to the concentration?" Isabella asked.

"At current speed of warp nine, just under twelve hours," Fe'cia answered.

Isabella tapped her commbadge. "Dei`Silvisi to the bridge. Reduce speed to warp factor five immediately." after the officer on watch acknowledged her order, Isabella nodded. "Lieutenant Val, after you contact the Antarctica, can you assist Lieutenant Niatra here in astrometrics until we have a better idea of what we're dealing with?"

"I'd be happy to," Élan replied.

"I'll report this to the captain and we'll go from there. Good work, Fe'cia," Isabella said. Giving the Caitian science officer a nod, she turned and hurried out of the lab. She needed to find the captain and inform him of this as quickly as possible.


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