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Docking at D5

Posted on Sat Dec 16th, 2017 @ 11:08pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant JG Zoe Ellija & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant T'lon
Edited on on Sat Dec 16th, 2017 @ 11:08pm

969 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori

Alistar had woken up naked on the couch in the main living area in his quarters, something that was already unusual but made even more so with the presence of the very lovely Trill female who had been equally naked and snuggled up next to him. He had carefully untangled himself from the beautiful science officer and quickly taken a quick shower before dressing and heading to the bridge. It was a quiet morning, and he was glad for it as he arrived on the bridge and headed to the command chair.

Isabella had beaten the captain to the bridge, a rare thing but it did happen from time to time. Instead of sitting in her own chair, she had settled into the captain’s command chair with a cup of tea and the daily morning reports. Hearing the turbo lift doors open, she glanced up from reading the night shift’s daily report and smiled as the captain made his way to the command chair. “I take it you actually got some sleep last night, Captain?” Isabella asked with a smile.

“You might say that,” Alistar said as he shooed his first officer out of his seat and sat down. “I take it we’re facing a nice, quiet uneventful day?”

“Hopefully,” Isabella replied as she handed the report over and settled back in her own seat. “We’re about ten minutes away from Science Station D-5. We passed Outpost E-17 about an hour ago.”

“Systems report?” Alistar called out as he thumbed the PADD Isabella had given him to life and started reading.

“All systems nominal, there are no outstanding system errors to report. Engineering reports that we have used a total of three percent of our total deuterium reserves since departing from Station Typhoon,” T’lon reported from operations.

“How did we use that much deuterium in a couple of weeks?” Alistar asked with a frown.

“According to Lieutenant Ros’s report, most of our deuterium loss occurred during the recent engineering related incident. We lost some anti matter, but the generator has already replaced what was lost,” T’lon answered smoothly.

“I see. Commander Sato? Anything interesting from your end this morning?” Alistar asked.

“I’ve scheduled an internal security drill for this afternoon, so all security personnel will be barred from shore leave until afterwards. Other than that, everything is as Mister T’lon puts it: nominal,” Akira responded.

T’lon raised an eyebrow and made a typical Vulcan noise before turning towards his console and busying himself with something or another in an effort not to respond.

Alistar grinned at the banter. He was glad that the crew of the Endeavour had been able to come together and work as well as they did. It was one of the small things that made a star ships commanding officer feel just a little bit better about their jobs. A small beeping made him look up towards the helm, where petty officer Ellija was sitting.

“Sir, we’re arriving at Science station D5,” Zoe reported.

“Drop us out of warp, set sub light speed to one third. Clear us for docking with station operations,” Alistar ordered.

The Endeavour came out of warp smoothly, almost instantly going to impulse speed and continuing on towards the science station. It had started as a Bravo class station, but unlike the standard Bravo class stations D5 had been built originally as a civilian installation, which meant that the majority of the station’s original military style design had been completely changed by the scientists who had funded the building project. There were still the basic design similarities, but the internal design was different. Even from the distance between the Endeavour and her destination, the crew of the Endeavour could see the huge telescope that took up one entire pod that jutted from the station proper. Many had to wonder how the station had survived being on the edge of civilized space for as long as it had, since the majority of it time the station had been in the middle of contested space or along the zone of conflict. Now, it seemed peaceful enough, with a couple of older civilian Oberth class ships and even a Starfleet Nova class ship docked.

As the Endeavour approached, Alistar leaned back in his seat and waited. No doubt the station flight controller was wondering what to do with the Endeavour just as the commander was wondering what to do with the crew that was sure to be invading the station for shore leave.

“Sir, we’ve been cleared for docking port two. The station director has asked to speak to you as soon as possible,” Akira reported.

“Very well, take us in on thrusters, petty officer,” Alistar ordered.

Zoe nodded and killed the impulse drives, easing the ship forward on her RCS thrusters. It took longer, but soon enough the Endeavour nestled up to the station and docked, her primary port side airlock connecting the ship to the station.

“Confirmed that we’re docked to D5, sir. Killing thrusters and primary drives,” Zoe reported.

“Primary shields are offline, as are tactical systems. Deflector screens are on standby,” Akira added.

“Very well. Maintain internal power, no need to draw from the station proper,” Alistar said before he turned to his first officer. “I want a full security detail assigned to the airlock. I’ll go talk to the station director and see if we’re welcomed or not.”

“We’ll all be waiting, and I’m sure you don’t need to be reminded how much everyone really wants to get off this ship for a while,” Isabella said with a smile.

“Yeah, yeah, don’t remind me,” Alistar grumbled as he stood. “I’ll be back, until then the ship is yours.”


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