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SD 241610.20 Joint Log: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Posted on Fri Oct 21st, 2016 @ 6:47am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato

646 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Singularity

Isabella left the astrophysics lab with a feeling of dread. Unknown spatial anomalies often meant disaster or great peril for a star ship and its crew, and too often these situations claimed both. The Endeavour had survived dangerous situations before but this time the ship was far beyond the borders of the Federation, far from any help. They were well and truly on their own, and Isabella wasn't afraid to admit that she was concerned and more than a little worried. Seeking out the location of the captain from the computer, she started off in that direction and silently prayed that her worries were for nothing.

Alistar had taken to training with the security staff in the training room when he had a few spare minutes. This time he had caught Lieutenant Akira Sato and managed to get a round of sparring set up. He had gone into the match a little worried. He had only studied three or four martial arts, and he was a little out of practice. Facing off against the short Japanese woman who trained for security duties every day was at least promising to be far from boring. Sizing his opponent up, he started with a light offensive combo that pulled from Shuri-ryu, which was his preferred karate style of martial art.

Akira recognized the attack combo that the captain used easily enough. She had studied the Shuri-ryu and easily blocked McKeon's attack and at the same time turned her moves from defensive to offensive. She easily pushed her attacks forward, pressing the captain back while she stepped to the side and launched a fresh attack that started with a fast snap kick.

Alistar had expected the defensive turned offensive attacks from Sato and gave ground. What he hadn't expected was for her to change styles on him as quickly as she did. Her new attack was from a different style and his only defense options were limited, so he improvised. Taking a step forward, Alistar grabbed Sato's leg and pushed her backwards, releasing her leg when he was certain that she couldn't use the lack of distance as an opportunity to attack.

Akira fell backwards and landed hard on her back. She instantly rolled sideways and curled her body in an effort to put her feet under her, allowing her to regain her footing. Standing, she shook her head.

"I wasn't aware of that move in ....," she said, breathing a little harder than she wanted to admit to.

"It's my own classical addition," Alistar said. "I did get carried away, sorry."

"No, it's good to know that you’re inventive when it comes to thinking off the top of your head," Akira said.

Isabella walked through the doors in time to see the captain grab the chief security and tactical officer and throw her to the floor. Giving them a few minutes, she raised her eyebrows as she stepped forward. "Captain, I'm sorry to interrupt, but we may have a situation," she said.

"What kind of situation?" Alistar asked, instantly turning his attention towards his first officer.

Akira half turned towards the executive officer in order to give the other woman her attention as well. As chief of security and tactical, the safety of the ship and its crew was her primary concern. She was hoping that it wouldn't be a conflict related situation, but one must always be ready.

"Long range sensors have detected an unusual concentration of unidentified particles almost directly along our vector. Science is currently keeping an eye on it, but I ordered the helmsman to reduce speed to warp five for the time being," Isabella said.

"Good," Alistar said nodding his head in agreement as he started leading his two senior officers out of the training room. "We better get to the bridge then," he continued. "Have Lieutenant Val meet us on the bridge."



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