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Party Time

Posted on Sat Aug 10th, 2019 @ 11:44am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant JG Zoe Ellija & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Quint & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Grayson Reid & Grace Winters PhD & Lieutenant Melodia Rios & Amelia Valke & Aura Vera

3,345 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: ui


Grace reserved the holodeck for the night, in case the party went long, and sent out invitations. Everyone who could attend was invited to a luau to celebrate the end of repairs and the arrival of new crew.

She chose a deserted tropical island for the setting, with a holographic staff of men and women wearing colorful Polynesian dress to suit the ambience. Several long tables were laden with fruits, vegetables, rice, poi, and a variety of desserts. A large pig and cow were roasting in open pits. A group of "natives" were playing a variety of drums.

Since it was her idea, she chose to act as host. She wore a floral bikini and grass skirt. At her side she had an ever-replenishing stack of leis to give out as people arrived.

Quint had looked up some fine Earth Cinema about this place Hawaii and what is a Luau and found something very exciting for his attire this time. He had donned a pair of gray shorts with what can only be described as a Hawaiian Red shirt with white and yellow flower patterns from native vegetation. He wore the top-siders for shoes with bare feet and he donned a blur baseball cap with a white emblem of a Capitol 'D' in fine script referring to a Sporting team of the Earth history and glued a Mustache to be like the character of the Detective show. The sunglassed dangled around his neck on a string as they had used back then.

"Hallo Grace, how you like the new threads; I found a program based in Hawaii and sought to be concordant with the theme?" He asked.

"Hello, Quint," she said, slipping a lei over his head that matched his shirt. "Or should I call you Magnum?"

"I wanted to drive up in the Ferrari but the program would not allow it." He took and kissed her hand as gentlemen do. "It is a pleasure."

"No, a Ferrari on the beach would be a little difficult to manage. Especially as this island is deserted," she said. "But it would be a nice touch. Maybe next time you can find a Ferrari boat?"

Quint smiled. "I have not tried one of those, wanna come ride when I do?" He asked Grace.

"Maybe," she laughed. "You may have picked up a lovely lady to take with you by then."

Zoe had naturally heard about the party in the holodeck and had arraigned so that she wouldn't be on duty. Arriving in a bikini with her hair pulled back, she hoped that no one would ask about the scars that ran down her face and across her shoulder and upper arm. She had brought a light wrap just in case, but there was no sense in being shy. Heading into the holodeck setting, she grinned as she spied Quint and shook her head towards him.

Grace walked up to her. "Welcome," she said, slipping a lei over her head. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, ma'am," Zoe said, blushing a little.

Quint crossed over to where Zoe stood and with a bow before he spoke stepped closer.

"You look lovely Miss Zoe." He gently took her hand and kissed it as Gentlemen are supposed to. "Welcome to the Party, it is good to see you with a smile and potential for fun."

Zoe raised her eyebrows as Quint kissed her hand. "Well, I'm never one to shy away from a party," she said.

"I especially enjoy themed parties where people dress to the occasion." Quint agreed. "This is my First luau; have you attend one before, maybe able to give me some tips on how to not seem so out of place?"

"I've never been to one before, in fact I've never been to Hawaii I'm afraid," Zoe said. "But I have to admit that being able to relax on a beach, even a holographic one, is nice."

"Is this a situation where lounging and drinks with umbrellas are involved?" Quint asked.

"Well, it can be," Zoe said. "It's a situation where a lot of things are involved."

"Would you like to play Volleyball at the King Kamaiahmaih club? I saw it on a Holo and it looked fun?" He recalled from the Magnum character.

"I really don't like volleyball," Zoe said. "I'm more of a baseball fan myself."

"I have favor for the Detroit Tigers myself." He said as he smiled.

"I'm a fan of the Diamondbacks myself," Zoe said. "Or anything who plays against the Cubs."

"Does a genuine 'Cubs' fan exists in this day and age?" Quint asked as he nod to Zoe. "How about getting some food and enjoy the beach?" He asked. "There is a new type of gathering to experience; this luau should prove to be quite fun?"

