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Catching Up

Posted on Tue May 1st, 2018 @ 12:03am by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Kev Walker

1,015 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori
Location: Deck 12, Secondary Warp Core Control Bay

The secondary warp core control bay was smaller than the Endeavour’s engineering bay, but it had most of the same controls if only on a more limited scale. The stations and consoles were smaller, and the main displays were more limited, but the familiar swirling warp core and background hum felt like home as Jera entered the bay. She had barely spent any time in the secondary engineering sections since she had first taken over as chief engineer, but so far the need hadn’t arisen until now. The signs of battle damage were everywhere, even here, and she was proud of her crew for the work that they had all accomplished. Glancing around, she spotted Lieutenant Walker and headed over. “So, I’m gone for a few hours and you just had to throw the biggest ship damaging party we’ve had since we launched,” Jera said.

Kev yawned as he walked around the bay. The secondary warp core was online, powered up, and providing power, solving the primary problem to the ship, but there was still the issue of battle damage. He was still upset about how the fight had progressed, but there was still very few options that had been available. He had gone over the records and knew that the Endeavour had barely come out in the half decent shape that she had. Romulan raptor class warbirds were nasty customers, and he was surprised that the captain had managed to get the ship and crew through the fight alive. His thoughts were interrupted by the all familiar growling tone of lieutenant Ros, and he looked up at her with a jokingly unhappy expression. “Yeah, well, I thought engineers were supposed to be on board their ships when they went into battle, but I guess you missed that class at the academy,” he shot back.

“It must have been the same day the captain missed when they held tactics 101 on fighting Romulan warbirds,” Jera growled as she walked past Walker to the main console station.

“And what would that class have taught about engaging Romulan warbirds?” Kev asked.

“When fighting in a one on one fight, you simply don’t,” Jera said. “A Raptor is classified as a heavy cruiser, Intrepid’s are light cruisers. It wasn’t much of a fair fight to begin with.”

“Except that we actually won,” Kev pointed out.

“Barely,” Jera reminded him as gently as she could. “I’ve reviewed the records. The captain made the mistake of fighting head to head on a straight line attack run. He should have veered off before he passed and kept the ship darting about. Romulan ships are designed for assaults, which means straight on frontal attacks and hard hitting hits to the enemy’s backside.”

“I didn’t know you were so familiar with Romulan ships, boss,” Kev said.

“I’m half Romulan, remember? And I did spend some time on Romulas before I joined Starfleet. Add that to a nice long career, and you tend to pick up a few things,” Jera said as she turned to face Walker. “So, where do we stand on ship status?”

“Despite my original report to you before you went to the meeting, the secondary warp core is online and running, we’ve repaired the primary power, coolant, and ODN conduits. We couldn’t replace all of the damaged warp coils, so we’re limited to a max of warp 7 according to the test we ran. We might be able to get up to warp 8 if we’re careful. The starboard impulse engine is a wreak but it’s got enough to prove 25% total output, port side is fully functional. We can hold at .22c on standard sublight with a max of .65c. The shield matrix took some hard hits, some of the subsystems are still being repaired but we can give tactical 80% and phasers. Life support is working fine, except that the hot water systems don’t get really hot so it’s going to be lukewarm at best,” Kev reported as he glanced at the engineering padd he was carrying. “T’lon and I have been figuring out which systems to work on from there, I say sensors, communications and support, but he wants to get environmental and the replicators back up to full specs first.”

“Typical Vulcan,” Jera muttered, impressed at how much had been done. “Did you try out for the operations field before deciding to go with engineering?”

“I cross trained in both while at the academy, and T’lon had been training me since we swapped timelines,” Kev replied. “Since our ops department is understaffed, I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“I don’t, it’s always good to know how to operate in another department, Good work though. We might be able to carry out our suicidal mission when we finish repairs then,” Jera said.

“We’re not going in for repairs?” Kev asked.

Jera rolled her eyes and snorted. “No. Our glorious captain just informed us that we’ll be going off to track down the pirates and rescue our captured crew.”

Kev sighed and looked around the bay with an expression that betrayed his thoughts. “Well, I guess we can do it as long as they don’t have any more warbirds to throw at us,” he said.

“I need to go speak to the XO about our repair status, so I’ll be sure to put in the request,” Jera said. “Good work, Walker. Now take a break. We’re not leaving just yet, and I’m sure you could use some rest.”

Kev nodded, realizing just how tired he was. “Yes, ma’am,” he said. “Let me finish up here and I’ll take a few hours.”

“Good, and don’t make me remind you,” Jera said with a parting nod. Glancing around the bay, she nodded in satisfaction before she turned and headed out again, this time she headed towards the first officer’s office.

Lieutenant Jera’turak Ros
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Kev Walker
Engineering Officer


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