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SD 241608.19 Joint log: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Chief Security and Tactical, NPC Guests

Posted on Sat Aug 20th, 2016 @ 7:04pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato

995 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Flight to the Stars

The soft hum of a star ship at full power filled Isabella's ears as she walked along the corridors of the Endeavour. She had been completely hands on and involved in the ship's refit over the past several months and was more than pleased with the results of the refit. The battle damaged cruiser that had returned to Utopia Planitia was gone, and in place was one of Starfleet's most advanced deep space exploration cruisers. As she walked from her quarters to one of the science labs to check in with the new chief science officer, Isabella smiled, mostly to herself. She was happy to be getting underway once more and put Earth and the painful memories behind her.

Alistar leaned back in his chair and glanced out the view port. Like the rest of the ship, his ready room had received an upgrade, with new furniture and as a bonus a replicator that came equipped with a decent menu selection. He didn't have much to do at the moment and he had been thinking about giving Ea a call and seeing if she was available for dinner. He had just over a week before the Endeavour departed and he wanted to spend some time with her before they left, but getting a ship ready for deep space was a pretty demanding task and often required a lot of his attention. Still, he needed to make some time to see Ea while he was still in orbit.

Akira had taken to getting the security staff under her command as ready for duty as she could. Every day was filled with PT and drills, and more often than not she had joined in the training activities. Today the training included a five mile run as well as an anti intruder drill. Deciding to be just a bit evil, Akira had scheduled the intruder drill to take place during the middle of the five mile run. Checking her wrist watch as she led the training team along the corridors of the ship, Akira looked up and was surprised as she saw a pair of civilians walking out of the shuttle bay. She had an hour before the drill started, so she waved for the team's officer in charge to take over before she slowed down.

"Can I help you?" she asked the civilians.

"Yes, I'm here to deliver some personal items for a member of the crew. Her name is Isabella dei’Silvisi," the older woman answered.

"I'm not sure where the executive officer is, but I can take you to the captain while you wait," Akira offered.

"That would be for the best," the older woman said.

Akira nodded and led the two civilians towards the turbo lift. Figuring the captain would be on the bridge or at least in his ready room taking care of paperwork, she requested deck one and waited silently for the lift to stop. Once it did, Akira led the civilians to the ready room door and tapped the door chime.

"Enter," Alistar called as he checked the time and leaned forward in his chair.

Stepping through the door and into the ready room, Akira nodded towards the captain.

"Sir, these civilians are here to see Commander Dei’Silvisi. I wasn't sure if she was on board or off ship," Akira explained.

"Um, ok. Send them in and have the commander buzzed. Thank you lieutenant," Alistar said as he stood and walked around his desk. As Sato left, he offered a smile and his hand to the civilians. "I'm Captain Alistar McKeon, the captain of the Endeavour."

"Vasco dei`Silvisi," the older male said. He eyed McKeon's hand for a moment before he accepted and shook it. "I understand you work with my daughter?"

It took Alistar a brief moment before he realized that these were his XO's parents. Waving them to sit down, he nodded. "She's my first officer, and de facto second in command of the ship," he said.

"I have never been fond or familiar with the military, captain. I'm not against the service, but Isabella could be something better than a simple soldier," Vasco said as he sat down.

"Starfleet officers are more than just simple soldiers Mister Silvisi. We represent the Federation and every world who is a member. Commander Silvisi is one of the brightest and most talented officers I've ever served with. She's extremely knowledgeable in terms of command, science and medical."

"And she should be serving as a medical doctor, not as an administrative flunky on a military star ship," Vasco snapped. "She brings dishonor to our family name by serving in Starfleet."

Alistar was very still for a moment before he spoke. "Sir, you are aware that by the Commander's actions she has helped save the lives of thousands if not millions, helped prevent at least two major wars, not to mention helped save the lives of everyone on this ship on more than one occasion. If anything, her actions and service to Starfleet has brought your family name more honor than you'll ever know."

Isabella was almost to the primary science lab when a yeoman caught up to her in the corridor. "Ma'am, you're needed in the captain's ready room," the petty officer said. Isabella nodded and started towards the ready room. It took her some time before she finally arrived, so she simply walked straight into the ready room. She nodded professionally towards McKeon and glanced towards his guests. Much to her surprise, she recognized both of her parents sitting in the ready room. Unsure of what to do, she stiffened to attention and turned towards McKeon. "Captain, you wanted to see me?" she asked.

"Yes, your parents have brought you some of your personal items. I also thought you might want to talk to them yourself," Alistar said as he stood. Giving his XO a nod, he walked out of the ready room and headed towards the bridge.



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