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Warp Field Flux Fixes

Posted on Sun Jun 25th, 2017 @ 3:35pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan
Edited on on Sun Jun 25th, 2017 @ 3:44pm

1,010 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Transitions

Akira was pacing across the entire width of the bridge. She couldn't help herself, and she knew that showing her nervousness was more than likely not a good sign of leadership, but she was tired, anxious, and not really wanting to be the person in the center seat. The captain had been found unconscious and taken to sickbay by the security officers she had sent to find him, leaving her firmly in command until either he woke up or Commander Dei’Silvisi returned. Neither option looked as if it would be happening anytime soon. With a sigh, the Japanese woman finally sat down in the command chair and waited on an update from engineering.

Jera muttered to herself as she spot welded the last structural cross beam in place and flipped off the welder. She had taken charge of the starboard warp nacelle repair team, leaving Lieutenant Walker in charge of the port nacelle. She wasn't sure who had lucked out. The shipyard hadn't made a big mistake in setting the warp cores as she had originally thought, however there had been more work to do than she had liked. The starboard nacelle had needed the primary off axis warp field coil replaced along with having the primary warp coils realigned and the plasma injectors reset, no easy task to complete in the field but it was doable. At least the problem had been centered to an east to find, solve and fix issue, because she was getting tired of the Endeavour's luck with major issues every single time the ship headed out.

Leaning back from her work, Jera tapped her comm badge. "Ros to Walker, starboard nacelle is repaired. We're going to reset the lines and seal everything back up before heading back to engineering."

Sometimes, it didn't pay to be a big guy. Kev had played sports all his life until he joined Starfleet, and even then he hadn't been able to escape sports while he had been at the Academy. The choice had been his parents, mostly his dad, and twenty years of playing hard contact sports such as football made for having a large frame that wasn't very effective when you were an engineer on a Starfleet star ship. The access crawlspaces were always too small and the access way to the Endeavour warp nacelles also housed the warp plasma lines as well. That meant he had to be careful. However, his team hadn't had too much to do. They had reset and aligned the warp field coils, which was the primary issue, but the port nacelle had also blown a relay and a power line that controlled the nacelle deuterium chiller. Replacing it had been a time consuming task, but the repairs had been done and he was inching his way backwards when Ros called. "That's good. I'm on my way out of the port nacelle. Repairs are done, so all we need to do is replace the hatch covers and we're good," Kev said.

Jera nodded as she eased out of the access crawl space and motioned for one of her team to seal the hatch. Satisfied that repairs were complete, she left orders for her team to start tracing the ODN conduits and power lines and check for any potential problems before she headed to engineering. Once Walker arrived, they would be ready to restore power to the warp nacelles. It was fortunately a very short walk back to engineering and she arrived seconds before Walker. Heading over to the power control panel, Jera ran a diagnostic. "How did your team do?" she asked Walker, making small talk while they waited.

"We had to replace the port side deuterium chiller on top of fixing the warp coils," Kev replied as he brushed off his jacket.

"Sounds like fun," Jera said, making a face. Dealing with anything that involved chilling deuterium, or anything involving deuterium period, was never fun, and she almost felt bad for having Walker lead the repair teams that had dealt with that problem. Shaking it off, she figured that sooner or later, karma would get her back. The computer console beeped, indicating that the diagnostic was complete. "Engineering to bridge, we're finished with the repairs to the warp drive and are ready to proceed with powering the drive back up," Jera said.

"Very well. Proceed with caution, and good work," Akira said, breathing a sigh of relief. Getting the warp drive back online would help the anxiety she had been feeling. Now, she hoped that someone else would take command back from her soon. "Sato to Medical, how's the Captain?"

Abigail almost sighed over the intercom at the lieutenant's question. She had promised an update when there was one, and there hadn't been any change in the captain's condition. She stated as much with a brief "No change," before continuing to treat patients. There hadn't been many serious injuries, but there had been quite a few, and some were just now getting to sickbay.

"Is there any reason he's still out?" Akira asked.

"I've treated his injuries, but I decided to let him come around on his own. Sometimes, naturally letting someone come to is better for the patient. It allows the body time to naturally rest, heal, and recover from injuries," Abigail said.

"Keep me posted," Akira said before she signed off. "Sato to Ros, how's that power upcoming?"

"Sometimes I'm so glad she's not the captain," Jera muttered. Louder, she answered. "We're almost to full power flow. We're going to run a systems test and then we'll be ready for warp. I'd say another ten minutes."

"Very well," Akira said as she forced herself to relax. It was a long ten minutes, but finally engineering reported that the warp drive had been repaired. With the disaster behind them, Akira ordered the Endeavour on a course towards the nearest Starfleet facility, which was one of the Romulan Neutral Zone defense outpost stations. The Endeavour banked away from her original course and flashed to warp speed along her new heading.


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