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The Captain’s Hand

Posted on Sat Oct 21st, 2017 @ 7:43pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Chief Petty Officer Malcolm Reynolds & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Ensign Matt Connor & Ensign Summer Cameron
Edited on on Sat Oct 21st, 2017 @ 7:43pm

1,678 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori

Alistar tugged his uniform jacket straight and sighed as he stood in his ready room. The past two days had passed quickly, and as much as he hated to see the impending captain’s mast begin, he was eager to get it over with. Minor infractions taken on board a Starfleet ship or by a member of said ship’s crew could be easily dealt with by the captain of the ship, and as long as the crew member’s offense or punishment wasn’t too severe it was often allowed without further involvement. A captain was often granted a pretty wide range of options, but in this matter Alistar had screened a call to Starfleet and requested assistance. A nearby Starfleet ship had met with the Endeavour the day before and deposited a new officer off on the Endeavour. Now, the moment of unpleasantness had arrived and the Endeavour’s captain sighed again.

Isabella smoothed down her uniform and tucked a stray strand of hair behind an ear as she walked towards the ready room. In all of her time on board the Endeavour, she had never expected to hear of a second captain’s mast occur on the ship, much less take part in one. It wasn’t an easy thought, given the fact that she was personally involved in the matter as well. Ensign Connor had acted out against her orders while under her direct command, and she knew that he was lucky that the captain had only requested assistance and not a prisoner transport. The newest addition to the Endeavour’s crew, an auburn haired and slim woman, had been assigned to the Endeavour for an indefinite amount of time by Starfleet Command and the JAG office, and Isabella glanced cautiously at the ensign beside her as they walked towards the ready room. Ensign Summer Cameron hadn’t been aboard long enough for anyone to truly get to know her, but Isabella liked what she had seen of the JAG officer so far. As they reached the door to the captain’s ready room, Isabella paused and smiled faintly towards the ensign.

“The captain can be a little difficult to understand at first, so I want to warn you beforehand. He’s a little eclectic at times and not like the majority of traditional officers,” Isabella said.

“I’ve read everything I could get my hands on regarding Captain McKeon. He seems to be an outstanding officer, if a little eclectic and odd as you say,” Summer said as she took a moment to check her appearance. This would be the first time she had met the captain, and she didn’t want it to be a bad experience.

“Well, let’s get started. Commander Sato is already on her way with Ensign Connor, and I really don’t want to delay anything,” Isabella said as she tapped the door controls and opened the door. Heading inside, she nodded towards McKeon as they walked across the ready room. “Captain, I don’t think you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Ensign Summer Cameron, our Judge Advocate General liaison assigned by Starfleet Command.”

“No, I haven’t,” Alistar said as he stood and nodded towards the auburn haired woman. “I understand that you’ve been assigned to the Endeavour for a few weeks while we fully adjust to our new reality, so I hope we’ve been living up to the standards.”

“So far, everyone seems to have adjusted just fine captain. A few may be still adjusting, but overall I think the Endeavour is going just fine,” Summer replied.

“Good. As soon as Akira gets here with everyone else, we’ll begin,” Alistar said, not bothering to hide the growl of unhappiness from his voice.

Akira led the procession towards the captain’s ready room with a half scowl plastered to her face. The master at arms followed behind her, followed by Ensign Connor who was followed by a pair of security officers. No one looked particularly happy, and Akira was just a happy that the few people they encountered along the way simply moved out of the corridor without a word. The entire ship knew, and Akira hoped that Connor knew just how bad it could get for him. A dishonorable dismissal from service could very well be in the works if the captain decided to send Connor before a court marshal. She hoped that it wouldn’t come to that, but one never knew. As they approached the door to the ready room, Akira paused to press the door chime and wait.

“Well, that would be our cue,” Alistar said as he sat down and leaned forward in his chair. “Enter.”

Akira led the group into the captain’s ready room, noting that the first officer and the JAG officer Starfleet Command had sent were already there. If anything, Commander Silvisi was very punctual. Leading Connor and Reynolds across the room, she stopped in front of the desk and braced to attention. “Sir, Ensign Connor, present as ordered,” she said before she took a step to the side.