"Well, a swim would be nice," Zoe admitted. "How about beach first, then food?"

Having heard about the ship-wide social gathering, Aura had decided that it might be worth the trouble to investigate and at least see what the crew of the ship she now called home were like. Going by the information she had been given, she had done a brief investigation and tried to dress accordingly, arriving at the holo deck party in a bikini, although she wore a wrap just in case the temperature had an adjustable setting to reflect the time of night. Entering the holo deck, she looked around. She hadn't met that many people on the Endeavour, so she was unsure of what she should do first.

Grace walked up to Aura and gave her a lei. "Welcome. Please, enjoy yourself."

"Thank you," Aura said as she glanced at the lei, studying it briefly before she nodded to herself and tried to mingle. Looking around, she tried to identify anyone she knew.

Alistar paused outside the holodeck. He was dressed in a pair of loose grey shorts and a loose and light sleeveless shirt that would be suited for the event. The repairs were finally done, the last of the new crew had arrived and settled in, and the Endeavour was ready to be sent back out into the void of space. He had actually received orders from Starfleet, and he hadn't shared the information with anyone yet. This would be as good of a time to start letting people know, and for the crew to mingle freely. Taking a deep breath, he entered the holodeck and nodded as he took in the setting. "Very nice, Miss Winters," he said as he walked up to the diplomatic officer.

"Thank you, Captain." She slipped a lei over his head. "I find a casual setting always helps people lower barriers and get to know each other. I hope you can do the same."

"Well, I never relax so it's going to be interesting to say the least," Alistar said with a small laugh.

"Then it's about time you start," Grace said, handing him a drink.

"Well, I can't promise anything, but I will make an effort," Alistar said as he sniffed the drink she had handed him. It was real alcohol, and he briefly wondered how she had gotten it and how she had known that he preferred real stock. Shrugging the thought off he downed half the glass and blinked as the rum burned on its way down. "Wow. Coconut rum. Good vintage too."

"That's all I ask," she said with a smile. "The food's real, too," she added, noticing the sniff.

"Well, if you're going to drink alcohol, might as well drink the real thing," Alistar said as he shook the glass. "I've never like synthohol. The taste is wrong."

"It is. And many ambassadors feel the same way. That's why I prefer real alcohol for all my parties." She gave the captain a brief smile. "It also helps you get a better idea of who you're dealing with."

"Oh? And what have you figured out about me so far, Ms Winters?" Alistar asked with a mischievous smile as he took a small sip.

Grace looked at him for a long moment. "You're someone who takes command seriously, too seriously sometimes. You feel responsible for everyone under your command. You don't suffer fools and you don't relax."

Alistar nodded. "Well, I'm glad you're on my side," he said with a light grin. "Any advice on how to improve any of those negative traits?"

She chuckled softly. "Start by relaxing a little. I don't think your heart could take it if you suddenly became jovial. Have a drink, listen to some music, maybe dance. Then get a good night's sleep. After that, we'll see."

"The drink and music, I can do. Dancing? I have to have the right dancing partner for that," Alistar said as he finished off his glass. "I'm not much of a dancer."

"What do you consider the right partner?" Grace asked. She waved her hand to a group of hula dancers. "We have plenty to choose from, both living and holographic."

Alistar made a face and shook his head. "I'm not a fan of holograms for something like that," he said. "By that I mean someone who I feel comfortable doing something like that with."

The diplomat shook her head. "Well, since this is a party, who would you like to dance with?"

"Well, there are one or two women I would be willing to try to dance with," Alistar admitted with a small shrug.

Grace chuckled. "And who might those be? I'm sure I can arrange something."

"Well, I'm not sure. I've never honestly taken the time to get to know that many people on the ship that well, but if you're setting this up, then by all means, surprise me," Alistar said.

Grace looked around for a likely victim...partner for the captain. She noticed one of the hula dancers who wasn't a hologram and called her over. "Do you mind helping the captain/ He would like to dance."

