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Doctor to Doctor

Posted on Mon Mar 25th, 2019 @ 3:01am by Grace Winters PhD & Lieutenant Grayson Reid

695 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition
Location: Sickbay


Grace made her way to sickbay to meet the Chief Medical Officer, get her medical evaluation, and offer her services. Hopefully in that order. She would have to meet the man first and then decide how best to proceed.

She walked into sickbay and looked for someone to help her.

Lieutenant Reid was just getting accustomed to his new sickbay. He was adjusting everything in his office when he heard the sickbay door's swoosh open. Poking his head out of his office, he simply stated, "I'm Doctor Reid. What can I do for you?"

"I'm Doctor Winters. I'm a counselor and the new diplomatic officer," she replied, just as simply. "I'm here to get a physical and offer my services, if they're needed."

The doctor reached out his hand to shake. "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you Doctor Winters, and it would be an honor to have your services! Well that's assuming you pass your physical." Grayson smirked before reaching for his tricorder. "If you'll have a seat on biobed 1, we can get started. It shouldn't take too long at all."

Grace nodded and sat down on the biobed. "How long have you been on the Endeavour?"

"Well, I actually just came aboard myself." The young lieutenant stated with a smile. "I am pretty excited as I have always wanted to serve aboard an Intrepid Class starship, and I was honestly tired of serving aboard a starbase. "

Grace smiled. "I understand the sentiment. A smaller ship also gives you more opportunity to get to know the crew."

“You know, I never thought of it that way.” Grayson replied as he opened his tricorder. “Tell me Doctor, have you had any falls or such that I should be aware of?”

"Probably. No concussions, no broken bones. Although I'm not sure about toes. I may have broken one or two in the past." She smiled. "I don't know anyone who made it to adulthood without injuring something at least once."

"Oh goodness. It sounds like you have interesting stories to tell." The Doctor began to scan those areas as she referenced them. "Well, luckily, I have never had any broken bones or anything so far. However, I will probably end up with one before my life is over. Doctor, so far, it looks like you are in good health."

"Good. I'd hate to start off on a bad footing." She smiled. "It wouldn't look too good if I showed up and immediately needed medical care--no offense. At least I'd be in good hands if I did."

Grayson chuckled." This is true. Thank you for the compliment; although, I don't know if I would let you work in my sickbay if you showed up needing immediate assistance." The doctor was speaking in a joking manor, but to be sure Grace understood that, he quickly added, "I'm joking, of course! I take all the assistance I can get. Plus, you seem like an excellent physician who must have a great bed side manor!"

Grace smiled. "Thanks, but I'm not a physician. I'm a psychologist. I treat the less obvious ills."

"Ah. Well, psychologists are a version of physicians to me." Reid said with a smile. "Sometimes it might strictly be a psychological issue. I used to be a hypochondriac, for example." Grayson hated thinking of how he acted towards illnesses as a kid, but it was a part of his life that he could not deny.

"I'm glad you overcame it. That's a hard thing to live with. Especially as a child."

"Oh I know, especially since I wanted to be a doctor. I really didn't have any choice but to over come it." Grayson replied. "Just let me know when you want to help out on the psychology end of my department. Other than that, I will issue you a clean bill of health."

"The experience gave you more empathy." She got off the biobed. "Thank you, doctor. I'm available any time, as long as I'm not hosting dignitaries."

"It was a pleasure making your acquaintance." She bowed and left him to his duties.


Lieutenant Jason Reid
Chief Medical Officer

Grace Winters
Diplomat & Counselor


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