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StarDate 241608.26 Joint Log: Chief Science and Science Officer

Posted on Fri Aug 26th, 2016 @ 4:41pm by Lieutenant Élan Val & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra

696 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

The science labs on the Endeavour were among the best Élan had ever seen on board a star ship. Having toured the entire ship, she had returned to the area that was her personal domain. The science department on the Endeavour wasn't by far very large; in fact it was one of the smallest departments going by personnel numbers. The Endeavour had a small crew to begin with for a deep space explorer, especially when compared to other ships given the same duties. But the Élan was determined to make sure that her department was run in an effective manner. To that end, she had tracked down the next senior ranking science officer, Lieutenant Niatra. The Caitian was easy enough to spot as Élan walked into the science lab she had been directed too. There were very fee nonhumans assigned to the Endeavour, and other than Élan Niatra was the only other one. Stepping up to the Caitian officer, Élan smiled as she spoke.

"Lieutenant Niatra, I'm Lieutenant Élan Val, the new chief science officer assigned to the Endeavour," Élan said.

Fe'cia looked up from reading through the results of a diagnostic of one of the new systems in the lab and twitched her whiskers towards the Trill female she saw. The woman had a particular smell to her, one mixed of perfume that was almost intoxicating to her Caitian senses and something else that every joined Trill seemed to have. She returned the smile as best she could, taking care not to expose her fangs. "I had heard that we had a new senior science officer and this one must admit that she is happy. This one didn't want the position," Fe'cia said.

"Your response to the offer was indeed interesting. I asked Starfleet Command to make sure that you didn't want the position before I accepted it," Élan said, hiding her surprise at Niatra's use of old Cait terminology in her speech. It was something that most Caitians who joined Starfleet kept to as tradition, although there were a few who abandoned it when they joined Starfleet.

"This one is thankful that you gave her the opportunity but rest assured that this one has no interest in such responsibility," Fe'cia said. After a moment, she grinned. "I must admit that most people normally have to detour the conversation to my sentence structure at first though," she added.

"Well, I have served with a few Caitians before so it wasn't a total surprise. It's just been a while since I've personally encountered it," Élan said with a laugh. She had a feeling that she would be getting along with her new science officer wonderfully.

"Was there anything I could help you with while we prepare for launch, ma'am?" Fe'cia asked.

"Well, I wanted to see if you would be willing to serve as Beta Shift science officer. You would have to be present on the bridge for a few hours during the shift, but you'd also have time to work on any projects that you may have going on as well. The position also recognizes you as the second ranking officer in science, so I wanted to offer it to you first," Élan said.

"I'm honored, and even more honored to accept," Fe'cia said.

"Excellent. I'll set it up to start on tomorrows shift rotation," Élan said.

"This one is more than agreeable to that," Fe'cia said, adding a grin as she spoke.

Élan broke into a brief burst of laughter at the Caitian science officer's humor. She had to admit that it would be nice to serve with an officer who had a sense of humor. It would make the days go by quicker, especially since the majority of the days would most likely be long, boring, and uneventful.

"I'll let you get back to your experiments then, Lieutenant," she said.

"Thank you, Ma'am, I look forward to our next meeting," Fe'cia said.

Élan smiled and offered a professional parting nod before she turned and stepped towards the door. She had everything else related to her department set up, so all she had to do was make sure that science was ready for departure.


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