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241610.27 Joint Plot Log: Singularity's Zenith, Part I

Posted on Fri Oct 28th, 2016 @ 6:48am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val
Edited on on Fri Oct 28th, 2016 @ 6:48am

1,304 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Singularity

Alistar walked into stellar cartography with a hurried stride and a serious purpose to his step. He was hoping that he was wrong about what the Endeavour had just discovered, but he kept coming up with the same thing over and over, and if he was right then he hoped that the ship was far enough away from the anomaly to be safe. Seeing the Caitian science officer Niatra he headed over. "Have you been keeping up with what's going on, Lieutenant?" he asked.

"I have and I'm still waiting on the data to be filtered through the computer before I can identify what's out there," Fe'cia replied.

"Do me a favor. Bring up a computerized model of what's out there please," Alistar said.

Fe'cia frowned by twitching her whiskers as she typed in a command.

A rough grid animation came up, showing an orb in place of the anomaly since there wasn't anything else to represent what was out there. Waves rippled to and from, following a pattern that could almost be predicted as they shifted in intensity.

"McKeon to bridge, patch into the stellar cartography display and update as information comes through the computer," Alistar ordered. There was something tugging at the back of his mind but he couldn't quite place it.

On the bridge, Isabella frowned as she tapped in a command sequence that brought up a display of the animation. Watching the sequence as it played through several times, she leaned back in her seat and rested her chin on her hand as she watched. There was something to the pattern, but she couldn't figure it out. She had come up through medical sciences, not astrophysics, so her knowledge of stellar anomalies was more limited than what she liked to admit. She had studied some astro sciences while at university and the Academy, but this was slightly beyond her.

"Captain, this is strange but data from the probe suggests that the anomaly may have originated in both normal and sub space," Élan reported after several moments.

"How is that possible?" Akira asked from tactical, frowning in confusion.

"I second that question," Alistar added.

"I'm not sure, but according to the information we've been able to sort out, the anomaly has equalized in both normal space and sub space, meaning it exists normally in both normal space and sub space. It may have developed in both normal space and sub space as a single entity that has been equally split so that it does exist in both realities. In simple terms, the anomaly has developed in normal space and sub space at the same time and place, therefore it is technically a single anomaly existing in two realities at the same location and time," Élan said, hoping that her explanation made sense of the matter and wasn't confusing everyone by her trying to explain a complicated and highly complicated theory.

"Captain, I believe the Lieutenant means to say that the anomaly exists either in multiple dimensions or layers of space at the same time and place," T'lon added, trying to be helpful. "I believe that whatever the anomaly is, it exists across not just normal space but sub space as well. However, our knowledge of sub space is more limited than we realize, and it may be possible that the anomaly exists in multiple realms or levels of sub space as well."

"You mean to say that there's more than one sub space," Alistar asked, feeling a migraine forming just behind his eyes. Advanced theorized astrophysics often gave him a headache. Simple astro spacial basics were just fine. Mention string theory and he could follow up to a point. Start talking about advanced theoretical science subjects that the nut jobs that scientists called geeks talked about and you would lose Alistar like a sheet of paper in a tornado.

"Sir, There is a theory that while sub space exists beneath normal space, there are multiple layers of sub space. The same theory also states that there are multiple layers of normal space as well and that the laws of a particular reality is a matter of in what manner you access that dimensional realm. It's pretty confusing, and highly advanced stuff. I'd even admit that I got confused on the subject when I toyed with the subject at the academy, but what I gathered from the one class I took I think we can say That this anomaly exists in multiple phases other than just a single state of reality phase," Isabella said. "Needless to say, I stuck to medical and basic stellar sciences."

"Glad to know I'm not alone in that regard," Alistar said. "But I can agree to the multiple phase theory."

"Add me to your club," Fe'cia said, her tail drooping at the fact that she as a science officer was lost in the conversation as well. "My specialty is charting and earth sciences."

"The executive officer does have a point. She's talking about some pretty advanced stuff that is mostly theorized mostly because there's simply no hard data to back up the theories. Unfortunately, neither Val nor myself have studied much into the subjects or experienced anything similar," Élan said with a deep frown.

"Then we're stuck on identifying what this is, unless our resident Vulcan has an idea," Alistar said.

"Unfortunately, I must concede to agreement in the fact that I Too have no idea as to how we should proceed in identifying this particular anomaly by the information we have gathered at this time," T'lon said. "I must agree with Commander Silvisi That this anomaly quite possible exists in more than a single phase of reality."

"Vulcans," Akira muttered from the security and tactical station.

Before anyone else could speak, a series of alarms rang out seconds before the Endeavour rocked violently. As the ship continued to shake, her crew stumbled about, those who were already seated clinging to their chairs or consoles in effort to remain seated. Some were successful, most were not. Those who were standing lost their footing and met the deck or a bulkhead in a not too friendly manner.

In stellar cartography Alistar stumbled into Niatra, throwing them both off valance and to the deck. Rolling away, the captain grabbed the edge of a free standing console and pulled himself upright while slapping his comm. "Report!"

"Sensors are detecting numerous shockwaves emitting from the anomaly. They started suddenly and gave little to no warning before they reached our position," T'lon reported.

"Gravimetric distortion is increasing. Captain, if what I'm reading is correct, the anomaly is shifting. It could be getting larger or shifting phases of existence," Élan added.

"Recommend that we move away to a safer distance," Akira managed to say as she struggled to stay at her station.

Isabella couldn't agree more and since she wasn't sure what condition the captain was in and there was the fact that she was the senior officer on the bridge, she made the official call. "Helm, bring us about and away from the anomaly, one third impulse speed," she ordered.

The Endeavour struggled but finally managed to bank away from the anomaly and its vicious shockwaves. As the star ship staggered away, the shockwaves dissipated with the increasing distance.

"Distance now seven light years," the helm officer finally reported when the alarms subsided.

"Maintain this position," Isabella ordered. "All decks, issue damage reports immediately."

In stellar cartography, Alistar climbed to his feet and tapped his commbadge. "Senior officers, report to briefing room in ten minutes," he ordered. Standing, he helped Niatra to her feet before he started for the door. Whatever the hell that blasted anomaly was, he had just decided that the Endeavour wasn't about to be outdone by some theory anomaly. They would figure out what this thing was.



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