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A Glimmer of Hope

Posted on Sat Feb 25th, 2017 @ 8:31am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant T'lon

1,078 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Transitions

The repairs were coming along nicely Alistar noted as he slowly walked through the Endeavour with Lieutenants T'lon, Jera Ros and Akira Sato in tow. With Commander Silvisi off on a survey mission with practically the entire science department, supervision of the repairs and new systems and crew fell solely on him. Fortunately, he had other senior officers who were still on board who could assist in those duties. For now, they had something slightly more important to discuss. He hated to consider this meeting as sneaking around, but he had to get a feel for how his crew was as well as just how well the repairs were coming and if there were any officers who could give him any insight on the matter, Ros, T'lon and Sato definitely could. Walking into the forward observation lounge on deck 9 A, he picked a table and sat down, waiting until everyone had done the same before he spoke. "I see that repairs are coming along a bit faster than the shipyard estimated," he said.

"You're damned right. If anyone knows how long it's going to take to repair this ship, then it's us," Jera said with a hint of pride in her voice. She couldn't help but feel slightly prideful. The Endeavour had been her baby since the ship launched and she wasn't about to let anyone undermine her ship.

"Calm down, Jera, we all know how you feel about the ship," Alistar said. "I wanted to ask the three of you about how the crew is doing in adjusting to our situation."

"Honestly, it's been better than even I had hoped," Akira said. "Most of the crew had nothing in our old timeline. In fact, only a very few of us had any family ties and most of those were sadly members of the senior staff."

"Commander Silvisi mentioned something to that end the last time I talked to her, but even then, she seemed to be at peace with the fact that we're stuck here. I had hoped that everyone had settled in without difficulty," Alistar said with a nod.

"I didn't say there hasn't been difficulties, Captain, just that it hasn't been as bad as we had thought it would be," Akira corrected the captain. "I think it's going to take some time before everyone settles in that this is now our home. Then we have the matter of the fact that nearly half of the crew are personnel who are from this timeline. Some of the old crew are going to have a hard time adjusting to working with them."

"Perhaps a small mission would help everyone adjust to our new timeline," T'lon suggested. "The impulse engines and power generators have been repaired, as have the warp core and nacelles and a majority of our primary and secondary systems. Would it be possible to take the Endeavour out for a short shakedown cruise in an effort to help with crew cohesion?"

"We have impulse and most of our sub light drives online and ready for action, but no warp capabilities," Jera said. "The warp core is online and working fine at half power, but we'll have to test the output capabilities before we can take it up to full power. Both of the nacelles are still offline. We have to replace and calibrate the warp drive coils and the subspace boundary manipulator assembly in the starboard bussard collector has to be replaced. I also have to test the warp vectoring coils and plasma flow control assemblies. It's going to be nearly a week before I can give a solid answer on when we'll have warp drive."

"Unfortunately, all of those systems require the facilities of a shipyard in order to be serviced, which leave us with no other option but to remain here for the time being," T'lon said.

"Could we accept a mission like Commander Silvisi and take a runabout or other support craft?" Akira asked.

"I'd rather keep those of us who are still here with the Endeavour," Alistar said. "After all, two of us are leading the repair efforts, I'm more or less required to remain here and I want you here to help handle security matters and train the new crew in our ways."

"That is a logical choice to make, Captain," T'lon said.

"So, we might have warp capability in a week?" Alistar asked, turning towards Jera Ros.

"Well, if everything goes as it should and we pass the systems tests after I finish working on the systems, then theoretically, yes," Jera said. "But keep in mind that if I run into any other problems then that estimate will be extended."

"Well, naturally, you'll keep me informed," Alistar said. "Alright, Lieutenant Ros will focus on engines. T'lon, where are we on support systems?"

"Once the warp core is brought to full power, then I will be able to fully and correctly answer that question, Captain," T'lon said. "But all reports seem to indicate that the majority of the systems are ready for a shakedown cruise in order to conduct a field test on all ship wide systems."

"Alright, we'll focus our attention to getting repairs wrapped up and I'll meet with the flag officer in command about getting us scheduled for a shakedown run scheduled for at least the end of next week," Alistar said with an approving nod. "Nothing extravagant. I'll need a full list of what we need to run a ship wide test on all of our systems without taxing those systems just in case."

"If we'll have full power, I'd like to request the chance to test the tactical systems as well," Akira said, adding in her own few cents to the impending shakedown mission.

"Alright then. I'll let you guys get back to work then. I'll expect progress reports by the end of the week," Alistar said as he stood. "Dismissed." As the three officers headed out of the room, Alistar turned towards the view port and sighed longingly. He actually wished that he was out there on the Nighthawk and involved in the survey mission, even if it meant two months cramped up with seven other people. With a final sigh, he turned and headed out of the lounge. He had a lot of paperwork to get caught up on, and there would be more all too soon. In some ways, he was looking forward to getting underway again even more than his crew.


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