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SD 241610.27 Joint Plot Log: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Chief Security/Tactical, Chief Science Officer, Chief Operations Officer

Posted on Thu Oct 27th, 2016 @ 4:59pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val

953 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Singularity

The bridge was alive with actual activity as Alistar walked out of the turbo lift and started towards his command chair. The view screen was set to a forward external view which had been the default view of choice since he had assumed command of the Endeavour. Now, he spared a glance just out of habit and instantly focused on the matter at hand. "Report," he called as he reached his chair.

Isabella was barely one step behind her commanding officer as he entered the bridge. Following in his footsteps as they made their way down to the command area, she broke off and sat down in her own seat at the first opportunity and activated the command console between their seats. As the screen lifted and activated, she frowned at the readings that were displayed. Very little made sense to her, as the readings were beginning to get distorted.

"We have decreased speed to warp factor five at Command Silvisi's order, but have maintained our original heading. Long range sensors continue to track the anomaly, which I estimate to be almost directly in our path," T'lon reported.

"Sir, recommend that we raise shields and decrease speed," Akira suggested from the security and tactical console. She had had just enough time to take over and check the readings for herself, and she didn't like the fact that there was nothing to go on.

Élan stepped out onto the bridge and immediately made her way to the bridge science station. She didn't really like the position of the science station on the bridge, but it had full access to every science system on the ship, so she could overlook it in the few times she actually sat at the station. Sliding into the empty seat, Élan activated the console and brought up the sensor data.

"Captain, something I noticed before I headed up here to the bridge is that that we're reading high levels of gravimetric distortion the closer we get to the anomaly. Also, there's a lot of interference from subspace that is keeping us from getting an accurate reading at this distance," the Trill officer reported.

"Captain, under the circumstances, I'd agree that we should take precautions. If this is a new anomaly, we don't know anything about it or any effects it can have on the ship or crew. I'd recommend we keep our distance if we can," Isabella suggested quietly.

"Helm, drop to impulse speed, set thrust for one quarter. Tactical, raise shields," Alistar ordered as he sat down and leaned back in his seat. "Prepare a class four probe for launch."

Akira nodded and typed in an order for a Class IV stellar encounter probe to be readied. Since the system was mostly automatic, although the probes could be readied manually, it didn't take long before she glanced up again.

"Sir, probe ready," she reported.

"Launch probe," Alistar ordered. On the forward view screen, the probe shot forward from the ship and sped away towards the anomaly. Due to the distance, it disappeared from visual sight quickly, although data from the probe flowed back to the Endeavour.

"This doesn't make any sense," Élan muttered from the science station. "Sir, the gravimetric distortion is increasing the closer the probe gets to the anomaly, but the subspace interference seems to be increasing and decreasing at regular intervals. There's also some background data that the computer is shifting through as well, but one thing that I can say for certain is that the stellar gravity pull is increasing the closer the probe gets to the anomaly."

"Captain, I must concur with Lieutenant Val. The readings that we are receiving are almost concurrent with readings that the computer match and identify with as a black hole," T'lon added.

"All stop, engines to station keeping!" Alistar barked. In response, the Endeavour instantly fired a burst from her reverse firing thrusters, shifting speeds so quickly that even with internal dampeners everyone on board the ship felt the sudden braking maneuver. "Val, T'lon, I need an answer. Is this a black hole?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, Captain," Élan replied. "There are the standard initial readings that would correspond with a black hole, but there are also other readings here that are making me even more confused as to what this actually is. For instance, the probe is detecting waves of subspace matter being pushed away from the core of the anomaly as well as regular matter being pulled towards it. There's also a lot of background data that we're shifting through and trying to filter through the computer, but I'm almost positive that we're looking at what can be best described as a black hole or other singularity event that is occurring in subspace."

"Captain, we just lost contact with the probe," T'lon reported. "Final data indicates that the hull of the probe buckled from the combination of gravity disruptions and subspace distortion waves at a distance of approximately 5.6 AU from the location of the anomaly."

"What's our distance?" Alistar asked.

"We're currently holding at just over five light years from the anomaly, Sir," the helm officer reported.

"Maintain distance and keep an eye on those disruptions. If they change, I want to be informed immediately," Alistar said as he stood. "XO, you have the bridge. I'm going down to stellar cartography for a few minutes. There's something I want to check. Keep on trying to figure out just what the hell we're dealing with. I'll be back in a bit."

"Understood," Isabella said as she stood and moved to the command chair. Settling into the seat, she frowned at the view screen, wishing she knew what was out there.

To be continued . . .


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