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Posted on Sun Apr 22nd, 2018 @ 1:35pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Jordan Spencer & Lieutenant T'lon

1,833 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori
Location: USS Endeavour, Conference Lounge
Timeline: 5 hours after Battle of D5

It had barely been five hours after the pirate attack on D5 when the basic sense of normalcy had finally fallen over both the station and the Endeavour. The pirates had fled, leaving behind the crippled Raptor and a wake of damaged ships. A response force of three ships, an Excelsior class escorted by a pair of Defiant class ships, had arrived and instantly began a defensive patrol of the area. The Endeavour had finally returned to drift alongside the science station while her crew returned and began repairs. Sitting in the conference room, Alistar sighed as he gazed out the view port and at the view of the stars displayed. One of the reasons he had finally called for the meeting was the fact that his ready room had only the view of the station and the damaged civilian ships that orbited the station, and he didn't want any other reminders of what had happened. He was still reeling from the aftermath report before him on the table that made no sense at all. Along with three Trill officers from the Endeavour, twelve Trill scientists from the station had been taken by the pirates. Other than the missing, almost nothing else had been taken other than minor personal goods. No cargo, just minor valuables and fifteen Trills. The other reason Alistar had called for the meeting was simple: it was time for the Endeavour to fully respond. All he needed was to know the condition of his ship. He finally closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair as he waited for the others to arrive.

The conference room slipped open and Jordan walked in with a padd in hand. He looked around to find that they hadn't started any meeting whatsoever. So before they arriveed...

"Sorry to disturb you of your star gazing," the doctor walked up next to the man relaxing and took a gaze outside. It was truly a peaceful view. "Relazing to look out there... only to know that just we are just a couple inches away from the vacuum of space."

Alistar raised his eyebrows and sighed just a little as he stirred in his chair and looked at the lieutenant who had spoken. "You sure know how to help someone relax a little. That brought so much cheer and joy to my mind that I'm feeling even more peaceful and calm," he said, his voice carrying a tone of amused sarcasm that was at the same time joking.

"I'm from medical. So you had a medical stand point of medical," Jordan explained with a slight smirk as he tried to hand the padd to the commanding officer.

"Ugh, Medical," Alistar grumbled as he took the padd the lieutenant handed him. "And you are?"

"Jordan Spencer, Doctor... or Lieutenant..., your Commander asked me to take charge of Medical. Things are stable, so I released it back to your ranking medical officer, but wanted you to have a copy of the report," the medical officer answered plainly. "Don't worry... it's not fun... but it's taken care of down there."

"Well, at the moment, our ranking medical officer would be you," Alistar said with a grin. "I'd like for you to sit in on the meeting if you have the time."

Akira stepped into the conference lounge and nodded towards the two officers already present. She was trying to hide her exhaustion, something she was certain that everyone else on board was doing as well. She had set security to full time armed patrols with a response team on full standby just in case, and she had been busy checking not only her security teams and the internal defenses but also the Endeavour's external weapons systems. Tactical hadn't fared as badly as she had feared but it was still fairly bad. Sitting down in her usual place at the table, Akira leaned back in her chair and waited.

Isabella had toured the entire ship following the conclusion of the Endeavour's defensive battle before getting some rest in her quarters. The additional medical aid stations had helped greatly, and she had seen first hand how much it had helped sickbay out. With only the worst cases sent to sickbay the medical staff had been able to get treatments done quicker and more efficiently. Her only regrets were the facts that the Endeavour had seen enough combat for the idea to have even been thought of and that they had had to utilize it. Fortunately, the Endeavour's casualties for this battle had been lower than they had been in some of the conflicts the ship had faced before, and while that could be seen as an improvement, it still didn't make Isabella any happier. She was still thinking over these facts as she walked into the conference room, making her expression a slightly unhappy one as she took her seat.

"Commander," Spencer nodded as he took the Captains offer to stay reluctantly and sat down across the table on the far end. He had last saw the first officer leaving sick bay, leaving him in charge. It wasn't as though, he couldn't handle it, but he didn't know the people and sometimes people didn't handle new commands well, especially with his background in the marines. But he didn't blame them, not in the least.

