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The Scientific Method

Posted on Mon Nov 14th, 2016 @ 6:51pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Élan Val

1,030 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Singularity

Isabella stood on one of the Endeavour's holodecks and frowned thoughtfully as she skimmed over the data that both the probe and the sensors had collected about the anomaly. In the center of the holodeck a holographic image of the anomaly floated with real time wave ripples being dismayed as the computer processed the information and translated and incorporated it into the holographic simulation. standing there holding a data padd that had a live feed directly to the ship's computer core, Isabella couldn't help but wonder just what they should catalogue the anomaly as. It wasn’t a true singularity, since waves were being pushed away from the core, but there was a steady gravimetric pull at the same time. Even as she watched, the image shifted and displayed the core of the anomaly as it rotated in place.

"Curious," T'lon said as he watched the image thoughtfully. "Commander, I would have to say that we can rule out the possibility of the anomaly being a singularity."

"I think we figured that part out already," Élan said as she typed a command into her own data pad. The Trill female frowned at the data that was displayed on the padd screen and shook her head. "We can also rule out a wormhole or any other kind of known anomaly as well. This thing has characteristics that have never been recorded in a single anomaly before."

"Black holes don't spin for one," Fe'cia said as she stared at the holographic image. She was mostly at a loss of what to say, there was nothing normal about this thing.

"Actually, there is no evidence to indicate if black hole Singularities have any form of rotational spin or not. No one has ever spent enough time to study one long enough to find out," T'lon said.

"I wonder why that is," Élan said. She instantly regretted the rhetorical statement.

"Naturally, there are any number of dangers that come from close study of such a dangerous anomaly," T'lon said helpfully.

"I believe we already knew that, Mister T'lon," Isabella said with a disarming smile. "What we need to find out now is whether or not we can do something about this anomaly."

"Ok, I've added the formula calculations from a full volley of quantum torpedoes. I'm ready to run a full computerized simulation," Élan said as she resisted the urge to say something snide towards T'lon. She didn't have anything against the Vulcan, but the general Vulcan logical demeanor did annoy her at times.

"Proceed," Isabella said as she tucked her data padd behind her back and watched.

The holographic simulation shifted to include the anomaly's behaviors. A tiny model of the Endeavour appeared and fired a full volley at the anomaly. Eight quantum torpedoes flashed across the open core of the singularity and exploded, causing the simulation to freeze instantly.

"What happened? The whole thing just froze," Fe'cia said, confusion showing on the Caitian's face.

"That's a very good question," Isabella said with a thoughtful frown as she turned towards the Endeavour's chief science officer. "Lieutenant Val?"

"That's usually when happens when the computer can't predict what will happen or there's simply not enough data to continue on," Élan said with a frown on her own face.

"Commander, the captain did seem to favor Lieutenant Sato's suggestion that we use quantum torpedoes. However, given the fact that the computer is unable to proceed, I would suggest we find an alternate course of action," T'lon said.

"What would you suggest? Our computer cores are the best isometric data processing systems in the entire Federation. The LCARS V system is second only to the system used by the Federation Stellar Cartography Center on Earth," Élan said.

"Either way, we're running out of options. We've spent too much time on this already, and I need to be able to present something to the captain," Isabella said.

"Warp core," Fe'cia said suddenly.

"Say what?" Élan asked confusion on her face as she stared at the furry science officer.

"Could we try detonating the warp core at the core of the anomaly?" Fe'cia asked.

"That would be most unwise, and would severely limit the ship's capability to continue our mission," T'lon said.

"Actually, like all other Intrepid class ships, the Endeavour has a secondary warp core," Isabella said. "It's currently powered down but it could be brought on line in less than an hour, plus it's ejectable just like the primary warp core."

Élan thought for a moment before she typed in a series of commands and pressed a button.

The holographic image shifted back to its original setting. The Endeavour swooped in close to the anomaly and ejected its secondary warp core before tearing away from the singularity. The warp core drifted closer to the anomaly core and exploded, causing the holographic simulation to freeze instantly.

"Damn it," Élan muttered.

Isabella nodded silently in agreement to the chief science officer's outburst as she watched the simulation replay. There wasn't much else that they could do. Everything else they had thought of had ended with similar results. "Everyone, I'm going to go brief the captain. I'd like to ask if you three can take a break until I speak to him and see what he decides. I'll notify you once we've reached a decision," she said.

"I'd like to go to stellar cartography and run a few simulations down there if that's acceptable," Fe'cia said.

"I will return to the bridge. I can monitor the anomaly from there," T'lon offered.

"I'll stay here and see if I can narrow down a better result. I don't know how much luck I'll have but I don't want to just give up," Élan said.

"Very well, please carry on," Isabella said. "I'll go talk to the captain and inform him of what progress we've been able to make." giving everyone a professional parting nod, Isabella turned and headed to the holodeck doors. She was highly doubtful that the captain was going to like what she had to report.

Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Élan Val
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra
Science Officer

Lieutenant T'lon
Chief Operations Officer


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