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Diplomatic Arrivals

Posted on Sun Feb 24th, 2019 @ 12:23am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Amelia Valke

1,173 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition

Amelia bristled slightly as she stood in the Proxima's transporter room and waited for her turn to beam over to the Endeavour. She had been plucked from her windowless office at the Starfleet Diplomatic Corp. building in Paris and shuttled to the Proxima for reassignment to the Endeavour with literally zero warning, and she had been less than diplomatic to everyone since. She didn't like change, and starships dealt with change on a constant basis. Stepping onto the transporter pad, she waited until she was beamed over to the Endeavour, materializing in a transporter room that looked like there was a major overhaul going on. Seeing a woman with a senior rank, Amelia stepped over and stood to her full height of five feet, three inches. "Amelia Valke, reporting for duty as ordered," she said.

Isabella sighed as she met and checked off another group of arrivals from the Proxima. They were mostly engineers and operations specialists who were being sent over to assist with repairs, and silently she wondered if she could get away with pulling a few of them off of normal repair duties in order to repair a few things she had been requesting for the past several days. She missed her shower, and having to take baths in lukewarm water on a good day was starting to wear even her good nature and patience to the breaking point. As far as she knew, the senior officer quarters, or anything on Deck Three for that matter, wasn't scheduled to be repaired for another week at the earliest. So when a short woman stepped up to her and reported in, Isabella turned and raised an eyebrow as she regarded the woman. Immediately, she could tell that the other woman was at least her own short height, and appeared to have an edge to her demeanor, so Isabella forced a smile before she spoke. "Good morning. I'm Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi, the Executive Officer and Chief of Science. For what position have you been assigned?" she said.

"I've been assigned and ordered to the Endeavour as a member of the diplomatic detachment," Amelia said. "I was told that a copy of my orders was sent to the captain."

"Then we should go see if he has received them. If you'll follow me?" Isabella said as she gladly surrendered the Padd with the list of incoming officers and crew to the security officer standing in the transporter room. The trip to Deck One was short, and quickly enough they stood before the door leading to the Commanding Officer's Ready Room. Reaching out, Isabella tapped the door chime and hoped that McKeon was in a good mood today.

Alistar muttered as he started to reach out for his glass of tea with his right hand and a sharp pain shot through his shoulder and down his arm. Hissing in pain, he instantly pulled his arm back and reached out with his other hand to grab the glass. Taking a drink, he cursed that Trill slug criminal known as Brex and set the glass down, this time on the left side of his desk before picking up another PADD and looking at the contents. With the Endeavour orbiting a desert planet undergoing repairs and unable to do anything but float while the repair crews from the Freedom and the Proxima swarmed over her, he had been able to make a dent in his paperwork. It was a slow process, as he was being constantly interrupted. Leaning back in his chair, Alistar adjusted his arm as he started to read. He got two lines in when the door chime rang out. Glaring upwards at the door, he growled. "Enter," he said.

Isabella smiled as she caught the aggravated tone in the Captain's voice, but she tapped the door control panel and opened the door. Leading the way, she walked into the Ready Room and raised her eyebrows in an amused expression as she caught McKeon's eyes. "Sir, this is Miss Amelia Valke, a member of our new Diplomatic Department," she said, trying very hard not to smile.

Amelia tilted her head as she regarded the captain. He was clearly recovering from some sort of injury, but seeing the condition of the ship, she didn't find that hard to believe. Clearing her throat softly, she smiled and offered a nod. "Sir, you were supposed to have received a transmission that contained my transfer orders from Starfleet Command. I believe that were supposed to be sent almost a week ago," she said.

"Valke, Valke," Alistar muttered as he looked down and searched through the PADDs on his desk. It was a pain with only one bloody hand, but he finally found the orders he was looking for and held it up. "Aha! Orders, for a one Ms Valke, A., to be assigned to the Endeavour as a member of our diplomatic department. Yep, I did get that. Funny how I never requested a diplomatic staff, just had orders come through and an entire department shows up," he said.

Isabella couldn't help but allow a little chuckle as she shook her head. The captain's antics often amused her, or annoyed her greatly. This time, she couldn't help but be slightly amused. He had never liked dealing with paperwork, and with her increased workload in science, some of it had mysteriously diverted back towards the Endeavour's commanding officer. Doubled with his injury, he was currently a source of entertainment for her at times. "Sir, I'm sure we can accommodate Miss Valke. Besides, it would be helpful if we had a diplomatic aide on board, and she's traveled all this way. It would be unbecoming of us if we were to simply send her back without a perfectly good reason," she said.

"Well, she has been sent here, and I'm sure our new diplomatic officer would appreciate the help," Alistar said with a sigh as he pressed his thumb to the PADD. "Transfer approved. Be sure to report in to the diplomatic officer once you've settled in to your quarters."

"I'll be sure to do that. Thank you, Captain. It's going to be a pleasure working with you and your crew," Amelia said happily. "Um, who do I speak to about accommodations?"

"Er, that would be Lieutenant.... Walker," Alistar said, managing to hesitate briefly to make sure he gave the right information. "The commander can help you find him and get you settled in."

"Well then, I'll let you get back to work and go get settled in," Amelia said. "I'll check in with the diplomatic officer first thing in the morning. If that's all, I'll get to it."

"Very well. Dismissed," Alistar said. Watching the two women leave, he sighed and leaned back in his chair, hissing in pain as he bumped his shoulder. As it died away, he wondered just who else was going to stop by and disturb his quiet.

Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer
Chief of Science

Amelia Valke
Diplomatic Aide

Captain Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer


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