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Situation Awareness

Posted on Fri Dec 30th, 2016 @ 8:38am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Kev Walker

1,538 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Transitions

Alistar opened his eyes and groaned in pain as it hit him like a freight train. Sitting up and looking around, he could tell that he was in sickbay. The primary emergency power generator was located near sickbay, since it was naturally one of the critical support areas. Two more were located in other key areas of the Endeavour, one near engineering the other roughly located in the middle of the ship. The emergency lights were on, but judging from the condition of the room Alistar would have to guess that the ship hadn't fared all that well. "Where's Abi?" he asked a passing nurse.

"Lieutenant Eidan is operating in the back room. They had to rig up a surgical room back there that would make best use of what light we have available," the nurse answered as he scanned Alistar with a medical tricorder. "The EMH is offline too. You had a minor concussion and a few fractures. We healed them as best we could but you might be sore for a bit."

"Right. I'm willing to bet that the CMO hasn't cleared me to leave either," Alistar growled.

"Not yet. I'll let her know that you're awake," the nurse said before he moved on to the next patient.

Alistar sighed and lay back down on the bio bed.

Isabella suppressed a shudder as she hurriedly crawled out of the service crawl space access hatch and stood. Shaking herself of her desire to scream out loud in terror due to her claustrophobia and the fact that she had been crawling through the dark and tight enclosed crawl spaces for over had an hour. Taking a deep breath, she steadied her breathing and her nerves before she looked around. She knew she had to be on deck five. The primary service crawl space that ran throughout the entire ship was marked; unfortunately the lighting was so bad that she could only take a guess. Deciding that she needed a break from fighting her phobia, Isabella started off down the corridor.

Jera grunted as she pulled herself through the hatch and set her feet on the deck. Turning, she helped Walker crawl out of the Jefferies tube before she gathered up the tool belts she had thrown out ahead of her and tossed them towards her assistant. "I'm pretty sure you screwed me up in counting which deck we're on," she said as she turned and studied the corridor that ran off in two directions.

"I'm almost positive that we passed the deck we wanted some time ago, chief," Kev said as he stretched. After so long in crawling through the cramped service tunnels, it felt good to have some room to move about.

"Well, let's go find out where we are so we can get back to fixing the ship," Jera said as she headed off down the corridor.

Isabella was trying to be as quiet as possible as she slowly picked her way through the dark corridors. She couldn’t explain why, she just felt safer being as quiet as she could be. Perhaps it was because she knew that with the condition that the ship was in, it would be easy for a hostile force to board and attempt to overpower the crew. Hearing voices in the corridor ahead of her, Isabella pressed her back against the bulkhead and slowly continued on her way. As she came around a bend, she breathed a sigh of relief as she recognized the two senior engineers. "Lieutenants, am I glad to see you!" she said.

"Not half as glad as we are to see you commander," Kev said as he recognized the first officer. "It seems that in our bumbling around in the dark Jera here seems to have gotten somewhat lost."

"Really? Lost? The chief engineer?" Isabella said with a slightly amused grin.

"We're only slightly displaced from where we're supposed to be," Jera said.

"Well," I don't suppose either of you can give me a status update before I go check in on the captain, can you?" Isabella asked.

"What happened to Alistar?" Jera asked all pretenses of rank and position gone. She had served with her captain for a long time, even considered him a close friend, and didn't want to even think of what might happen to him.

"He was transferred to sickbay due to head trauma and minor injuries. I was told that he would make a full recovery, but Abi had to clear him first. I was on my way to check in before I check in on the rest of the crew," Isabella replied. She could understand the chief engineer's concern, out of everyone else on board the Endeavour; she understood that Ros had known the captain the longest amount of time.

"Well, we can go with you to give a report. Besides, there might be equipment in sickbay that needs servicing due to our current situation. Right boss?" Kev said.

"Um, right," Jera said.

"Right this way," Isabella said as she led the two engineers towards sickbay. As they approached medical, she was surprised to see the glass doors were still intact. Passing through, she noticed a crack along one of them, an oddity considering everything else. As she entered sickbay, Isabella spied the captain and headed over, the engineers in tow.

"Captain, how do you feel?" she asked.

"Like the bridge of a star ship tried to kiss me," Alistar said as he sat up.

"Oh, he's fine," Jera said, half mockingly.

"Good to see you too Jera. How's my ship?" Alistar asked.

Isabella cringed at the question. She was nervous about how he might take the news. After all, she had been the one to talk him into agreeing to the plan to begin with. She had then carried out the actual plan herself after he had been knocked out. Rather than answer herself, she bowed her head respectfully towards Lieutenant Ros, which made sense since she more than likely could better explain the extent of the damage.

"Both warp cores are off line. The power conduits for them are also gone which means we'll have to completely replace then before we have main power back online. The auxiliary fusion reactors are also offline, we're running on emergency power reserves and I'm estimating that it'll be gone in a few days. If we keep running on minimal systems, the reserves will last five days, six if we're cautious," Jera replied.

"That's not much time. Can we have any power system back online by then?" Alistar asked.

"We were on our way to the primary reactors to see what we can do to get them online. I'll know more once we're there. In the meantime, we do have minimal life support, short range sensors and communications. I've got people working on propulsion systems as well, but I wanted to focus on the systems that would keep us alive," Jera said.

"I did give orders to focus more on primary support systems, but I can counter them if need be," Isabella said.

"No, you gave the right orders. Jera, what is your current plan?" Alistar said.

"I sent T'lon and Cadet Wolfe down to check the primary environmental control systems. Walker and I were on our way to the fusion reactors," Jera replied.

"Ok. I'm stuck here until I get cleared for duty. Once that's done, I'll head to the bridge and coordinate command and control. Jera, I want you to work on the power systems. Send Walker to work on getting us some form of maneuverability. Isabella, I want you to check on the crew and then report back to the bridge. We'll rotate command duty until things get a little more normal," Alistar said.

Isabella nodded and turned to leave. Silently, she was happy that her command decisions had been acceptable by her captain's standards. She already had a mental list of where she needed to go in order to check in on the crew, her only problem was the fact that she would have to face the dreaded service crawl space once more.

"Boss, I'll keep in contact on my progress. I'll check on the impulse drives first," Kev said before he gave a nod and headed out of sickbay behind the executive officer.

"Sir, just so you know, I'd like for us to take on one mission where we don't try to destroy the ship outright," Jera said before she followed the others out of sickbay.

Alistar watched the three officers leave and allowed a half smile. He understood the frustration of his engineers, after all the Endeavour had just been relaunched after over half a year of being in the shipyards. He also understood the concern of his first officer. She was a trained sciences officer, and she hadn't had the experience he did in commanding a ship and crew in dangerous situations. Second guessing your orders when the outcome was done and had placed the crew in mortal danger was normal. He sighed and glanced towards the back room where he saw Lieutenant Eidan emerging. Seeing that the CMO was heading towards him, he sighed again and hoped that he was getting released from sickbay.


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