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Checking the hull... strength?

Posted on Sun Aug 25th, 2019 @ 3:53am by Lieutenant Quint & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

1,466 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition
Location: Engineering


Quint was not one to waste time looking up records and additional specs; if one has a question then it should be asked of the person with the best knowledge of the subject matter? In this case; as with most cases in the past, no one knows what a Star Ship can take more than the Chief Engineer. It is considered respectful to ask about the 'Lady' and learn how not to abuse her from the Helm? The variances and subtle 'personality' of a Ship is the intimate knowledge of the Chief Engineer. Most of the Engineers that Quint has dealings with in the past were pretty much the same; may not get to know them as they would rather talk of their ships and how that particular ship is the best one due to the Engineer's efforts.

Entering the Section Quint had enough experience to wind his way through Engineering personnel and look for the Chief almost without prior information. He wound his way to find his target Chief Engineer.

"Commander Ros." Quint gave a warming smile; as much as he could, as he spoke. "I am the New Chief Helmsman Lieutenant Quint; I was hoping I might have a moment of your time to discuss the maneuvering and power to thrust ratios of the ship from a reality vantage point. You are the Chief engineer so I am sure you have the facts and all I need to know as you are the one who has charge to care for the Lady Endeavor?"

Jera frowned and hummed a half remembered tune as she tapped a stylus against the black screen panel of the master systems control console in engineering. The repairs to the warp drive were more or less complete, and the impulse engines would be back online in a matter of days, and then engineering would be working on the other systems along with operations. It was beginning to look up for the Endeavour, and Jera could only hope that this time would be the last time she would have to go through a repair schedule this bad. She was beginning to relax a little when a voice caught her attention. Turning, she instantly frowned when she noticed a Ferengi, but she also spied the rank pips and relaxed a little. Raising her eyebrow, she crossed her arms before speaking. "Why would you want to know ratios, Lieutenant? The Endeavour, when she's in full working condition, operates under perfectly under the normal Starfleet piloting guidelines."

"So I don't bend the Hull in a turn." Quint said calmly. "Combat maneuvering is a very fine art and having the best ratios , the hull resistances and exacting parameters of performance will help me to know what she can do under duress. As you know well, two ships of the same class and built together by same plans will act differently as no two ships are the same so defaulting to the Genreal performances would not be an accurate base of performances since you have done refits and repairs." He grinned. "Thus, you know best how much it will take to bend the hull, I will avoid that ratio in the future."

Jera narrowed her eyes at the Ferengi helm officer and leaned forward. "Lieutenant, the standard ratios and minimum acceptable turn tables and maneuvering charts are the standard in use by Starfleet for a reason. Unless dire circumstances require extreme piloting usage, then you're required to stick to the standard charts. I will not have you twisting my ship's hull like a slinky when the captain is busy finding new ways to put holes in the hull and test the extreme limits of the space frame already."

"It is planning for those 'Dire' circumstances that I ask you the question as I have found that the Federation Minimal ratios are 'low-balled' for safety while in combat every degree counts. The difference of two to four degrees of turn can change a hit to a glancing shot and a glance to a miss in many cases." He said quite seriously. Knowing we have that extra bit of maneuvering because an Engineer has improved over basic statistics could save the ship from those 'New ways to put holes in our beloved vessel." He pointed out. "Also, I had a captain that if the helm torqued the hull that Helm Officer was assigned to the most labor intensive part of the repair to ; and I quote, 'Ensure they learn the error of their ways', End quote." He made eye contact with the Engineer. "I think that is a good way to make sure we as Helm Officers do not exceed what you deem as allowable parameters." He smiled. I know an Engineer such as yourself has improved upon what those... pencil necked designers tell you what you can and cannot do?"

Jera glared at the Ferengi for a moment before she finally sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Alright," she finally said. "Endeavour can take an extra twelve degrees on the maneuvering ratio if you fire the RCS thrusters fifteen seconds into the turn. Anything outside of that and you'll start warping the space frame. There's a program already built into the helm controls that will automatically set the maneuver for you but you need to keep an eye on it. You can get an additional ten percent thrust out of the impulse engines before I'll come up to the bridge and pin your ears behind your head."

"Thank you." Quint bow slightly. "I just like to have the boarders and thus able to push the norm to get better ratings but not too much as a broken vessel does not turn well." He shook his head. "Everyone knows that."

Jera glared at the Ferengi helm officer for a moment before she narrowed her eyes again. "Just don't make it a habit to push the ship to the limits all the time. Too much stress on the ship can cause long term problems overtime, and if I have to deal with them, then you'll have to deal with me."

"Knowing where to defiantly stop is the whole idea." Quint said as thought it were the most obvious reasoning. "No offence but the only way I like to 'deal with' females is socially." He shrugged. "Now that I am aware of the rules does it not make your mind more at ease knowing that those parameters will be avoided at all costs, even when under stress or combat situations?" He smiled a toothy grin.

"First, I did not mean that you and I would be getting to know each other socially. Second, no, it does not make me feel any better, in fact it makes me even more nervous because now I know that there's two air headed flyboys on this ship who will try to use my ship to outfly everything else out there," Jera said, feeling a headache forming. "If you don't do anything stupid that results in you breaking my ship, then you won't have any problems from me."

"I do not need to out fly everything out there." Quint laughed. "I only want to out fly those shooting at us or trying to destroy us." He shrugged. "And since you do not wish to be social I think if I do my job I will not take up brain space you can use in keeping this Lady in the best condition rather than worrying what the Helmsman is trying. I wanted to know for combat; the time that that extra degree or two in a turn is the avoiding of a torpedo that rips open our aside." He nod. "I take flying this ship that serious, I just need to keep us ahead of who or what is trying to kill us, I need not show-off as I know how good I am at the helm, no need to brag."

Jera raised her eyebrows and stared at the Ferengi for a moment before she allowed a smile. He was either a good helmsman and pilot, or a typical Ferengi. Time would tell, and she decided to make it a point to find out. "Very well," she finally said. "But I'll be keeping an eye on you," she said.

"I can ask for no less." Quint replied with a bow. "I can only wish your attention is second to the Captain whom ; as you have said, is trying to get teh sip shot up like Swiss cheese?"

"That's an understatement," Jera snorted. "Alright, you have your answers. Now get out of here before I put you to work repairing something, and you being a helm officer that means scrubbing the floors."

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LtCmdr Jera'turak Ros
CEO, USS Endeavour

Lt. Quint
Chief Helmsman


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