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Aftermath, Part One

Posted on Mon Dec 19th, 2016 @ 6:55pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant T'lon

947 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Transitions

Isabella flinched as sparks sprayed over her from the aft bridge screen panel as she made her way towards the operations station. The bridge was dark, only a fraction of the emergency lights were even working, and she had a dreadful feeling that it would be the same throughout the entire ship. Much to her surprise, the chief operations officer, T’lon, was sitting at his console, busily working at his station to do something to reroute what precious little power the ship had left to critical systems. Arriving at the operations station, Isabella nodded gravely towards T’lon. “Do I want to know just how bad our situation is?” she asked.

“Our situation has definitely not improved from what it was beforehand,” T’lon replied in his usual dry, Vulcan style and manner. “We have multiple hull fractures across all decks and the majority of our ship wide power systems are offline. In fact, we only have minimal power to life support operating at the moment. From what I can tell, the majority of our power systems are offline. If engineering is unable to get either of the warp cores back online, then we will have no choice but to rely completely on the fusion reactors for power until repairs can be completed.”

“I see,” Isabella said, giving T’lon a difficult nod. She knew what he was saying, and she didn’t like it. Essentially, the Endeavour was dead in space. If the warp cores couldn’t be brought online, then the ship wouldn’t have primary power or be able to enter warp. It would leave the ship at a much weakened state. The fusion reactors could power the entire ship, but depending on how many were still operational would depend on what would have power. “Is there any way to check on engineering’s status?”

“Someone would have to physically make their way through the ship in order to arrive at engineering and ascertain their condition. However, I am willing to accept this task. An operations crewman can assume my position here on the bridge and run the minimal basic systems that are still functioning,” T’lon said.

“Very well, please try to get to engineering and see what you can do to assist them. Our priority is life support, power, engines, and defensive systems in that order for now. If Lieutenant Ros has a better idea, I’m willing to concede to her expertise,” Isabella said.

“I will relay the message,” T’lon said. Giving a stiff nod, he ordered a junior crewman to take over before he started towards engineering.

As T’lon moved away from the bridge, Isabella partially backtracked and made her own way over to the security and tactical station. Seeing the chief of security and tactical officer, Lieutenant Akira Sato, Isabella tried to offer the other woman a smile, but the grim situation and the fact that she was worried to no end ensured that her smile was about as grim as the situation. “Lieutenant, I’d like to ask if you can arrange for security to issue out firearms to all personnel and begin systematic patrols of the ship.”

"I was already thinking about requesting permission to do that, if for nothing else than as a precaution," Akira said with a nod. "I'll get right on that. I'd like for any security personnel with medic training to be equipped with med kits as well, just in case the patrols come across any wounded crewmen."

"That’s an excellent idea. I’m also going to assign science personnel with medical training to assist medical and security,” Isabella said.

Akira nodded and stepped away from her console while a petty officer who was a tactical specialist took her place. Knowing the training that she had installed in her staff, the security staff would be deployed across the ship by now. Standard response now would be for them to start searching each deck for survivors and offering assistance to anyone they came across. She would head to the security officer on deck four first, then to the various security checkpoint stations on each deck.

Knowing that she had done everything she could from the bridge for the moment, Isabella sighed and turned towards the officer of the watch. “Lieutenant, I’m going down to sickbay to check on the captain and the wounded. If anything happens, send someone to inform me immediately,” she said.

“Understood, Commander,” the officer of the watch said.

With the immediate required orders issued, Isabella turned and walked across the bridge to the small weapons locker that was located beside the security and tactical station. Entering her access code, she opened the locker and withdrew a hand phaser. Closing the locker, she attached the phaser to her belt and sighed. In hindsight, she knew she should have reminded Lieutenants T'lon and Sato to arm themselves as well. With the Endeavour basically adrift, the only line of defense the ship and crew had was the crew itself. She was sure that Sato would arm herself once she arrived at security. T'lon would do what Vulcan naturally did best: Be a typical Vulcan.

For her part, Isabella had to mentally prepare herself for crawling through the access tubes. As she headed off of the bridge, the petite Italian woman took a deep breath and slowly released it as she walked towards the deck one crawl space access hatch. She stood there for several minutes before she grabbed a flashlight from a storage locker next to the hatch, knelt down and crawled into the open access way. Mentally, she silently prayed that the day wouldn't get any worse.


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