"I would?" Alistar said as he grabbed another glass of rum and downed in quickly. This was turning out to be a rather interesting evening and he wasn't sure if he wanted to face it completely sober.

"Yes, you would," Grace said firmly. "And after her, I'll introduce you to another lady. This one's name is Mari, by the way. Mari, this is Alistar. Be gentle with him."

"Do you expect her to snap me in half like a twig or something?" Alistar asked as the dancer started to pull him away. He twisted and caught another glass from a passing tray and hoped it was something good as Mari pulled him through the crowd.

Grace just smiled and turned to greet the next arrival.

Akira arrived wearing a bikini, although she had a light kimono wrapped around her as well. The atmosphere of the holodeck party was actually a welcomed change compared to what the mood setting had been on board the Endeavour for the past several weeks. Stepping completely into the holodeck, she nodded as she noticed the party was well into getting started.

"Welcome," Grace said, walking over to the Chief and placing a lei over her head. "I hope you enjoy yourself."

"As long as no one causes me to have a mountain of reports and paperwork first thing in the morning, then I'm sure the evening will be perfect," Akira said.

Grace just smiled. She hoped so, too.

Amelia arrived wearing a swimsuit and a large uniform style shirt over it. The shirt was simply as a minor formality in case she had to do any work while at the party. Stepping up to Winters, she smiled. "This isn't too bad, Ma'am," she said.

"Hello. Call me Grace," she said, placing a lei over her head. "This is also one of our duties: to socialize and make sure everyone has fun."

"Well, you did a great job in creating this," Amelia said. "Maybe the Endeavour won't be a bad assignment after all," she added with a grin.

Grace grinned back. "So far it looks promising."

"It does indeed, Ma'am," Amelia said as she watched the growing party. "If you don't mind, I think I'l mingle a bit and see how things are going."

"Please do." Grace smiled. "And have some fun while you're at it."

Isabella had stopped in to check in on the science department and offer an invitation to her staff before she had retreated to her quarters to change. Arriving at the holodeck wearing a black one piece swimsuit, she paused just inside the doors and nodded at the setting that Grace Winters had put together approvingly before she continued. Something such as this gathering was most likely exactly what the crew of the Endeavour needed, especially after the recent hardships the crew had faced. "Miss Winters, if you keep this up you're never going to be allowed to leave the Endeavour," Isabella said with a smile as she approached the diplomat.

"From what I've seen so far, I wouldn't mind at all," Grace said, smiling at Isabella and placing a colorful lei over her head. "Welcome and I hope you enjoy yourself."

"Thank you, Miss Winters," Isabella said as she returned the diplomat's smile. "I see that you truly do go all in when you put an event together."

"I hope so," the diplomat responded. "And I hope everyone has fun."

"I'm sure that they will, I'm worried that some of the crew will have too much fun," Isabella said with a slightly worried tone. "But we'll have to see how the evening progresses and hope for the best."

"I'll keep my eye out for trouble," Grace said, hoping the First Officer had nothing to worry about.

Kev showed up to the holodeck party in a tshirt and shorts. He wasn't feeling too much like being at a party but he also knew he needed to try to relax and get his mind off of the ship and the headaches he had popping up on his work orders every ten minutes. Walking in, he blinked at the sight and managed to head over to the food. "Please let this be real" he said to himself.

Grace saw Kev enter the holodeck and walked over to him. "Welcome." She placed a lei over his head. "Thank you for coming. Please, try anything you like. These are all authentic dishes."

"Oh yay, real food," Kev said. "Thanks," he added as he reached for something that he hoped was chicken.

Melodia walked onto the holodeck dressed in a red bikini with a floral wrap tied around her waist. She paused inside the holodeck to look around for a moment before getting herself a glass of juice.

Grace caught Melodia as she walked away with her drink and gave her a yellow and orange lei. "Welcome. Please, enjoy yourself."

"Gracias." Melodia smiled and went over to watch the drummers.

