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The Next Step

Posted on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 11:55am by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

1,098 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori

Akira hurried through the corridors of the Endeavour. She had taken the time to get Reynolds settled down to write an away mission report and oversee the return of all the weapons to the armory, but she had information that seemed to be burning through her mind. The trip to the bridge normally didn't seem to take very long, but when one was in a hurry it could seem an eternity, and it currently felt as if Akira was walking in circles on a Galaxy Class ship rather than across a few short decks. Finally, the turbo-lift doors opened to reveal the bridge of the Endeavour. Stepping out, Akira spotted the captain and she hurried over to where he and the first offcer stood. "I've got it!" she exclaimed.

Alistar had been standing at the monitor at the back of the bridge, checking systems readouts and trying not to sit on the shoulders of his crew. They had enough to deal with without him standing over them and hovering. At least this way he could do something that was mildly helpful. One of the displays had been set up to give a three dimensional map of the system, showing the locations of D5 and the relief ships that Starfleet had sent. He had been asked to help set up a patrol rotation for the ships that had arrived, and he had almost figured out what to send the captain of the Artic Bay a call when Sato came running up claiming to have something. Turning towards her, he leaned back and raised his eyebrows. "Well, you'd better find your way to sickbay because I don't want it, whatever it is," he quipped.

"Very funny," Akira said as she caught her breath. After a moment, she smiled and continued. "Baham. The Raptor made twenty five course settings to Baham and a nearby unnamed system I haven't tracked down yet, but there were records of meetings, trades, and deals made in the Baham System with clients, sellers, and buyers."

"That doesn't mean that this Baham System is the headquarters for the pirates," Isabella said, making a point that she felt needed to be made. While she was extremely happy and pleased that they were starting to get somewhere with their investigation, she still wanted to err on the side of caution as well as protect the crew. "Where is this Baham System, anyway?"

"If my memory served correctly, it's a star system on the edge of Ferengi controlled space. Used as a major shipping and trading port as well as an outpost for some of their less than legal activities. Sounds like a perfect meeting place for pirates as well," Alistar said with a frown. Ordering the Endeavour into Ferengi space on official Starfleet business was technically legal, but still tricky when dealing with Ferengi.

"I hate to be the Devil's advocate, but are we in the position to enter Ferengi controlled territory and deal with a band of pirates who could very well be working for the Ferengi?" Isabella asked, concern showing across her face.

"The Ferengi won't get involved. We have official orders from Starfleet Command, and the Ferengi have enough treaties with the Federation and our allies that they won't risk disrupting good business over a single incident. The concern is the pirates and what they still have left," Alistar said as he rubbed his chin. "There is a minor Starfleet base not too far from Baham, Starbase 514 if I remember correctly. We'd have to adjust our course, but we can make it look like we're coming in either Deep Space 4, Typhoon Station or even deep space on our way to Starbase 514 and stopping at Baham for a routine port call. It'll set us up for a decent cover story if the Ferengi ask."

"They'll ask," Akira said as she made a face. She had known as soon as she knew that system's location that they would most likely be heading to the Ferengi Alliance, and she wasn't a big fan of the Ferengi themselves. "Those little devil trolls are nothing if not curiously greedy."

"I'm also concerned about our crew, specifically the female ones," Isabella added. "The Ferengi have been known to kidnap female officers before, and they've shown that they can't be trusted at all when it comes to visiting one of their planets."

"Which is why no female officer or crew member will be allowed off of the ship without at least two other companions, and why I'm not authorizing shore leave while we're there," Alistar said. "We'll be there only to find the pirates or our next destination. All right. Good work, Akira."

"There is something else," Akira said with some hesitation. "Connor. He's becoming a liability and I'm afraid that I can't cover for him anymore. He's going to have to be dealt with."

"Write up a report and I'll figure out something," Alistar said as he felt a sudden headache coming on. "I'll be in my ready room giving Starfleet Command an update. Commander, could you have Zoe plot us a a wide angle course from D5 to Baham? Have her curve it so that we pass close to the Syntarsus System, that'll give us a little more boost to our cover story."

"Yes, Sir," Isabella replied with a nod. She didn't envy him dealing with the situation with Ensign Connor, having dealt with the security officer first hand during the disastrous Nighthawk mission, but she wasn't about to let him handle it by himself. "I'll wait for Commander Sato's report to be filed before I join you to discuss what to do with Connor."

Alistar nodded and sighed before he headed to his ready room. He was relieved that they would be underway soon, but not so much now that he absolutely had to deal with the Connor situation.

Akira watched the captain walk off and felt sorry for him. She felt as if she was dumping her problem onto him, but there was little else that she could do without involving either one of them. Something had to be done and soon. Turning back to the first officer, she nodded and started back towards the turbo-lift door. She wanted to get her report typed up as quickly as possible and there was no time like the present. She stepped into the turbo-lift and as the doors slid shut, Akira wondered just what was next in store.

Captain Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer

Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Akira Sato
Chief of Security and Tactical


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