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Getting Repairs Started

Posted on Thu Dec 29th, 2016 @ 9:27am by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Civilian Specialist Kaylyn Wolfe & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant T'lon

819 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Transitions

Jera groaned as she opened her eyes and a sharp pain shot through her side. Realizing that she was laying on the deck, she rolled over onto her back and looked up at the ceiling of engineering. It took a few moments before she realized that only a handful of the emergency lights were even working. Not even the room filling glow of the warp core was on, and that meant that main power was out. Groaning, Jera sat up and looked around engineering. A few of her engineers were moving, but a few more weren't. Pulling herself to her feet, Jera managed to make her way to the primary engineering console which was thankfully online. Looking at the master display, she wordlessly wondered how the emergency power was even on. Turning around to her staff, at least the ones that were moving, she wondered how they would get started on getting everything at least stabilized.

Damage control was completely dark when Kev woke up. Scrambling about, he managed to find a hand held light that had fallen out of the storage compartment built into the wall. Flipping the switch, he shined the light around the damage control room and wondered how he was going to explain just how screwed they were. Standing, Kev tapped his commbadge and winced when he didn't hear the chirp of the comm line opening. Power had to be down ship wide, which meant that he would have to go up to engineering through the service ways in order to find out what was going to be done in the way of repairs. There wasn't anyone else in the damage control room, so Kev headed out into the corridor and started towards engineering.

T'lon had managed to make his way to engineering and found it, like the rest of the ship, to be in a state that could best be described as a wreck. Seeing Lieutenant Ros, the Vulcan walked over to the chief engineer and nodded. "Commander Dei'Silvisi wanted to know the state of the ship and I volunteered to assist with repairs," he said.

"Oh, that's just wonderful," Jera snapped, standing and turning towards T'lon, hissing in pain as she did so. "The ship is wrecked, in case you can't see with those logical detecting gelatinous orbs in your skull that area called eyes. And we could use any help in repairs. I don't even know who all survived whatever the hell whoever was in command got us in to this time."

From nearby, Kaylyn winced as she overheard the chief engineer going off on the newcomer. Judging from his uniform, she would have to guess that he was the operations chief she had heard about. Not really wanting to get caught in the cross fire, the cadet simply cowered down at her console and tried to activate the remote control access for several sub systems.

"I am merely following orders, there is no reason to become highly agitated and over emotional towards me," T'lon said as he raised an eyebrow. "What should our priorities be?"

"What did the captain say they should be?" Jera asked.

"Commander Dei'Silvisi's orders were for us to focus on life support, power, engines, and defensive systems in that order, however if there are other critical systems that she may have overlooked, then we should not rule conducting repairs to them as well," T'lon answered.

Kev stumbled into engineering and growled slightly at the flashlight that had died off and on during his trip. One thing he was going to look into when they got out of this situation was making sure that the batteries on all emergency equipment was checked on a daily basis. Making his way over to were Ros stood along with the chief ops officer, he nodded. "Damage control is a mess, and the primary systems between here and there are all offline except basic emergency systems," he reported.

Jera nodded. "Alright. We'll go with the XO's list for now," she said. "Walker, you're with me. We’re going to check the primary EPS controls, then head over and check on the primary fusion reactors. T'lon, I want you to go with Cadet Wolfe to deck twelve. Life support is under environmental control and the primary EVC room is there. There's an EPS control room there as well, so check on that and see what you can do. After that, T'lon can go report our progress and Miss Wolfe can report back to engineering. By then, we should have a better idea of what's going on. Any objections?"

"I have none," T'lon replied.

"None here, Ma'am," Kaylyn said.

"Yeah, just let me grab my kit and some batteries and I'll be right behind you," Kev said.

"Alright, folks, let's do this then," Jera said as she turned towards an equipment locker. She was definitely going to need some tools for this repair job.


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