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A Most Unusual Pilot (part 1)

Posted on Mon Mar 25th, 2019 @ 3:21am by Grace Winters PhD & Lieutenant Quint

966 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition


Quint would not have laid any odds at this occurrence; the pay off would have been murder, but here he was heading to a Hue-mon's office not acquainted with his duty functions. A female no less. The odds that he would be seeing this particular woman again did seem to be either Lady Luck with a sense of humor or good luck as she is one of the females that Quint enjoyed her company and conversation.

Truth be known; Quint had enjoy his service with PhD Winters; he had been on the same ship as she and drew the duty of being her Shuttle ; or other small craft pilot when she had to leave the ship. Being lower on the Command Chain he was a Gamma Shift Helm with Shuttle priorities as he was the best on the ship. They had talked; as it was a pleasant pass-time while on the long journey between the Ship and her Diplomatic duties.

It had been a few years and when Quint saw her name as a member of the crew he decided to 'call upon an old friend; or someone he considered a friend.

He pressed the chime on her Office.

Grace was standing on a sofa in her stocking feet, hanging a painting of a wintry landscape. "Come," she called, stepping down to see if it was properly positioned on the wall.

Quint entered and took note of Winters. "I am betting you did not expect to see me this soon again?" Quint remarked. "The Lady Luck has shone in a favorable way where that is concerned I hope?" He walked closer. "I see our eye for detail has not changed?"

"Quint. Hello." She smiled and took another look at the painting, deciding it was good. She turned back. "I didn't know you'd been transferred, too. I thought you enjoyed shuttling diplomats around."

"I am also in a position to assure you get the best pilot." He came forward and offered a white carnation. "I believe this is more appropriate a gift among friends?" He smiled.

"Thank you," Grace said, taking the carnation. "It's appreciated. So how long have you been on the Endeavour?"

"I have only just arrived." Quint said. "I am trying to find my way around and thought you might like to get some dinner in the Galley and discuss old times?" He was fairly sure that is the correct way to have dinner invitation with a friend?

"Perhaps tomorrow. Tonight I have to go over a list of all potential diplomats we may encounter in the next week and create a practice protocol reception with them for morning."

"I will hold you to it." Quint smiled. "You might need some fun conversation after racking your brain with planning?"

Grace grinned. "Not so much with planning, but after spending time with holographic diplomats, I will probably want a break. Have you had a chance to meet the crew yet?"

"I have checked in with the Executive Officer; and met two of my Shift leads for the Helm station and you." Qinnt answered. "I will be seeing the doctor and thanking the star's alignment we do not have a counselor that I must check in with."

Grace chuckled. "That's not exactly true, Quint." She grinned. "My PhD is in psychology. Clinical Psychology. I'm also the counselor."

"I'll bet being my friend does not discount you as conflict of interests?" Quint suggested.

"No, it doesn't. I cannot officially treat family, but friends are fine. So, you can't get out of it, I'm afraid." She smiled. "Besides, I already know your foibles."

"Then if you know them do we need to have the session?" Quint asked hopefully.

"You know as well as I that you can't avoid it. Not if you want to be declared fit for duty."

"I'll bet you imported a couch just for such occasions." Quint joked.

"So, you're saying by your attitude that not even friendship will make you respect a counselor?"

"I respect you as a counselor." Quint back pedaled. "I would trust you, just I have been given bad evaluations because I do not conform to typical Ferengi racial manners and such so they do not know where I fall in a scale?" He shrugged. "They make me feel like I am not right as a Fereengi."

"You're not a typical Ferengi, no. But that doesn't mean you aren't fit for duty. Besides, since I have worked with you before, you should feel more comfortable with my doing your psychological evaluation."

"You are right; it is an old 'soft -spot' for me so I am sorry if I made it seem I do not trust you; it is the profession I am ... Leary of." He nod to her. "Present company excluded of course." He stood a little straighter. "Please forward an Official time and I will report without having to be tracked by Security, promise."

"How about tomorrow afternoon?" Grace asked. "Unless you want to do it now and get it over with."

"I leave it to you Grace." He shrugged. "I trust you so your call?"

Grace smiled. "Then have a seat."

Quint crossed to a chair and sat. "Lieutenant Quint reporting for my Official Psych Evaluation Ma'am." Quint nod his agreement. "Fire away with the questions." He offered.

Grace went to her desk and pulled out a PADD. "Since we've had several conversations before, let's start with answering a few questions." She handed him the PADD. "Then we'll have a short talk."

"This is a first, I never had a test before an evaluation." Quint admitted with a grin. "Glad this is a give me type test, I get nervous with written tests."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Quint
Chief Flight Control Officer

Grace Winters
Diplomat & Counselor


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