Matt followed his department head into the ready room and went to attention. He knew that he would most likely be sent on to a Starbase for a formal court marshal and this would be his formal notice. His days in Starfleet were over, and there would be no stopping it. He would face his disgrace with as much honor as he could.

“Sir, Ensign Matt Connor has been brought before you under charges of misconduct, conduct unbecoming of a Starfleet officer, and abuse of authority,” Master of Arms Malcolm Reynolds said. “I’ve investigated the away mission and found that, under statements of all surviving members of Commander Silvisi’s away mission team, the Ensign abused his authority as an officer and acted dishonorably and abusive towards all enlisted members of the team and was insubordinate towards his superior officers. A full report has been filed for your viewing.”

“I see,” Alistar said, his eyes narrowed as he regarded the security officer. “Ensign, is this true?”

“Yes, Sir,” Matt said. He didn’t elaborate.

“Do you wish to a statement for consideration before I pass my judgment, Ensign?” Alistar asked.

“Sir, I know that I will be most likely court marshaled and dismissed from service. I’d like to remain in Starfleet and given the chance to redeem myself,” Matt said.

Isabella raised her eyebrows in surprise as she quickly considered the options that Ensign Connor was opening for the captain by his brief, simple statement. She glanced towards McKeon briefly and quickly, trying to read the captain and unable to do so. He would make an excellent poker player, and not one she would want to bet against. In the two years she had served on the Endeavour, she had learned that the captain was not one to cross lightly.

“Captain, perhaps some leniency should be considered, since this is the Ensign’s first offense and given the stressful conditions of the mission in question,” she said quietly.

“There is no excuse for Mister Connor’s actions taken during the mission, and there’s only one punishment allowable for his crimes under my authority,” Alistar said. “Short of a full court marshal and I’m sure that the ensign would like to avoid that, since I’m certain that any flag officer would immediately call for a dishonorable dismissal. Mister Connor, do you wish for me to pass judgment or do you want to proceed to a full court marshal?”

“I’m prepared to face your judgment, Captain,” Matt said quietly, almost afraid.

“Very well. Under my authority as a Starfleet captain in command of a Federation star ship in service of the United Federation of Planets Starfleet Division, for your actions of conduct unbecoming of a Starfleet officer in the field during the Nighthawk mission under the command of Commander Isabella Silvisi, I hereby strip you of your officer’s commission as a Starfleet officer at the rank of ensign, sentence effective immediately. At the same time, I offer you an enlistment into the service of Starfleet at the rank of petty officer third class to which at your acceptance I will grant a provisional field commission to the rank of provisional or acting ensign, again, effective immediately. Do you accept?” Alistar said his tone dead and harsh.

Matt blinked. He had expected much worse, even though the captain was being pretty hard on his already. He nodded. At least this way he could still try to regain his commission eventually. “Yes Sir, I accept,” he said.

“Master at arms, see to it. Dismissed,” Alistar said.

Mal nodded and touched Connor on the arm, indicating that they should withdraw before that captain decided to add more to the sentence. They beat for the door quickly.

Akira nodded towards the captain quickly before she headed out of the ready room on the heels of Connor and Reynolds. She had expected the captain to be less lenient, and was pleased that she didn’t have to juggle her department roster. Silently, she hoped that Connor had learned his lesson, because the next time would most defiantly be his last.

Summer nodded and watched everyone else leave before she turned to the captain and smiled. “I believe he expected you to hand him his head, but you did well. My report to my superiors will reflect that,” she said.

“Thank you,” Alistar said with a sigh. “Commander, Ensign, dismissed. I need to write my own report.”

“Aye, Sir,” Summer said before she headed out of the ready room.

Isabella paused before she started towards the door and turned towards McKeon. “I’m hoping that Mister Connor earns his commission back, but if not, I believe you were fair in your judgment. Thank you, Sir,” she said.

“You're welcome, Isabella,” Alistar said. “Now, let’s hope like hell we won’t have to do this again,” he added with a dark tone to his voice.


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