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Posted on Wed Jul 10th, 2019 @ 12:38am by Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Melodia Rios
Edited on on Sat Jul 13th, 2019 @ 5:36pm

646 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition
Location: Operations


Melodia took just enough time to unpack before heading to Operations to report to her new Chief and get to work. From what she'd heard, there was a lot of work to be done. She liked the idea of jumping in at the deep end.

Kev had finally gotten a few of the repair teams to start working on fixing something other than what he called the basic three of weapons, shields and engines. Now that repairs were starting to come along they were starting to branch out and work on other systems as well. Which was good, since it meant he got to log some time on the bridge. He was sitting at the back console of the bridge ops station sipping coffee and checking on the repair work orders, hoping that the ship would start to function as a starship should. He was getting tired of screwy shipboard systems going nuts for no reason.

She walked onto the bridge and looked around, finding the Chief at the back by the ops station. "Hello, sir. Melodia Rios reporting for duty."

Kev was in the middle of taking a drink of his coffee when the voice spoke. Turning he took in the sight of the woman standing there. "You working for me?" he asked.

She couldn't help smiling. "I am. I just arrived today and I'm ready to work."

"You might end up regretting those words," Kev said after he finished his coffee and set the mug down. "This ship has plenty of work for us to do. Before I put you to work, what is your specialty?"

"Communications and computers, but I also enjoy working in the Jefferies' tubes."

"Good because I hate those things," Kev said as he picked up a padd from his console and handed it to her. "The primary fusion reactors are still giving us problems, but I've checked all of the power lines and the reactors, so I think it's a computer problem. You'll have to use the interface in the tubes on decks 7 and 8 in order to track the problem down. Before I turn you loose on that, are there any questions you want to ask?"

"Probably," she admitted, taking the PADD. She thought for a moment. "Is there any special way you want the work reported? Some Chiefs have their own way of doing things."

"As long as the work is done right and correct I'm not picky on how it's done," Kev said. "The methods that work for me may not work for you. Just make sure everything is done right and don't jury rig the ship, and I won't mind too much."

A slow smile spread across her face. "I think I'm going to like working with you."

Kev grinned and nodded. "I hope so. It makes it easier when you get along with the people you work with. By the way, since you're the only other lieutenant in ops, you'll be my second. You don't have to scare the minions, but we do have a starship to get back in working order, so no slacking for a while. Anyone who does gets to polish the phaser emitters."

Her smile grew as he spoke. She liked him, and she was going to like working with him. Being his second was an added bonus. "Yes, sir. Waste Reclamation is another option for slackers. I'll see what I can do to help encourage the non-coms. Is there anything else you'd like me to do?"

"That's all for now. We've got a ship to put back together and I don't want the captain getting impatient with us. I'll check in on you later after I get caught up on a few things," Kev said.

"All right." Melodia grinned. "I look forward to it."


Lieutenant Kev Walker
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant JG Melodia Rios
Assistant Chief Operations Officer


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