Isabella stirred from her mental stupor and offered a brief welcoming smile towards Lieutenant Spencer. He had done an outstanding job with sickbay since she had left him in charge from what she could tell, and his help had been outstanding and appreciated by everyone. "Lieutenant, welcome," she said softly.

Jera was grumbling as she walked into the briefing room. She had flown back to the Endeavour via shuttle craft as soon as it had been possible to do so and since her return all she had done had been repairs in the midst of a nonstop verbal tirade about how the ship was constantly getting halfway destroyed. She had finally quietened down somewhat, although she managed to glare towards the captain as she sat down at the table.

T'lon walked into the senior officers briefing room in his usual form. His uniform was somehow straight and his appearance was otherwise unflappable. Unlike the majority of the crew on board the Endeavour, one couldn't tell that the Vulcan had been involved in the recent conflict that the Endeavour crew had faced. Sitting down in his usual seat, he raised an eyebrow at the fact that a new officer was present and two of the usual officers weren't. Saying nothing, he waited for the meeting to begin.

"Now that we're all here, I want to inform all of you that the rumors are true. Lieutenant Val and a number of other Trill officers and scientists were taken by the pirates during the attack. I've been in contact with Starfleet Command and while I'm sure some people won't be happy with this, I've requested and received orders from Command to track down and rescue our people," Alistar said. Turning towards Lieutenant Ros, he nodded. "How long until repairs can be completed?"

"We can have the secondary warp core online in another two hours. It'll take three hours to reroute the ODN lines, power and fuel systems, and run a complete diagnostic plus a field stress test. So, we're looking at about five hours minimum, possibly more if we run into any problems," Jera said after a moment of thinking over what engineering had left to do. "Shields and tactical systems can be repaired en route if that's ok. That'll let us focus on propulsion and power and it might cut our repair time down a little."

Alistar nodded and turned towards Commander Sato next. "Akira, I want you to lead an away team over to that Raptor. Find anything you can that might help us. It would be nice to identify the ship itself, that way command can get in touch with the Romulans and see what they have to say about their missing warbird. Just be careful over there."

"Yes, Sir," Akira said with a stiff nod. Mentally, she was already putting a list together of the people she would need on the away team. It would have to be a quick trip, but that would be made easier due to the fact that the warbird had been abandoned. Leaning back in her seat, she frowned as she ran through a checklist of everything that would need to be done during the away mission while the captain continued on.

"Lieutenant Jordan Spencer will be in charge of medical. Abi was pretty badly wounded during the battle and I've ordered her and several of our more seriously wounded crew to be transferred to the nearest medical facility ASAP. Last, Commander Silvisi will be taking over day to day operations for science as well," Alistar said with a nod towards both officers.

Jordan's ears perked up at the idea of staying in charge of medical. It wasn't the intent or even on his transfer orders. He had only been assigned to be an additional member in which got some more time working on his man hours working with the counseling department to better his qualifications. His medical side had been long and detailed, but in the end... he was going to follow orders given to him. With that, he nodded and looked around at his new senior staff crew members. This would be interesting to say the least.

Isabella offered a small, short nod. She had no problems in taking over the science department, in fact she was actually pleased with the assignment, and she was sure that the captain had made an excellent choice in appointing Lieutenant Spencer over medical. "Do we have a plan of action as to how we're going to track these pirates down?" she finally asked, concerned over how they might carry out the task.

"I'm hoping that Commander Sato's team can find some information on the Raptor that will be useful. Starfleet Intelligence is also looking into the matter, along with the Federation Civil Intelligence Agency. We'll find them," Alistar answered.

Isabella nodded as she tried, and failed, to contain her displeasure at the captain's answer. Personally, she felt as though the Endeavour should have been assigned to a different task, if for nothing else than the fact that it had been members of the Endeavour's crew that had been taken and there was always the danger that the crew could make the mission personal, if it wasn't already. Such an element was a dangerous factor, and she made a note to speak to the captain about it later, knowing that it would most likely not be a pleasant conversation.

Looking around the table, Alistar nodded. "Alright then. As soon as engineering gives us the go ahead and we finish going through the Raptor's computer files, we'll depart. Until then, we'll maintain yellow alert status. If there's nothing else, then everyone is dismissed."


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