Grayson decided to join everyone in the holodeck. He still hadn't had a chance to meet everyone, and he thought this would be the perfect opportunity. Due to the nature of the party, Lieutenant Reid decided to go with an old Earth Hawaiian-type shirt.

Grace spotted the doctor and approached him. "Welcome, Doctor Grayson." She slipped a lei over his head. "Please, enjoy yourself."

Jera arrived fashionably late as usual dressed in a light beach shirt and shorts with a swimsuit underneath. Her hair was pulled back and she looked as if she would rather be crawling around in the guts of the ship. However the party was supposed to be considered a break, and she could definitely use one.

"Good to see you," Grace said, putting a lei around Jora's neck. "Have fun."

Jera half glared at the lei with suspicion for a moment before she shrugged, nodded towards the grass skirted diplomat and moved towards the table. Earth customs and traditions were sometimes unusual to her, even after so long of being around humans and in Starfleet. Looking around, she spied Walker and grinned as she stalked over towards him.

Melodia spotted Kev and went over to him. "Hi. Good to see you relaxing."

"Hey Rios," Kev said. "Yeah, I figured that that ship wouldn't shut completely down if I took the night off and relaxed a little. Good to see that you managed to settle in as well."

Melodia smiled. "So far so good. Mind if I join you?"

"Sure. I hope you don't mind if I try to eat the entire buffet though," Kev said.

Mela shook her head. "Not at all. I'll even cheer you on." He'd worked harder than she had and needed something better than replicated food. "Although I may make you walk some of that off later."

"You're welcomed to try Rios but I plan to be pigging out on the roasted pig for as long as I can get away with it," Kev said with a grin. Seeing the size of the pig he almost frowned. "Although a nice walk between courses may not be out of the picture. I hear it helps with digestion."

"Mister Walker, I hope you're enjoying yourself in your new position," Jera said as she arrived. "The impulse manifolds haven't been as clean since you left our humble department."

Kev smiled towards Ros and shook his head. " Heyas there, Ros," he said. "I hear the engines haven't been working at full operating capacity since I took over operations and left you to do some actual work for once," he countered. "But seriously how's the basement crew?"

Jera smiled as she snagged a glass of what she hoped was Romulan ale from a passing tray. "In all honesty, I think we all miss having our favorite officer around. And it's not my fault the engines haven't been working at top operational performance since you left. They had to be completely rebuilt thanks to the damage the Endeavour took."

"Ok, point taken. Maybe we can ask the captain to find something for us to do that doesn't involve getting the ship blown to pieces for once," Kev said before he grabbed something off of the table and scarfed it down. "You should try the food. Half of it isn't too bad."

After everyone had time to arrive, mingle, and get some food, the floor show began. Hoop dancers, fire dancers, and hula dancers all took their turn. There was also a war dance with plenty of drums. When the show ended, more food and drink was brought out to fill the tables.

Alistar took the chance following the end of the show to take to the stage. It took a few minutes to get everyone's attention but soon the crowd quietened down and he nodded. "First, I have to thank our new resident diplomatic officer Ms Winters for putting this shindig together. Second, as of this afternoon I was informed that the Endeavour has been fully repaired and we passed an all systems check. We received new orders as well," he added as he held up the padd. "We've been assigned Inti Colony as our new port of call and assigned to carry out exploration duties throughout the sector."

Trays of drinks in coconut shells were brought out and served to everyone to toast the end of repairs.

Akira smiled and nodded at the mention of repairs being completed. She was just as excited as everyone else to soon be underway once more, and even more so because it meant that she wouldn't have to deal with the constant traffic coming and going and the absolute nightmare that that represented. She raised her drink and hoped that the Endeavour's new assignment meant that the crew's future would be bright indeed.

Alistar nodded towards his gathered crew. "Regular ship board duties will renew first thing in the morning, but for now, I want everyone to have fun. Be sure to thank Ms Winters for her hard work in putting this party together and enjoy yourselves," he said before he nodded to signal for the party to continue.


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